Wish I Could Have Known You

Wish I Could Have Known You

A Story by Chloe..Across the Universe

For a great man


I didn't know him. I wish I had. We have some of the same ideas. To compare me to him though, I will not and could not. He was a minister, an activist, a leader, writer, a friend, father, husband, son and a brother. Not just to the people of his color, but to all people. Not many wanted to hear what he had to say.

He was born in Atlanta, Georgia.The same Atlanta, Georgia that Gen. Sherman burned to the ground during one of the most troubled times in this country we call America. The Civil War.. odd name to me, calling it ' civil '.What was civil about it?

What was civil about a race of people being captured and against their will, taken by force from their beautiful homeland of Africa, brought here and treated like animals in most cases. Finally, some people decided slavery was not a good idea. Selling human beings, tearing families apart, not a good idea. Thus, a war was fought and the North won. The slaves were 'freed'..

Many years later a man was born who grew to be a great man with great ideas. This man was Martin Luther King Jr. Though he was born on January 15, his birthday is celebrated on this day. Like many great men and women with great ideas for the good of all, he was assassinated before he saw his dream fulfilled. A funny looking little man, James Earl Ray, much like the funny looking little man, Lee Harvey Oswald, who shot John Fitzgerald Kennedy put an end to Dr. King's life and dreams.

Today I wonder how far his dream has come. Things are better, but are they/we equal? I cannot speak for my black brothers and sisters. They know better than I. In my eyes, racism is still alive and well here in the South and all across the U.S. and the world. Genocide is still alive and well. War, still alive and well.

Abraham, Martin and John, dead and gone. The dream lives on..it has to. It is our responsibility to do what we can to fulfill the dreams of these three men and so many others who gave their lives to make the world a a better place.

Happy Birthday Dr. King. You are not forgotten. Nor is your dream. I also hope someday all God's children, black and white, Jews, Gentiles,Catholics, Muslims, ALL can come together on a red hilltop in Georgia, join hands and sing the old Negro spiritual:

" Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last."

I wish I could have known you.

Your dream lives on.

© 2011 Chloe..Across the Universe

Author's Note

Chloe..Across the Universe
Wrote this for MLK's birthday ..and because he was a man of peace . I wish i could have known him.
Schools are closed and many businesses but the school closing does not say it is closed for Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday but 'staff day'.. not too cool

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You missed out hearing the words of a courageous man. although there is enough film footage that he will never be forgotten. This was a beautiful and honest tribute to a rare man, a man who knew he was going to die. I grew up seeing signs "Negro's Bathroom." I grew up when racism was truely dangerous. It was much more than slow service, or profiling. Martin tried with all his heart to bring us together by peaceful means. He not only had whites to fear, he also had his own race to fear. As far as dignity and courage, I don't think there's a better model than he was. In those days, even the thought of a black fireman would have been a miracle. We always can do better, and I think your piece is a supreme compliment to a deserving warrior. I use the word "warrior" in the truest sense. I wonder what he would think of our world today ? I wonder what he would think of your beautiful tribute ? Great write. Rain..

Posted 17 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.


This was a lovely tribute to a great man..you did him justice...This was warm, compassionate and you honored him wonderfully...nicely done...

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

But you do know him, Chloe...You know him by his deeds and works.
And that is very personal.. I have a large framed picture above my computer desk...a portrait of MLK...Attached to one corner is the "Serenity prayer" On a different wall, their is a photograph of Gandhi...on it, it says "God is truth"
This story says that the triditions these men established are still carried on.
I was happy to see this here this morning. It is a reminder that we can still be proud to be humans.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I liked the ideals of MLK, he was a great man and a rallying point for the Civil Rights movement that was not as extreme or based in violence like the Black Panthers or Malcom X. His was a peaceful approach. All great men are men of peace or in the words of Henry David Thoreau, partakers in "Civil Disobedience".
It is the only method by which lasting change can be introduced. Dr. King once said the best thing he could do to an enemy was to make a friend out of him. Those are a great man's thoughts. I think you GREATLY oversimplified the Civil War however. It's a "hobby" of mine and I've read probably 20 to thirty books about it from various points of view. The Civil War (for the largest part) was NOT about slavery but about money. With Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin, cotton was king of the south. The south had all the commerce while the north was quickly becoming industrialized but... without a five hour history lesson it's hard to show all the factors that took place. The north wanted the south's money to industrialize and they wanted the federal government to get it for them. Slavery was used more as a tool to wrench away many of the state's rights so the wealthy could become wealthier through the federal government (the politicians those same wealthy men put into office) than a hinge of any great moral dilemma. Only 20 years prior, the north had many more slaves than the south. In antebellum Louisiana there were black plantation owners who had black slaves. One cannot address the issue of slavery without putting it into historical context. I joke with my black friends that I am still outraged over their African ancestors holding my white European ancestors as slaves during the rule of the Mauri. My family, like most southern families, did not own any slaves nor could they have afforded them. But my great-grandfather fought as a confederate soldier anyway. Was he fighting for slavery? Hardly! He was trying to stop the invading Federal army from confiscating his land and property that he had worked, sweated and bled for. So while I admire Dr. King and those things for which he stood, I cannot condone the people who try to make the Civil War look like some kind of righteous quest on behalf of the Union. It was not. It was politics and big money at play in the highest levels of government...and believe me, that's NOTHING to get self-righteous about. But as for equality and freedom, those are ideals every man should aspire to...both to have and to respect in others. No intelligent person would condone slavery. One human being owning another is not right...but men are sold into slavery still...for room and board, housing and food...but today, we call it, "being employed".

Posted 14 Years Ago

Read a biography of Martin Luther King Jr. a few years back.. and yes.. wish I could have known him too. In such a vile time in our history, he held his ground for peace... to the point of giving his life... And yes.. I hope his dream has come a little further.. Your words help keep that dream alive.

Posted 14 Years Ago

The dream does live on Chloe! What a beautiful tribute to one of the great leaders of our time. I was intrigued reading this as it is very informative, compassionate and riveting. You did the man justice...All men of peace seem to get assassinated! What a horrid society we live in.
Thank you for this, it warmed my heart and reminded me of the important things, those all too soon forgotten.
Beautiful job hon...
*hugs for you and Donavan*

Posted 14 Years Ago

Dr King was a peace loving philosopher. He was probably the most like Jesus as far as leaders go. When I think of him, I don't want him hijacked by race baitors like Jackson, Farrakan, Sharpton and Malcolm X. He really was a uniter. Nice tribute, Chloe!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A dynamic man that deserves such praise! Very well written and you touch on subjects that need to be brought out in the open. We don't know why such hatred and pain exists but leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and other greats will not sit idle and let it go on--even when it means death. What a courageous individual! Nicely written, Chloe and inspirational!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

great tribute to Dr. King. Happy birthday Dr King

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Fine tribute! An honor to a great man!~B

Posted 16 Years Ago

There is little I could add, as previous reviews have adequately reflected your poignantly powerful tribute to a great soul. I have a copy of his magnificent historical speech (28th of August 1963), which I share with present generation youngsters, as a reminder of 'The Dream'.

Thank you for sharing!

God's Blessing

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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31 Reviews
Added on February 22, 2008
Last Updated on January 14, 2011


Chloe..Across the Universe
Chloe..Across the Universe

Smalltown, USA, AR

Sometimes i feel like an alien in a strange land..can you relate? I love people and friends are just that to me , friends-if you request me as a friend it would be nice if you read something I have .. more..


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