Response to Senryu Slayers WOD "diaphanous." Long a fave word, particularly in light of The Ever-Present Origin. Via psych rigor and intuitive ease one arrives at spiritual transparency, diaphaneity.
past the great divide via villa paradox X diaphanous
The Zen behind haiku forms can be understood in context of magic-mythic-mental-transparent cognitive modes, or 1-2-3-4 dimensions. "Diaphanous" is a fave 4-D word via Jean Gebser's The Ever-Present Origin. This poem tracks ratiocination to "seeing-through." [Edited 11/21, after noting syllabic mind gaffe.]
My Review
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Ach, I went through my read requests wearily and was saving yours till last because I needed a blast of your surgent vigour. I have read so much dullness. I wld rather die than read the things I find myself reading. There is sooooooooo little worth reading. So, so, so very little, less. There is no point to most lives. Not all people are interesting, very few in fact. Most are numbingly dull. And most people who write wld be better of painting road markings. Please, please, please write a story about a party at Villa Pardox ... make it out rageous. Invite me so that I might live one wild day. Yes, I want to go to a party at Villa Pardox and I want you to be my host and I want you to stun me because Pax mate, what else is there? Anyone approaching the Villa will be admitted to the poem or returned to the dullness of their world.
I think we all, as spiritual beings, yearn for diaphaneity. Our minds, however, are often so cluttered with thoughts of self and ego that many never reach this higher state of consciousness.
"Past the great divide" ... I think of this as our self, our ego, which divides us from our own diaphaneity, our own deity.
We spend most of our days chasing after things which seem so important. Yet, in the end, they amount to nothing, which, in turn, leaves us with nothing.
This, hands down, happens to be the most crystal of all haikus which I have ever had the pleasure of reading.
Amazing! I think your words here have said an eternity of awareness love!
Wow! Is all I can say lol
There is so much behind the veil here, all forms, textures, clarity in the eye of the believer, this is awesome!
I screwed up on 5-7-5, and went 5-7-7. Now, technically, the syllabic rule is not strict (tho' I like it), but I was addled. So I'm editing this to 5-7-5, even after some reviews.
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