This poem left me saying "OMIGOD!" -- the recognition of how you are showing what you mean to say here, which slaps a person across the face in a subtle understated way. I am reading book "What is the What" (lost boys of Sudan) & this guy is so numbed out from all the violence he's seen as a child walking 700 miles thru a sea of treachery & violence, then years in refugee camps before finally coming to USA . . . so in the book he's being robbed in Atlanta, Georgia, which takes most of a day becuz the robbers are bumbling & he's narrating this robbery, where he gets kicked & beat up, so impassively, like this is nothing compared to what he's lived thru. Like he's saying he got attacked by a passel of mosquitoes. Anyhow, when I read about this s**t -- first & foremost, it makes my own troubles seem paltry -- but then I want to retreat from the thought of so much senseless violence around the world -- NOT dive into it by writing a poem like this! That's why I admire you so much for doing the exquisite dives that you do into all kinds of heart-wrenching topics -- it's hard to write about this stuff & still be so sparkling creative about it! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Margie, charging the old kindle up to get your book.
Hope it's not depressing like this poem.
5 Years Ago
My book is a total escape piece (like me, the escapist!) Thanks for checking it out!
Excellent story made with the simplest of words. Shows the power of storytelling over rhymes or intricacies. This is truly an excellent example of what a poem looking at hell on earth through the lens of innocence should encompass. No doubt one of the best dark poems I've read recently.
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Kids and war, they just don't go together but always seem to be stuck in the middle of it.
5 Years Ago
Jack -- this is an exquisite observation very well stated!
In a land where everyone is disfigured, A whole perfect person is the odd one /out of place
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Sadly true, don't kids pick up on everything.
5 Years Ago
Yes thet doyI was moved recently > People moving out of a bombed village clutching bit and bobs (Thi.. read moreYes thet doyI was moved recently > People moving out of a bombed village clutching bit and bobs (Think it was Syria) One little girl; looked about 3 or 4 covered in dust she was clutch a dusty rag doll to her chest like a real live babe - possibly the only friend that she had left
Gosh! How perfect imagery you've created just in a simple way! Some of us may take pride in complexities but this an iconic one. I've been constantly keeping an eye in this poem since it has a uniquely very simple title, finally got to read it. And I tell you I regret for reading this so late, this is an awesome poem!
It was a war scene most probably and bit reminds of Hiroshima incident. It's a completely driving one and a real shrill piercing through those of us who are living in luxury, even the minimum comfort is a sin against this poem!
I highly appreciate this piece. I think I'll be giving the highest rating today. :)
Keep up with your best writes.
Good Luck!
Posted 5 Years Ago
5 Years Ago
Not far off, I took it from the Vietnam war. It never registered as a kid the significance of the do.. read moreNot far off, I took it from the Vietnam war. It never registered as a kid the significance of the dolls with limbs missing. I just assumed the dolls were broke. Years later it registered and I wrote about it. Thanks for reading it.
5 Years Ago
Well thanks for writing this! This what poems actually aim for. Great write! Thanks for dropping it .. read moreWell thanks for writing this! This what poems actually aim for. Great write! Thanks for dropping it on Poesia, I'll add this to our 1st issue. I'm always looking forward for such poems.
Keep Writing!
Screams bloody murder in a child’s voice. Powerful, shocking words and imagery- poetic interpretation of war and trauma through a surviving child’s eyes. A mangled doll in a mangled world becomes the ‘new normal’ for this damaged child. Nobody survives “ in one piece”. Brilliant, deeply moving poem.
The suffering of innocents during times of war is often overlooked. Collateral damage, they say.
Your poem is very evocative and is well executed. While Dolly has survived the trauma, the child certainly hasnt, and her reactions at the end of the poem illustrate that very well.
A very different and emotional piece of writing. Nicely done.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
It's a thing you see in every war, but it didn't register with me. It was when i saw it again in the.. read moreIt's a thing you see in every war, but it didn't register with me. It was when i saw it again in the Syrian conflict, the penny dropped.
I like poetry and stories that tell me something.
Sometimes the shortest poems hit the hardest.
If I post something serious, don't worry, a funny poem will follow. Don't hesitate to tell me if my po.. more..