" What if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us".. lyrics by Joan Osborne.
Have you heard this song? If you are a believer does it offend you? As for me, it doesn't. Jesus walked miles had no money and I am sure he was not always a sharp dressed man..
Once upon a time God was one of us and walked the country side spreading love
and peace, healing the sick.. him and the sick''s faith You have to have faith in everything for it to work. No, I wasn't there I read about in the Bible. Is the Bible true? I don't take everything written in the Bible literally. I like reading the red print, these are the words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth a carpenter by trade as a young man.A 'fisher of men' during his last years. If you like metaphors you would like reading his words. He talked in parables. My reason for writing this is to say God is love, he is real for me. He is not to blame for all the troubles and woes in this world. He gives us ' free will. I do what is right or I do what is wrong.
Reading Daniel and Revelations and many other books in the Bible give me cause to belief what it says as the prophesies are coming to pass. And yes, I do believe an Anti-Christ will be here soon. When I hear of a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine I know it will last six years then he will show himself .
Many of the evangelists of today have given God a bad rep. Pat Robertson says some ignorant and outlandish things. Others are in it for money. Many abuse their 'power ' using for wrong doings. No wonder so many of today's youth feel as they do. They hear this and that. Family has fallen apart. Children, many are left to fend for themselves at young ages. No school prayer. No praying at schools before meals. America is throwing God aside and he is not happy.America is not the country she once was in my opinion because of it. I don't blame him for any of my problems. I cause them. I believe prayer works if I persevere and have faith.
I don't know about organized religion-I have my own relationship with God and wherever two or more are gathered in his name he is there. So my neighbor and I could have 'Church'.
This is just a little thing I decided to write to say, " Hey God, you're alright by me."
Please express your opinion if you read this. I do not judge or criticize anyone's beliefs or non-beliefs. We all have free will and choose our own path. And I respect that and you. If I I am now uncool...so be it.
Peace and love to all -