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A Poem by Chloe..Across the Universe

Self explanatory


The rain hurts my face
cold, stinging
the taste is bitter on my tongue
unleashed anger
she has in us
for us
i taste it

Barefoot I walk
she feels hard
her grass pricks my feet
i feel it
lush softness gone

She is angry
we have raped her
disrespected her
poisoned her air
with gases, chemicals, bombs
tore a hole in her soul
because we
became ;


She knows
she sees us
she hears us
she cries tears of anger
her breathing is fast
rapid, strong
she blows down upon us
her fury unleashed in
gasps of her breath
her breath that
blows us apart
tears us, pulls us up to her
pushes us away from her
gone from our Mother

Her mind is becoming weak
from the poisons and hole within her
she sometimes forgets the Seasons
sending us Spring in Winter
Summer in Fall
making everything change
topsy-turvey like a carnival ride

Oh, Mother forgive us
let us heal you
let us heal each other
forgive us dear Mother Earth
please say it is not too late
harm was never our intention
re-harness your wrath
we ask
give us a chance to show you
we do care

We never meant to harm you


© 2010 Chloe..Across the Universe

Author's Note

Chloe..Across the Universe
Time to make a change
before it is too
if it is not too late..

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Oh, Mother forgive us
let us heal you
let us heal each other
forgive us dear Mother Earth
please say it is not too late
harm was never our intention
reharness your wrath
we ask
give us a chace to show you we do care

We never meant to harm you

And a wrath it is...............such a powerful write, and vivid in its anger, but will earth forgive?
I saw a young boy survived............but lost his mother..........such devastation and loss..........all prayers are with them.............and this write is a reminder of how fragile we all are, and we are at the mercy of mother nature.

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


To late to late came the cry, as mortal man said his last goodbye.
I didn't mean it, the crime is not mine
But the gallows are waiting
yes we all did the crime.

Raped and bleeding left to die
paradice sold for a concrete profit

Enjoyed, worthwhile, well written poetry

Posted 13 Years Ago

I hope we can transcend the obscenities outlined so disturbingly and eloquently in this poem.
Lots of people are starting to exercise remedies;
I'll grow tomatoes, you grow corn..... like that.
It'll no longer suffice to just stand and stare.
It's good to remind one another of 'reality' occasionally.
Thank you, Chloe.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I'm a tree hugger...I don't own a car. I use the spiral phlorescent bulbs and I conserve water. I grow a garden each year just so I remember where my food comes from...helps one respect the land. But its been my experience that most people only seem to think about themselves and not the world they live in or leave behind for their children and grandchildren, I'd like to hope there will be something left for them...but...maybe not.

Posted 14 Years Ago

a beauteous write
in this darkness night
before our dawn

may bring to light
our place and plight
...return us 'fore we're gone

i do now believe
we shall retrieve
our senses and our grace

and get back to
a higher clue
where humans need not race

Posted 14 Years Ago

Dear sister,
Child of the same mother.
I know that there is weeping and turmoil
It is as it was intended
To allow comparison to
Laughing and dancing..

Our mother tests us now
And the brains she has given;
Now we know that what we have done
Is wrong
I pray she allows us strength to change it.

This poem rises many emotions in me,
some of anger, some sublime..
I like it when a poem has the power to do that..


Posted 14 Years Ago

Rats... libararied this and forgot to save my review before I did that and lost it :(

"Sigh", it's a beautiful piece Chloe, and just to have wrote it you lend healing to her. To hold that feeling and love in your heart, is healing.
Awesome write my friend...

Posted 14 Years Ago

The Earth, like the human body is amazingly resilient. Good thing or we would already have perished. We have not been good stewards of our planet. This is effective because of your personification of the Earth.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Your words are a profound expression of the day... Humanity must learn to surrender ourselves... release this struggle to hold and own and control... If we continue on this selfish path that you so stunningly voice, generations to come will suffer in the scars we leave behind.

Posted 14 Years Ago

You speak truth, it is time to change the way we live. Such a powerful poem, so sad and yet there is hope, we can change...we have to stop following the ways of the generations before us, every time we act we either reinforce the old ways or make new ones...yes, it is time to change, and fast before we destroy our home, the earth.

Posted 14 Years Ago

forgiveness shoud be asked for and given more often, thanks for reminding me

Posted 14 Years Ago

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34 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on February 11, 2008
Last Updated on April 29, 2010


Chloe..Across the Universe
Chloe..Across the Universe

Smalltown, USA, AR

Sometimes i feel like an alien in a strange land..can you relate? I love people and friends are just that to me , friends-if you request me as a friend it would be nice if you read something I have .. more..


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