Shadow of the Five Centennials

Shadow of the Five Centennials

A Chapter by Pax Analog

Stand-alone and Installment 19; reflection on the global socio-economic shadow of the past 500 yrs.

Much of the temporic-spatial slipstreaming is a holographic blur. Much of medievality never left the mod/postmod mash-up.
The merchants of second-hand god cons persist from old world dust to new age tinsel.
My tourist visa of warped time-space, my whirlwind tour of the wasteland affords no special grace ‘midst the interdim phantoms, the hungry ghosts of the long now apocalypso rock.
The promise of parallel worlds proves paltry alternative histories, so much furniture moved about in The Matrix, so much wig-swapping in the house of mirrors.
Conquistadores. Quixotic forays. Gray jejune mores.
Eventually, everyone will have a Ph.D in cultural media studies and will no longer be able to read or write.
I grow weary of living so long with only snatches of sleek svelte soul snatch.
The Shadow’s secret history salivates.
Myriad – make that mega-millions – of standard issue human ostriches bury their heads in sand up the asses of squealing pigs while a cacophony of national anthems play on.
Corporate medievality is the prevalent global religion with enclaves of pre-corporate medievality jousting as counter-currency.
History awaits the invention of a wholly human culture while the arbiters of irrelevance mash meanings into a malevolent miasma of “good intentions.”
How much for my clear silent gaze on any fall afternoon?
God is useless to you here because it is the ease space enduring your contracted claw, not a bully bauble in the Babylon sky.

What part of “Money is a great servant but a lousy master” do you not understand?

The charter corporate appropriationism launched in the 15th century, the monarchic-merchant middleman, matches the appropriationism of egoity overreaching its functionality vis-à-vis a priori Consciousness, the liberating space tediously objectified as “God” in the counterfeit religiosity everywhere extant.

The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria – Happy Genocide Day!
Corporatism is counterfeit capitalism (as distinct from fair market local currencies); mythic religion is counterfeit spirituality (salvationist complex vs. Nondual Awareness). Integral village fair market trade is healthy, and the kind of nuanced design overhaul that turns a toxic textile plant into an ecologically enhancing and more profitable entity is the cure for the stupidities of the industrial  revolution and reductionisms of environmentalism in one fell swoop. Operative smart design principle: There is no such thing as waste.
God-Mind and humanity and creative-scientific-material integrity are in the details.
Actual Intelligence.

Every life discipline is infected with stupidity to the extent inquiry is not 360-degree thorough.

“I” have slipstreamed these five hundred years or so of accelerated stupidity. Stupidity used to be slower. On the one hand accelerating stupidity evokes a runaway train; on the other hand the useless aspects of the collective Shadow are illumined.
Deep literacy – re the natural world as well as interdisciplinary textuality – is the root of enduring ethics.
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little lives are rounded with a sleep.”
Subtle a priori Presence is the root of enduring deep literacy.
Even desire anagrams to reside, or i.d./id seer.
Objects in Consciousness may be closer than they appear.
It might as well be of five millennia, this condensed brood, but I’ve been giving normal human lifespan the slip for five centennials, or rather experienced an inexplicable anomaly that periodically and randomly wrenches me out of a familiar time-space continuum, into either something like a parallel world, or a different era, albeit all perceived as a relative background blur, like a scene out of focus, a partial cocooning extending my lifespan to five hundred years and counting.

Memory of exquisite c**t-clasp, sunset, bird-startle, ineffable transparency endures.

One posits plunderology persists from smirking fear. Conservatives conserve ossified fistfuls of s**t. Liberals dilute root intelligence as being “too much” to stand up for in the zombie wars known as public discourse.

