![]() FlashbacksA Chapter by Corvus
Pain filled my gut, as my eyes flew open and two of the black guards stood there, hands on my arms pulling me up. They pulled me through the metal hallways, pass closed cells. Men reached out in pitiful agony try to grab my shirt . Their skin covered in wounds oozing green pus, dark scars covering their back and most missing some form of bodies part of another. Their eyes filled with remorse, and hate, begging for death. The others following right behind me, so calm it chilled me to the bone. I stopped in horror, as at the end of the hallway stood a man with two guards and guns hanging on the roof pointed at him. Sitting there, gore seemed to encrust his arms, symbols painted in blood. Marking so corrupted they seemed to burn my eyes. He stepped forward, striding in each step,"Blood of the father, shall pass to son to son, this blood shall bring the end of days, and the time of woes, praise him his time is almost here." The guard quickly turned around and restrained him, he yelling the same line as the guards dragged him down the hallway," Praise to the god of the void!" A single gunshot rang through the hall.
The guards brought us to a room which had armor and helmets dotted on a bench with rifles next to them. We took the armor and made sure that each weapon wasn't jammed. A green light flicked to life, and mighty metal gate broke open, and life flushed the room and my helmet took a second to recalibrate. Outside of the gate stood buildings that seemed rotten. The four of us rushed outside to take cover on a wall of a concrete building, this seems like I have done this before somewhere I can't waste my mind on this s**t."Occisor gets to the second floor and makes sure to keep an eye out." "Got it." He shifted to come out from the wall and ran up the stairs to his new position. Mendi came up to me," What, do I do?" The shaky man kept staring at me, sweat drenching the fabric of his shirt."Ok, Mendi goes to the side of that wall and make sure that no one sneak up." While he was doing that, I and Mendax both made sure that he got there safely. Shots rang out as Mendi collapse to the ground, his helmet rang out as it ranged on the ground. Pureblood drenched the ground."NO!" Bullets start flying smashing into the rubble surrounding us. I turn around the corner and fire off shots in the general direction of where I heard the shots coming from. Memory flood back into my mind as a figure stands in front of me, holding his blood-drenched head in front of me."To..dd!" As he takes steps death spread to the ground, and molds and corroding the earth with each foot planting into the ground. I rip off the helmet In terror and chuck it at the specter going right threw him, like ripples on a pond. The groaning of the monster, no demon in front me grows louder and louder, each steps almost a bell ringing. I took my rifle and I place in my mouth in terror. I feel a pull and everything returned to the hellish game from which I am nothing but a rat."Don't your f*****g dare, you cowardly b***h," Holding the gun was Mendax, as he said this my ears and hearing returned to reality and Gunshots ring and sharp fragments of stone rip and flew through the air. I ran upstairs as fast as I can help Occisor. Peaking around the corner to see Occisor, I found him firing off shots at a wall as soon as a metal gleam pops up from an old crumbled wall. I stare a flash in the corner of my eye and in a fraction of a second I was turned around with my feet firmly implanted in the ground ready to fire. I gently squeeze the trigger as a head turns around a wall. Blood flew into the air like tiny mirrors gleaming from the light, quickly followed in succession by a loud sound almost like a watermelon cracking under a hammer. Blooded flowed hot and free in my veins, my breathing so hard, I felt as if I could never stop. Unable to think I jump from the ledge, my armor taking the bulk of the shock, as I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran to attack the enemy. Mendax followed quickly behind as he saw what I just did and ran to me. As I took cover on a wall, the sound of constant bullets stop and I felt liquid running down my chest. The gruesome sight awaited me as I looked back to Occisor. I watched as his cold corpse fell to the fun, rocks piercing his skin, arms still around his neck, covered in blood. I only saw a twitch of his arms as blood flowed from both his neck and mouth. cracks in his helmet oozing blood like a freshly cut orange being lightly squeezed. I look to Mendax for comfort in his death, but Mendax doesn't seem to even look at the corpse of the man who we spent the night with. A quick light flashed as I think I saw Todds body for a single second. Mendax glanced at me and gave me some kind of an order. I turn to look at our ally's body and I saw some kind of gleam come from the coroner. I open fire, each shot having a copper casing flying from the gun, as I watch the smoke from the barrel and heat flood all my senses. The gleam quickly returned to behind the wall. I kept firing as me and Mendax slowly retreated to another wall. Mendax's presence left me as I kept firing. The soldier from the other side poped from behind the wall, and I fired in quick secession. Each bullet found its mark, as each bullet propelled his body a foot back each time till he hit a wall. The now lifeless body still oozing body gently slide back to the ground blood seeming to paint the wall behind him. My mind flashed revealing a gray rocky landscape riddeled with fire and death. I felt a punch and my mind comes back to reality, and I see Mendax standing in front of me staring at me. I return back to my sense and we run over to the wall where I originally told Mendi to go. I took cover on the crumbling wall. I turn to see another man charging at me. He trucked me and I feel to the ground. I see his hand rise and quickly grab it, reavling a knife. I take the hand holding the knife and I use all my might and I start to push it towards his helmet. I slide from under him and with a quick slide of hand, I put the knife on the floor blade up. I flip and jump on the other side of the man and his body slams into the ground. I try to catch my breath as I stare at the helmet with the knife going thorugh his eye. Blood slowly pooled around the mans face, in my rage I take my rifle and Stomp on his corpse and fire the raimaing 11 shots in the mans f*****g skull.
© 2016 Corvus |
Added on May 19, 2016 Last Updated on May 24, 2016 Author