Nine years ago America awoke to another routine day. People wiped the sleep from their eyes, got their coffees perhaps a cigarette, a bowl of Cheerios and other breakfast foods. Some may have hurried from their houses without eating at all... some maybe had nothing to eat... All had one thing for sure in common. This day would be like no other ever known ....
Around mid-morning or there about daily routines were interrupted. People watched in horror and disbelief as a huge plane flew straight through one of the Twin Towers! What is going on we wondered? Soon enough we found out and soon enough another plane flew, crashed into the other tower. Our America under attack? How could this be? We were immune to these horrors here in our country. This did not happen in America! We were safe here.
We all remember this day. The people who died while earning their daily bread , those who died on the ground and in the air trying to safe America and Americans...Our America was no longer safe. We could not take for granted our safety.... I send my thanks again to those who died while helping others. I send my heartfelt sympathies to all who lost someone that day... and to our America who held us safe in her ample bosom I mourn. America has been scarred forever. Those missing towers that rose high into the skyline of New York a stark reminder of that day and those that could follow.
I have always felt religion to be a personal choice , I respect that. But I cannot say I feel it is ' right ' to build a Mosque so close to Ground Zero. To me it seems a slap in the face of the families and victims of all who lost their lives 9/11/01 . Freedom, yes, but to build so close to this now sacred ground seems another wound to so so many.
I love my country and all her people... may she and we heal and be the country we were and our meant to be.