Whats God Got To Do  Got To Do With It?

Whats God Got To Do Got To Do With It?

A Story by Chloe..Across the Universe

God's got a bad rep.. I am no one of consequence , i don't have the answers or cures Nor am I a philosopher I just thought i would write this I defend everyone who deserves a chance , why not God?

" What if God was one of us, just a slob like one of us".. lyrics by Joan Osborne.
Have you heard this song? If you are a believer does it offend you? As for me, it doesn't. Jesus walked miles had no money and I am sure he was not always a sharp dressed man..

Once upon a time God was one of us and walked the country side spreading love
and peace, healing the sick.. him and the sick''s  faith You have to have faith in everything for it to work.  No, I wasn't there I read about in the Bible. Is the Bible true? I don't take everything written in the Bible literally. I like reading the red print, these are the words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth a carpenter by trade as a young man.A 'fisher of men' during his last years. If you like metaphors you would like reading his words. He talked in parables. My reason for writing this is to say God is love, he is real for me. He  is not to blame for all the troubles and woes in this world. He gives us ' free will. I do what is right or I do what is wrong.

Reading Daniel and Revelations and many other books in the Bible give me cause to belief what it says as the prophesies are coming to pass. And yes, I do believe an Anti-Christ will be here soon. When I hear of a peace agreement between Israel and Palestine I know it will last six years then he will show himself .

Many of the evangelists of today have given God a bad rep. Pat Robertson says some ignorant and outlandish things. Others are in it for money. Many abuse their 'power ' using for wrong doings. No wonder so many of today's youth feel as they do. They hear this and that. Family has fallen apart. Children, many are left to fend for themselves at young ages. No school prayer. No praying at schools before meals. America is throwing God aside and he is not happy.America is not the country she once was in my opinion because of it. I don't blame him for any of my problems. I cause them. I believe prayer works if I persevere and have faith.

I don't know about organized religion-I have my own relationship with God and wherever two or more are gathered in his name he is there. So my neighbor and I could have 'Church'.

This is just a little thing I decided to write  to say, " Hey God, you're alright by me."
Please express your opinion if you read this. I do not judge or criticize anyone's beliefs or non-beliefs. We all have free will and choose our own path. And I respect that and you. If I I am now uncool...so be it.

Peace and love to all -

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© 2012 Chloe..Across the Universe

Author's Note

Chloe..Across the Universe
Sorry about the song being gone- it was What if God Was One of Us by Joan Osbourne,

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Poor God get the blame for all things that go wrong. I believe in the free will system. We have been twisted up by liar and un-true stories. The good people of this world must gather and demand peace. Till we wise up. The free will we were given is in the hands of greedy men interested in business and self wealth. I like the poem/Blog. Made me think.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Excellent thoughts on the subject, Chloe, and sound much like my own. I grew tired of organized religion several years ago, but still speak to God frequently.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A thoughtful and interesting read. I think that belief in God is much more prevalent than sources like the media would have us believe. I grew up in a guilt-ridden sect and as an adult began to reject religion, but for all the wrong reasons. You are right - it's not God's fault. I did research and reading on various subjects for almost ten years, and eventually came to the conclusion that there has to be a God. It took a while before I started liking that idea. Just a change in perspective. Plenty of people have their own opinion, and that's fine. Mine doesn't hurt anyone - me least of all. Faith that things will work out and have a purpose really helps.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this message.. I think God and Satan often get much blame for very HUMAN behavior..well said sister...

very well said..

Posted 14 Years Ago

I met Jesus once. He didn't bother to make Himself look like we would expect, with the long hair and the white robes, and all. He must have left the halo on a hook back in Heaven and His hands were too rough to have allowed me to see the piercings. He was sweeping the floor in the convention center in Atlanta with I guess what you could call a cross if you are into metaphors. He told me about the 'turning the water into wine' thing by explaining that he used to be a bootlegger. I wrote a poem about the experience that began... "Jesus may come back disguised," and wouldn't you know it, His disguise worked as everyone just walked right by us while He preached a little "sermon on the floor" just to me!

Posted 14 Years Ago

You are FAR from uncool.


Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow, this is so sweepingly flowing and woven together with silver thread yet has a hip-ness to the ambience, the song you've encorporated captures the feeling of the writing, and vise-versa. the opeing leaves the reader to ponder the whole way through, hence, a brilliantly laid out piece chloe. Really nice job :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

In this write it seems like you are using religion as a crutch. I hope that is not so.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You are very open minded about such a big subject. I don't believe in God as described by most people, although I believe in some sort of a creator or life force to which we all belong. In my mind, Jesus was a great man, but not god, and has many wonderful teachings. I respect other's opinions. I think that thinking that the world will end soon is some sort of excuse for not taking care of the earth. Even if the world will end soon, we should care for our home. No offense meant by any of this. I don't think we can blame God for anthing bad nor can we expect God to fix our mistakes. If there is a God, he is in the unspoiled wild places, the mountains, the deserts, the woods, he is still there if you listen and look around, you can feel his presence...I try to take care of the world God (if there is a God) created and protect these places from those out to earn a profit out of destroying our earth.
I like your story.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was a great way to get the word out about God and the song goes well with it, i've heard a little bit of it on "Bruce Almighty," but this is the 1st time i've heard the whole song.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I wrote such a long text and I lost it... was not meant to be. I agree with you, only the individual can have a relationship with God, never the Church. And would the clergymen be such very much God lovers, they could have not done all this harm and Vatican would have not paid millions of dollars to their victims. I also agree that Bible has to be perceived not literally but one should seek the hidden allegories. Spinoza's ethics say us about nature of substance, which is identified with God. I wonder why we seem like we stopped to love nature, we rip it apart and and we don't care about extinction of species )and daily there are 100 species which won't be tomorrow..) or endangered species. I think, why western civilization is less and less believing in God is because we don't have ideals, and as you pointed out, even the family is not ideal anymore nor a refugium, often even the first place where one will be beaten up. As for the evangelists, they are what they are - because people listen to them. As you correctly stated, we make our choices.. I really enjoyed your thoughts about God. This was an excellent write. I also liked Ellen Hammond's comment.

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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16 Reviews
Added on April 30, 2010
Last Updated on March 26, 2012
Tags: God, Religion


Chloe..Across the Universe
Chloe..Across the Universe

Smalltown, USA, AR

Sometimes i feel like an alien in a strange land..can you relate? I love people and friends are just that to me , friends-if you request me as a friend it would be nice if you read something I have .. more..


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