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A Story by Patrick Kimera

Brainstorming... Just felt like writing

So Jin was about to make a tough decision. Being in such a situation, he was imagining all sorts of things that could happen. A deep dark thick jungle and dusk was breaking, yet all he had on him was a bread knife, and a little flashlight which he wasn't sure could last him through the night. Filled with fear, he wondered whether Jimmy and Abigail were still alive. Yes he wanted to yell out, maybe they would track his voice. But there were cons. What if the natives tracked him down and took him for a sacrifice. What if he was exposing himself to the predators of this dark hell. Jin felt like his entire head was crying, sweat rolled down from his hair. Partly because of the uncomfortable warmth of the thick green, but also because he felt like he was being watched in this deep darkness. It was a tough decision, but he had no choice.

"Abigaaaail!!" he cried

The only reply he got were the echoes of his scared voice through the thin long trees.

"Jimmy!" Nothing.

Jin produced his knife. His hands were shaking too much, the knife wanted to slide out of his hands. The only light he had was the fading day so he definitely couldn't afford to use his flashlight now. He continued to move very slowly, carefully. Scared, he pushed through the thin long trees, twigs snapping under his feet.

"Jimmy!" he cried again, "Jimmy!"but in vain.

Jin continued to move. His shivering right hand holding the knife, he cut through the vines.

"Abigaail!" he cried one more time.

It was getting really dark. Why does dawn have to break so fast. Not on this cursed day, he thought. Looking up, Jin could now see outlines of the stars. Night was falling. Jin gently pushed the knife under his belt and switched the little flashlight on. He slowly scanned the darkness. Very slowly, hoping he wouldn't find anything as hungry as he was. As the light went around, Jimmy saw something move. He knew he wasn't hallucinating this time. Jin's heart skipped. More sweat rolled down his cheeks. He had seen it while he moved the little flashlight around. And he knew exactly where the light had found it. Though he wasn't sure he had seen something move, he knew he didn't want to flash any light back into that direction.

he whispered, heart beating like a heavy brick against his chest. And this time he got a reply.


Jin almost dropped dead at the heart-stopping sound. He froze for a second and very slowly stepped back once. Then the trees shook sideways and gave way. It stood on its fours, exposing its black and yellow fur... Jin saw its angry yellow eyes staring right in his. Frozen, Jin dropped his flashlight.
"ROOOOAAAARR!!!" It spoke again. Jin watching the sharp teeth that predicted his last day on earth. The two looked at each other for about three straight seconds. Jin felt the adrenaline run down from his back, down through his legs, so much he almost couldn't feel them.

Jin turned around quickly. And like a mouse, Jin ran for his life! He heard the jungle swish and swash to the great paws of the angry beast. There was no turning back. The big stubborn beast roared again, Once more the chill came, from his back, down through his legs. He looked back for a split second. Oh no! It was right behind him! Jin's heart warmed. Faster he ran. He felt it tear through his grey track pants. A bunch of vines lay across two large trees infront of him. He could have dived under to safety. But the adrenaline couldn't allow him to stop. he ran straight into the vines. They rolled him up like angry cobras, handing him in to the angry beast for supper. He stared at the size of its head. It mightn't have been putting in any effort at all running. It had slowed down. And it was so close to him, he could almost see through its fur.
     The great beast opened its jaws wide and grabbed his foot. Jin felt something snap in there. One entire left leg was inside its mouth. Jin's heart pumped so hard. He could feel it in his entire body. His head was pumping, his arms, and his left leg mostly. Jin was helpless. Will he survive? Left leg in its jaws, it pulled him with such force. Jin felt himself tear painfully though a few vines before he landed on his back with a loud thud on the thick green ground. It dropped his leg, going for his intestines, or probably his neck. But that moment, right before its terrifying jaws struck. Jin quickly crawled backwards, under the vines to safety. He then sprung up, and took to his heels. It was now angrier! A good supper had slipped right out of its hands! No way. It tore through the thick, pipe sized vines like spaghetti with its massive paws. It came back running at full speed. This time it was going to pounce. Jin's leg was bad. With every stride he made, Jin only slowed down. Through the thin trees Jin ran, he squeezed himself through a little space slapping away two trees. And this is when he realized he had met a dead end. What could stop this thing. If it had torn through the vines, what was two thin trees to it. It knew the jungle more than Jin did. And indeed it ran down the two thin trees, eager to grab its best meal in days. There were no more trees now. They had made it out of the dark jungle. Jin was faced by a little dry land that ended in a ledge. It was a cliff. The jungle was on top of a cliff. And if he jumped there he would probably land in water. Jin's little heart wasn't giving up now.
      He ran more than his heart could give. He was starting to limp more with every step he made with his left leg. The tiger was getting angrier, stronger, faster. It leaped high and long, this time hoping, knowing it will land on its prey, and finish this once and for all. Jin jumped off the ledge. He felt like the world had paused for a second while in mid air. He had a little short dream about a rainbow. "Jin! Jin!" called Abigail. So he knew this was a dream.

