![]() What Does Memorial Day Mean To You?A Story by Chloe..Across the Universe![]() To those men and women who gave and give all with much respect.![]()
Memorial Day 2010. What does this day mean to you? An extra day off work with pay.(if you are lucky). The first holiday before the coming of Summer? Hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, drinks and all those BBQ goodies? This is what I thought when I was young. Just a holiday and school was out and we had a big picnic at the local swimming hole. I knew nothing of the true meaning of Memorial Day.
Now that I am older and hopefully wiser the true meaning I know. I think of those who fought for our freedom(s). Those who fought in the Revolutionary War. Paul Reveres ride as he shouted, 'The British are coming". We wanted freedom we did not want to be ruled by a Monarchy. We won the Revolutionary War and got our freedom, our democracy. Many lives lost for this freedom. May they rest in peace. Some years later some people thought it was fine and such a grand idea to capture people from another country, bring them to America and sell them. Slavery was born.The North and the South. Yankees, Rebels, friends, family fought to their deaths to uphold their beliefs. So many Americans died in this, to me the worst of wars America fought-. The Civil War.. and why civil? There was no civility! All the dead dying on their own homeland's soil. Such a sad thought. Home should be safe. To those who died in this horrid war.. rest in peace. America has been called upon by many nations to assist them in battle. And we are called the aggressors by many nations. Some of these wars in my opinion were not of our accord... but Democracy must be upheld and spread to each and every country or else it or they threaten our democracy. This is what I was taught in school. The Japanese , sneaky they were, dropped a bomb one morning upon the beautiful Island of Hawaii on a sleepy Sunday morning .. how many were killed as they were just waking to begin their day on The USS Arizona? Was this a necessary war? My answer is, yes. How many Americans gave their lives? May they rest in peace. Hitler decided to rule the world .. eliminate the Jewish people.. blondes with blue eyes were the chosen ones.. not literally of course but he wanted a 'new' race. How many died in those concentration camps? Seperated from loved ones.. children torn from mother's arms.. and all those shoes... all sizes... those shoes removed before going to "shower". Their last shower ever.. their bodies thrown into holes one a top the other. Why? So America and Americans fight .. a little too late to save all the Jewish who were murdered, but there and in so many countries in Europe.. Americans laid down their lives to stop a short man with a mustache who was so it seems to me, a lunatic. How many Americans died trying to stop this mad man and his allies? Too many .. Was this a necessary war, yes I think so ...May they rest in peace. There are other wars fought by Americans and for America.. I remember The Alamo. Korea..so many..Then came a war that involved Americans only as advisers , trainers. This was esculated into Vietnam ... The sixties.. make love not war.. But war won out. America's men and women once more stood on foreign soil fighting in a jungle full of the enemy. I would imagine many American's there were not really sure what it was all about. They were trained to be killing machines in one of America's most unpopular wars. Odd to refer to a war as unpopular..These men and women, young and old fought and died only to be defeated...Only to be scorned by many Americans. No welcome home parades, no respect from so very many... Finally they got a Wall .. all those names engraved on a stone ... young and old all creeds, colors died to keep Communism from spreading .. I feel they deserve much more than they got.. This was when the draft was in effect and do you think all of them wanted to fight an un-winnable war to come back, if they survived to angry Americans? How many died, lost limbs, were taken prisoner? May they rest in peace. Now we fight in Iraq and Afghanistan...to stop the terrorists.. search for Bin Laden.. Are these wars necessary? I think so .. I don't know.. but we cannot feel save with people bombing buildings, planes .. any place.. and any place could be close to you/me. Not as many casualties this is fought with 'smart bombs' ect. May they rest in peace and all come home soon.. Please is my plea. So it seems I have gained knowledge over the years to know what Memorial Day is really about. Honoring those who gave their lives so we could all be free. Those who gave their lives to stop oppression. My Father fought and was proud .. I am proud of him and all of these men and women .. I respect them and love and pray for them ..Happy Memorial Day Weekend... A somber day of remembrance and love for all Americans and our allies who fought by our side so we can be free. May they rest in peace and know how much I respect and thank them , the living and the dead... Thank you. I may have the WARS out of order.. but WARS are out of order.. Flanders Fields by Lt. Col. John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. © 2010 Chloe..Across the UniverseAuthor's Note
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Added on May 29, 2010Last Updated on May 29, 2010 Author![]() Chloe..Across the UniverseSmalltown, USA, ARAboutSometimes i feel like an alien in a strange land..can you relate? I love people and friends are just that to me , friends-if you request me as a friend it would be nice if you read something I have .. more..Writing
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