

A Poem by Chloe..Across the Universe

I am featuring this because of the severe winter weather happening in most of the USA I thought about this last night when the temperature dropped to 12 degrees~ 'She forgot who she was"..





She walks the streets
no shoes adorn her feet
rough, calloused

She finds solace in an
old suitcase
it holds all her belongings
she treasures them

A book of poetry
a purple silk scarf
a comb with most of it's teeth missing
like it forgot to visit the dentist
a picture
little girl
blue eyes with
a smile that lights the darkest rooms

She knows of dark rooms
she lives in darkness
she had a flat but her job
well, her job let her go
so the man said, "Get Out"
she tried to get another job
"we're not hiring", they always said

After a time , a long time
she forgot her name
well, now
she roams the dirty boulevard
and wonders who she is
and how she got here
she wonders who the little girl is
who's smile lights the darkness in which she lives

People sneer at her
laugh, point , stare
a woman with faded blue eyes
dirty blond hair
in Salvation Army rags
they laugh
they make her feel
they call her
the bag lady
among other names

Sometimes she cries
though she is used to it
her stomach gnaws with hunger pains
as she searches the trash and dumpsters
for a crumb
just a crumb
one crumb

The man at the bakery watches her
his heart is not hard
he calls her
she doesn't hear him
she doesn't want to

She knows what he wants
she walks past

Some nights she sees Angels
they call her name
"Hello Jane,
do you know
someday you will inherit
this Earth"?

Someday isn't soon enough for
sweet Jane
someday needs to be today

"Jane, don't cry",
they say

"Please", she whispers
"help me find my way home"
"please", she cries
"let me be visible again"

She feels so alone
she is alone
but when she looks at the faded photograph
her heart feels lighter
the world

She coughs a lot
her house leaks
her nose runs
her stomach aches with hunger pangs

The Angels visit her every day now
"Jane, someday is now"
"Are you going to show me the way home"?

"Follow the light Jane"
She feels warm for the first time
in so long
the feeling is surreal
the light radiates throughout her
filling her,satiating the hunger
cold, loneliness

In the distance
beneath a tree of
fragrant blossoms
by a stream as clear as crystaline crystal
sets the little girl
"Mommy", she cries
"You finally came home"


© 2011 Chloe..Across the Universe

Author's Note

Chloe..Across the Universe
I am glad I wrote this one on wordpad.. people need to be aware of this ... and not all homeless are drug addicts or alcoholics.. most are people like you and me .. it is said most Americans are one paycheck away from being homeless.. it could happen to any of us!

My Review

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Featured Review

this poem has a lot going, it is a narrative poem full of heeartache and hope, and has a harsh sense of realism, contemporary urban realism, lot of rhymes and off rhymes, slant rhymes, good use of dialogue, not many use dialogue, robert frost did, this incorporates lots of poetic styles.

Posted 17 Years Ago

36 of 36 people found this review constructive.


Chloe, this is so heartbreaking and so real. Yes it could happen to any one of us. No one knows what tomorrow may bring. And you're right about most of the homeless,they are people just like you and me. I watched a documenty once on the homeless and some of the homeless were once teachers, office workers and some had even had very prominent jobs before they were let go from work and unable to find another job.
Your poem is very powerful and should be a reminder to us. Never judge a book by its cover.
This goes to my favorites

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chloe! So good to see you again. I love this piece. It's such an important message and this is well put together.

This is also one of my favorite subjects as I hire homeless and have been through many many experiences personally. I've several pieces on the homeless on my page... You might want to read "Homeless Isn't Helpless".

Peace and Love,

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

God, you had to make me cry first thing in the morning. ~sniffs through a warm smile~
I remember a story, something that happened to me.
I was sitting in Denny's, in Carson City NV its the only place (besides casinos, which I abhor) that's open all night. I was there with my friend Bear. We were chatting, carrying on.... when he came in. There was an older crowd in there that night. Business men. Must have just finished up at the office. Their sleek suits, briefcases and cellphones. They sneered and snickered. You'd think adults would grow up, sometimes it never happens. They made fun of the man. Teased him. Called him names. Bitched at management to throw him out. He just wanted a cup of coffee. It was wintertime. Cold out. Nevada winter's are a b***h. They didn't want him in there. He only had enough money for one. Management was unhappy with the business men. She didn't want to throw the gentleman out. But, money talks. So she told him to have his cup of coffee and be on his way.

I remember how the rage burned inside at such cruelty. Not management, but against the business men. So I had an idea, I sauntered up to the counter where he was sitting and I stuck out my hand and said, "Hello my name's Emmy can I buy you a late dinner?" He tried to tell me no. Tried to say it was ok. But his eyes were tired, old worn-out blue. Just like your lady. He looked down, wouldn't look me in the eye. So I waved management over and told her, "Buy his dinner, his breakfast (It was around 11pm/midnight when I was in there), his lunch and dinner again. As much coffee as he wants." Paid for it, left a tip and then told him to enjoy his evening. I didn't wait for the thank you... the tears in the tired eyes were enough. I then sauntered back to my table accidentally stumbling into their table, knocking down 5 out of the 8 drinks all over their laps. "Whoops! My bad I'm such a clutz! Pardon!" I laughed all the way back to my table as they angrily tried to mop up the mess.

I believe in kindness. I always have. And compassion. One should always try to right the wrongs and find justice. As you said, not everyone is a vagrant. Some people just lose their way. We as humans should support our fellow man or woman, and help them find their way home. I may not be an angel, more like a devil in disguise, but I believe in the power of souls. Beautiful write! Thank you for reminding me that kindness can go a long way. Brava!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

how you take the reader to the furthest depths and beyond, the sheer magnitude is astonishing, you pot skilled thought into every passionately, creatively placed word, which in turn sculpts your thoughts instinctually, your natural writing ability shines throughout, the meaning cuts straight to the heart, i felt myself taken to anothher place and time, i could easily envision the meaning as well as the characters which sadly filled the destiny projected in the writing, very heart touching, empathetic, wise, humbling

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

good god.

almost brought me to tears!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

oh humanity ,i laugh
those politicians must laugh their bellies out
and the wretched will not even find a feed
i think we need all die so they live
but soon avalanche will come
for sure ,,,,this great
but i was very sad

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I remember this from before and I'm so happy to see it back up again. You are so right about the homeless; societies throw away people, as some think of them. They are not all drug addicts or alcoholics, many are just lost souls and stuck in the system. You really are becoming an advocate for human rights. :)

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

While the entire poem gnawed at my soul, there was one line ...

>>>"let me be visible again"

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


That is a really special tribute. So many people seem to ignore that you don't have to go to Africa to find people that could really use a hand getting back on their feet.

Wonderfully done. Hopefully, this will help to get some attention for some people that really need it.


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

This is beautiful it reminds me of my Rose Man poem, and it is true most people automatically think the worst of the homeless. Great write

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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197 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on February 16, 2008
Last Updated on January 12, 2011


Chloe..Across the Universe
Chloe..Across the Universe

Smalltown, USA, AR

Sometimes i feel like an alien in a strange land..can you relate? I love people and friends are just that to me , friends-if you request me as a friend it would be nice if you read something I have .. more..


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