No it wasn't!

        Jin felt the cold air rush past him as he fell. To his death probably. Because This was not water he was falling into. It was...
 Bare ground!

The air rushed past him and into his face as he fell. The sweat on Jin's face disappeared. He saw the ground below him getting nearer and nearer, dreading the moment he would touch the ground and say goodbye cruel world. The ground neared his feet. Jin decided to close his eyes. At least he wouldn't see it coming. Jin waited patiently.
    But the moment didn't seem to come...

Jin was afraid to open his eyes. He might have thought he was in heaven already. He didn't seem to be feeling himself on earth anymore. He felt like he was in a large white blank space, hanging in mid-air. He cooled down and felt safe. Slowly, memories of the picnic in the jungle, hide and seek with Jimmy and Abigail flowed out of his mind like a clear stream. Two best friends loving the same girl. But it was over now. Jimmy had won. Jin felt relaxed, and opened his eyes. But it wasn't over! The ground was closer than ever! Jin let out a loud high pitched groan.

""Aaaaaaaaahhhh!"" he screamed.

Jin's feet touched the ground, and he sank in, fast. What was going on? It might have looked like bare ground from afar. Jin was confused, but filled with adrenaline. Alot of it. He could not understand what was going on... But little did he know he was about to face a death much worse than a tiger or falling from sky-high. Jin had just landed with great speed... In a deep large puddle of quicksand. He was already two meters deep into it. He had breathed his last when he screamed before the fall, and his eyes were open when he fell in. He needed to get breath, but he was too weak to struggle upwards. He could have kicked his way up top but his legs were too weak, and his left leg was damaged horribly. Even the strongest of men who had been unfortunate to land in this dreaded death were not able to push their way to the top. His eyes opened wide, trying to gasp for breath. This was actually a very big mistake. The thick brown fluid was rushing through all the openings on his head. He felt it go into his eyes. Another try to gasp for breath got it rushing straight into his mouth. He wanted to cough, but didn't have the breath for that either. He tried breathing in with his nose. It went up his nostrils. He lashed out with all his energy. Unfortunately he could barely move his arms or legs. And yet he felt like he was going in deeper and deeper into this ground he had sunk. Once again he lashed out helplessly. He felt his hand touch something. It was big and seemingly soft. He felt his body leaning forward into something else. He gasped for breath again, but with every single time he put in effort, he felt he more and more helpless. Worst of all, he had absolutely no idea what was going on. Jin leaned forward more and landed on something. Something squeezed onto his chest and under from his back. It was like he was in between two ragged walls one under, one on top, trying to crush him. He felt himself rolling sideways a little, and dropping onto something soft. Jin finally felt more free. He felt like he had a billionth of his life left. He coughed hard, and felt like he was coughing his entire lungs out. It was like his inside was heavy. He lay on there, almost lifeless, and seemingly his last few seconds started to tick away. Everything felt calm.

Jin heard a splotch sound. He felt himself slide downwards into something. It was a long slimy slide. It went on for at least half a minute, before he dropped onto another soft surface. He coughed hard again, opened his eyes and tried to see, but all he did see was black. He coughed his last. A big loud cough. And once again he lay there, and just closed his eyes...
                                        *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

The shrubs under them rustled as they made their way through the jungle. Abigail and Jimmy had lit a fire to track their way back to the camp. They too were scared to scream out Jin's name, as they hovered their flashlights across the trees. They had tried their best to stick together for the last one hour. After a long unexpected silence, Jimmy finally spoke.

 "Jin must be playing with us, let's get back to the camp."
 "Playing with us!!" cried Abigail. "That's supposed to sound funny right? maybe your'e the one who likes to play hide and a seek till late... IN-A-JUNGLE!!" she had tried to look as sarcastic as ever while she spoke. But Jimmy was only getting angrier.
  "I don't even care if you like him more!! Okay!!!" Yelled Jimmy. "You go save him.. Go play supergirl!!! Marry him if you want! Am going back to the camp!"

Abigail however hadn't been listening. She was flashing her torch up in the trees. As Jimmy turned around walking back angrily to the camp. Abigail held his hand and gently pulled him back. She was looking at something up in the trees.

