![]() TrainingA Chapter by Corvus
I found myself being blinking in and out of conciseness as I am pulled through metal halls, a figure always following. The darkness came in and out as it felt as if death itself has come to take me to hell for my sins. Yet finally the light came through and I could stand. The two guards who were taking me to my location let me walk in front of them the rest of the way. I walked with the two men for about 30 minutes as we walked through metal walkways, and moving through small groups of Kriegen, families, and sometimes other convicts. Most of the family members looked like they were from the 19th century. I finally got a good look at them unlike the dark cavern outside where I could barely make it out. While the convicts looked to be dressed in clothes like I used to have, yet now I was dressed in an almost pure white shirt and pants. Yet the crazy thing was seeing the gothic architecture, it looked almost like a medieval church.
Then we walked into a big room with buildings with massive chunks taken out, with 4 other men standing there waiting at a crumbled wall. " About bloody time that you're here," A man dressed in prison uniforms, black with silver, steps forward.I try to find out who the man is,"Me, why?" "Well isn't it f*****g obvious, were the idiots who are gonna fight with ya," I remember in the back of my mind that Amorin said something about a team,"So you are the men." Another step from the wall in the same uniform,"Ya and you better be good at commanding I don't want this to be my last match you tan b*****d!" I Take a step back only to find the door has closed and now I was stuck with them. A voice came over the intercom,"This is a training excise, remember you will have to work together or die, Goldy over there is your leader. Since most of you are death row you won't mind living a bit longer will ya. Obey and live you got that, that means all 3 of you inmates." The voice sounded extremely familiar as the other man from the wall stepped forward and went to shake my hand," Hello sir, I hope we can get through this change so at least one of us will live." "What about the other man," as I went to go look to him, no one was there. "What?" "Great we a crazy man leading us!" I turned to see a soldier coming into the room with him pushing a cart. Without saying a word he pushed it in and left it, as I went to go see what it was I see nothing but old rifles with a little rest and helmets and rusted body armor. Everyone seemed to understand what to do as with put on the surprisingly light armor and I grabbed one of the less rusted rifles and started to clean it. As I cleaned my rifle I wonder about the 4th inmate which disappeared." Captain," then all of a sudden I see a helmet plop into my lap and I see it was the one who shook my hand,"Thanks." As I put on the helmet I see that there is a little metal collar on my suit, putting on my helmet I find that the metal collar has little things which connect to the helmet. I pop the pieces together and I feel a small vacuum seal around my neck and I see lights and displays light up in the helmet, and fresh cool air flowed into my lungs. "What?!" I step back in shock and stumble to my a*s. I see a hand reach down to grab my hand,"The names Mendax." "Oh thanks," I take his hand and he propels me upward, and I almost falls again as he pulls," Well I guess it won't hurt but the names Occisor, got it your a*s," I look into the man's eyes as he points to himself, fire seems to consume his soul. "Mundi," I look to the other man who seems to be extremely soft spoken. The intercom blared again,"Begin the training, remember this is your only one before the real deal." Gates roared as they opened and every single one of us rushed to some form of cover."Over here," I heard Mendax yell, so I rushed over to the small roadblock from which he was using as cover. I scanned the horizon only see gray rubble till a shot rang out, Mundi the quiet guy was shooting at something we just couldn't see, so I ordered Occisor over to him. This almost reminds me of my days training with Todd and the others. Occisor being the idiot he is yelled,"Hell no, I'm not just going over there to die!" "Get a grip and go help him your a*s!" I yelled this to get him in line, he peered around the corner and then step back, I yelled at him again. Reevaluating his design he ran to Mundi anyways,"There are about 5 things squatting behind cover, we can only see the tops of their heads", I look to Mendax for advice, seeing the look in my eye Mendax told him,"Just keep shooting every time they peer out of cover!" A light bulb turned on in my mind and I grabbed Mendaxs back to tell him to follow me. He nods his head in understanding and we run to the building to encircle the enemy. As we were running to flank the enemy, one popped out of the building and shot its rifle. The chrome dome almost would have gotten me if not for Mendax jerking me to the side of a building. I popped out of the cover and saw it for a flash of a second, then it started shooting again. The old buildings stone broke easily and a shard of stone flew by my head and started scraping my helmet. Then my helmet started to do something as it recorded the image of the drone and pointed out area to aim for such as the joints. Trusting in this I get ready. I roll out of cover with bullets flying by my head , and I feel as a bullet brush the air near my skin. I take aim and open fire, and the chrome dome arms fly off its body. Yet this didn't stop it as it charged straight at me. It fell onto the end of my rifle, and I pulled the trigger and sparks flew and metal flew through the air. I got up and ran off to the corner a wall behind the enemy. As soon as I popped from behind the wall, shots fired. Yet Mundi shot it in the back of the head where shards of metal burst from it. Trusting in the guy I met from just 10 minutes ago I opened fire on the 2 left. Sparks flew and metal cut and ripped through the air as each shot penetrated the steel of the enemy. I kept firing and kept pulling the trigger. I finally felt trigger clicking and all the rounds were gone. I stared at my handy work and it looked almost like Swiss chess. I felt my heart beating almost out of my chest with adrenaline, cut all up and down my arms. Blood dripping down. The armor I was wearing was dented with bullets. I try to thank Mundi and I yell at him,"Thanks, you saved my a*s!" I almost laugh as he trips and a small rock. We all go over there to help him, but Occisor gets to say he was the one and gets bragging rights. The guards opened the doors about one minute later and took us to a shared room with bunk beds, just like... nevermind that, but the guards said we had one more day to rest and then we would take the third fight. Mundi and Occisor almost Immediately went to sleep. Which left me with Mendax, and we started to talk.
© 2016 Corvus |
Added on May 11, 2016 Last Updated on May 20, 2016 Author