Cover me hold me
wrap me in your soft
cloak of blackest velvet
caress me with your closeness
It has been sometime
since last we were together
i didn't forget you
i'm ready for you now
my old forever love
You were always there for me
your softness enveloping me like
a lover so close
my beautiful darkness
How could have i stayed away for so long
i have been so hollow without you
no soul mate
sweet noir
darkness fair
lovely fate
You never forsake me
always you come to cast your spell upon me
to make me realize what tears are for
what hurt is about
you know the feelings well
beautiful dark
You have shared my nightmares
fears broken spirit
i have seen you cry
cried with you
i know now i cannot live without you
my lover
forever darkness
Please hurry
i am waiting impatiently
for your caress
You light up the skies
pull me into you
holding me till dawn's first light
my electric darkness
Like mercury come quickly
together we will light the midnight skies
with our tears and sorrow
till morrow's early light
Bewitch me