  "Seriously! Jin climbed a tree and now he won't come down! Wow! Hahhaha! were here all night am guessing!" said Jimmy with a sarcastic grin.
   "Wait!" whispered Abigail "Something's up in there!"
   "Jin! Jin! My guess is your husband just turned into a leaf! Haha!" shouted Jimmy. But Abigail ignored him. And started moving forward with her flashlight up in the trees.
    "What now!" said Jimmy.
    "Shoo! go back to the camp!" said Abigail calmly, still looking up.
    "You're shooing me now!"
    "Sssshhhh!" Abigail replied.
She continued to move forward as Jimmy followed. And indeed something, or someone was jumping in the trees upwards. Abigail followed. Whatever this was, it must have been afraid of light. Abigail continued to move forward. Curious.
     Jimmy looked on in surprise. He opened his eyes wide in horror.
      "Abigail!" he whispered, slowly stepping back. Somehow she had known. Perhaps her sixth sense had told her. Abigail slowly turned around and looked over her shoulder. It was a small black ugly spider. It had a very thick smooth and shiny body and was about two inches long and wide.
       "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" Abigail screamed sharply. Dropping her flashlight.
She jumped up and quickly slapped it off. Jimmy stomped the little spider thrice before it limped quickly away with two damaged legs.
        There was a weird silence as the both of them stared at the injured spider. Abigail dropped and passed out.
       "Abigaaaaill!" Yelled Jimmy.
       He rushed down to help her. Abigail's eyes slowly closed. she was about to fall in a deep sleep. Or never wake up. Jimmy panicked. His heart was beating fast. He shook Abigail vigorously. He gave her a few soft slaps on her chicks. Abigail lay on the ground, limbs spread out, not moving. Jimmy started to think things. That silly little spider. It could have killed her. Hopefully she might wake up. But Jimmy's negative side overpowered his positive. He almost knew she would die.
       "Abigail!" Jimmy cried.
His next option was to carry her to the camp, put her to warmth, and hope she wakes up. But Jimmy noticed something unusual on Abigail's back. His head lightened with curiosity. Jimmy turned her onto her tummy so he could see it more clearly. It was sharp. It had struck into her back around the shoulder. Jimmy's heart skipped. A wicked, scary surprise. It was a poison dart. Jimmy started to sweat. Abigail lay on his arms, and still on the ground. He quickly turned his head left and right but saw nothing. Yet in actual sense.
      He was being watched.
Jimmy got all the more scared as he looked around, there was no room for him to run in this wicked jungle. He knew it could come from anywhere. But he still had to flee. And not back to the camp. Because he had probably been being watched all along.  Jimmy felt a slight rush of wind through his eyes as another one rushed past him and struck  deep into the tree next to him. So hard he almost felt it cry in pain. Jimmy had to try his luck. He leaped up and started running. Almost feeling his legs flying off. Right that moment, he heard the trees above him rustling. Throwing a quick glance up, he saw a leg disappear into the foliage. Jimmy ran faster. Forgetting Abigail existed anymore. The trees rustled even louder. He felt like they were coming closer onto him, ready to suffocate him with their thick leaves. He leaped over a thick branch that stood in his way. As soon as his shoes touched the ground, another dart struck the ground in front of him. He almost felt his fist-sized heart burst at the sight of it. He noticed that the light was increasing in the direction he ran, he was starting to see tiny firelights all around him in the distance as he ran. He  feared they were closing in on him. In a split second, he saw a figure rain down from above straight into the ground. With all his speed and force, he unexpectedly bumped into it, bursting his lower lip as he fell down onto the muddy shrubs. But it stood right in front of him. Unmoved. Crawling back in fright, he looked at it. It was a man. Shirtless, tall and gigantic. His lean muscles gleamed in the little firelight. And his eyes were very wide and angry, staring at Jimmy, observing his every movement. Heart frightened to breaking point, Jimmy took quick looks around. The little firelights around him were no longer in the distance. They were closing in. He quickly stumbled back up. And ran the opposite direction. The firelights closed in. Jimmy's heartbeat became more intense. He ran on. And finally noticed what these little firelights were. A bunch of other men like these were following him, running. Their flame torches up. And now they were screaming out loud and making all sorts of noises. He started hearing drums booming loudly behind him. He breathed louder, and harder. But his breath was soon running out. The drums were louder. The hunters were closer. Despite the adrenaline, Jimmy could still imagine himself being a meal to a human being. This was the only thing that crossed his mind. Jimmy dashed sideways into the clogged up leaves of a short, unusual looking tree. A quick glance over his shoulder, and the hunters seemed to have disappeared. But Jimmy found no wits to stop. Even though his breath wouldn't let him. He ran faster than he thought he could. There was a log in front of him, it was long and hollow. Should he keep running, or should he hide. He had to think fast. Jimmy seized the opportunity. He dived low, and started compelling his thin body inside. Jimmy was disgusted. One of the things he really hated was getting dirty. And his white undershirt was horribly being stained. He threw his arms further inside and started dragging his body. He could hear the drum sounds even clearer now. He started to wish he had run further.  

© 2016 Patrick Kimera

Author's Note

Patrick Kimera

My Review

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Added on April 13, 2016
Last Updated on May 30, 2016


Patrick Kimera
Patrick Kimera

Kampala, Luzira, Uganda

Am a teenage writer whose mind is bursting with ideas and i believe that i have much much more than what it takes to make it as a writer because writing makes me feel at home .. makes me feel relaxed... more..
