![]() Camp HominisA Chapter by Corvus![]() Military life, all I have to say![]()
"Hey, John." I feel my body shaking, but sleep pulls me back in like drug until I feel a heavy slap come across my face which jolts me back to reality. "John, get your gear it's our turn for a fracking patrol on this rock."
"Man, why do you always have to be so harsh with me you smacked me like a rock," his eyes look at me with disgust. "Because our god damn captain doesn't know people have a limit." My eyes spot a man behind him with smoke seeming to be pouring out of his ears."Like really who request a rock near the pale skinned b******s and not some garrison on Terra." "Man..." The Demon behind stood their ready of the small Todd to begin. "The idiot probably was dropped on his head maybe that's why our captain is just that retarded." I start sweating as raged filled beast of a man walked up slowly. " Maybe the trip gave him a very minor of case.. of serious brain damage the moron." "Todd... don't say anymore." My armpits start to feel as if they were pools. "What, you scared of that prick, he probably doesn't remember what hand he fa.." A hand fell on his shoulder and gripped his shirt. A booming voice came from behind him, " Private Todd does you have a problem with your current station." Todd's face went pale and sweat ran down his face like a storm,"If you do would you please file a complaint at My Office."Todd fell on his knees in pain as the Captain gripped harder and harder, till finally when he let go Todd gasped in pain. " And by the way its Corporal you little dog. Oh and John go get ready were patrolling the Lupus sector, so hurry up and get out of your bunk." I slide over to the edge and plop my legs on the frozen concrete floor. I stroll over to my locker and find my crap they call protection. It takes about 5 minutes give or take to put on. This turtle stiff flak has one good quality that it warms you up on patrol. As I walk out I still see Todd squirming in pain and I nudge the squealing pig. In response to this, he gives me his infamous one-finger salute that he normally gives the captain."Come on you big butt get off the floor." He tries to get up still holding his shoulder as if the prick got shot, and meekly he said, "Screw you." I try to hold in my laughter as he wobbles his butt over the locker grunting, another guy jokingly said,"Don't let the door hit you." A meek voice came out of the changing room ( More like storage closet),"F you" "What the hell did you just say!" The guy slammed himself at the door, pants still not on. "Dude, before you try to send him back in a wooden box can you at least get you pants on." That crap went on for about 10 minutes until the captain finally came back in the barracks. "What's taking so long you... Marcus why, just why are you banging on a door without pants are that desperate to bend over." The Entire room falls into laughter as Marcus' face turns as bright as a cherry. "No... Sir that's not." "Its ok I won't judge." The Captain stepped away for the door with a small but visible grin across his face. After all, that crap took place Todd finally walked out of the bathroom no longer hobbling from the pain. We all walked outside confident with our mass produced rifles and turtle armor, like we were the kings of the world. I took place in the 2nd jeep and we were off on our 1-hour stroll through the barren hell hole of the world we were on. For hours, we drove by a dull gray landscape with only the occasional stop to walk and explore the local area for "enemy's". Then one spot of green broach this desolate landscape. I never have seen grown men yelp and howl like kids at the sight of an oxygen farm. While driving there I ponder why anyone would willing step foot, let alone actually make a home on this piece of crap planet. It went on like usually we walked inside, the captain asked the man questions. Listening to them I can tell they have done this way to many times and sound like robots repeating the same uninspired lines. Thirty-minute search through the old man's property. Todd, being the idiot he is, broke one of the guys lighting system for his farm. The Captain chewed he out like there was no tomorrow, the poor a*****e he is shriveled up like mutt in his boots. As we left the old man's farm we went back to the normal boring rock landscape. He was the only idiot who thought moving here was a good idea near the core. After that nothing tedious driving and searching. Returning back to base it seemed like the entire senate just got bombed, with everyone running like dogs trying to fetch bones. "Hey what happened, why is everyone jumping." "A hostile ship was recording coming at the planet!"My heart felt as if it was knifed through the back,"Kriegen?" "Yea there coming, estimated range from 1 hour to 2 hours till they make planetfall."
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