Emerson’s “Is not a man better than a town?” refers to Crazy Horse vis-à-vis Custer too.
 Everywhere the pot calls the kettle black, demanding payment for such “insight.”
As Rumi noted, faux or auto-cheer says “How are you” but not “How aren’t you.”
In these late times, I’ve found monopoly money increasingly incomprehensible. Even for queen c**t and roof and hot plum pie. Kafka noted Alexander may have stopped at the key river boundary not due to any infirmity of will, but simply from the weight of his own body. Some a priori gravitas shedding bloated egoic steam.
Methodologically, the world’s unnecessary woes can’t be cured a la Brautigan’s Loading Mercury with a Pitchfork.
Ironically, the term “intelligent design” is used to reference pseudo-spiritual mythic gobbledy-gook re terrestrial origins. Actual intelligent design, applying scientific nuance to the problems of industrialization is the most concrete relevance of our time. The aforementioned heavily pollutant textile factory transformed into a more profitable and eco-friendly model is a prime case in point.
Villagers put down your pitchforks, Dr. Frankenstein is merely a warped intuitive. Boldly seizing lightning power is indeed evolutionary and initiatory, tho’ devoid of restitched fried meat. Post-mischievous hackers are of a comparable ilk. And pre-Renaissance local villagers exchanging goods and services and local currency devoid of monarchic-usurer interference (the precursor of contemporary corporatism) were the clear air of money serving humans, rather than the other way around, as in the current absurd debacle.
Cattle-prod walking sticks are de rigueur. Shock the monkey. Shock the administrators of shock, be they psych wards or military juntas, a la countering econo-con Friedman-fueled Shock Doctrine perps. Caress the highly amusing kinkettes who cum to electricity lovingly applied. Examine the shock tactics of crazy wisdom adepts. Electro-ironies abound. And what are the so-termed “shock jocks” up to these days?
God equals mc2 .  Dog eat dog equals consensus Time’s collapse of Now.
Shadow. Do wash. Anagram evolution of evil to live.
“The men who worked in the corporations spent so much time in the corporations or driving to and from the corporations inside mirrored Styrofoam cars, they were no longer visible. They were dead.” – Kathy Acker.
Minting the coin o’ the realm is the province of talent’s clear cognitive current.
That styrofoam vehicle with the cracked mirrors that your shadow of a doubt is stealing from your possession was never worth an iota of your attention.

© 2009 Pax Analog

Author's Note

Pax Analog
Invitation to collective grid structure ruminations.

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My head is spinning! Your saying we overlook the intangible and only place impotance on what we can see although is something not to be trusted? Your brain has got to be one wild place to visit. I think we'd need a guide to vacation there. So tell me how far off I am, please. It's wonderful, original and terrifically tough to master.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


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lol Your add in such a chronological way.

So I must say my brain is tired tonight I did read the last two or three paragraphs. Now for my thoughts on everything else.. I agree!

You bring to the table what your thinking which is what a crap work society is being made in to. People grow dumber every day with each new technological advancement. Not only are we lazier and dumber but also losing our social skills.
With losing social skills were losing our abilitiy to conceive morale. While I'm writing you now can I really get my feelings across in the same mannerism as a face to face conversation. I think not. I could be lying, you don't know. Ahh

I love the words on money! I like your comment on Money as a servant but not a great master. It leads the lives of so many when it's supposed to help your life not souly be the runner of it.

You always write with such a good inclination as to what I'm all ready thinking..


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

My head is spinning! Your saying we overlook the intangible and only place impotance on what we can see although is something not to be trusted? Your brain has got to be one wild place to visit. I think we'd need a guide to vacation there. So tell me how far off I am, please. It's wonderful, original and terrifically tough to master.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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First off, amazing language, I don't know how you do it. Without a dictionary/google on my computer I'd be hopeless in even beginning to try and comprehend this. :]
Like all of your work that I've read it certainly leaves the reader with a lot to think about. I hope I'm not too far off, but one of the points I got from this is how humans are ultimately dooming themselves in their creations. That the technology and systems we created and rely on control us, so we become mindless slaves to it without even realizing.

thanks for sharing

Posted 15 Years Ago

wow, certainly is an unpleasant awareness. You spoke with conviction. Leaves the reading pondering...

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

"Eventually, everyone will have a Ph.D in cultural media studies and will no longer be able to read or write."

an unpleasant awareness .. A theory that objects sense perception or cognition existing independently of the mind however chemerical.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on December 11, 2009
Last Updated on December 11, 2009


Pax Analog
Pax Analog

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