Pat, you’re a poet who inspires me to not only be a better poet but a better human being. I would’ve never seen a woodpecker in this light. It’s a fresh and welcome perspective.
Not long ago, while cutting firewood with my dad, I heard a woodpecker in a nearby tree. Up to that point, we’d heard so many wonderful birds, including an eagle. I said to my dad, “You know the woodpecker is like the drunk guy in the bar who talks over everybody because he’s starved for intention.” I like your perspective much better. :)
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dear Robert... your perspective is humorous... my Mother passed at age 58 of cancer, but two years b.. read moredear Robert... your perspective is humorous... my Mother passed at age 58 of cancer, but two years before she passed, I introduced her to a man named Woodie who was a Widower. If I had told her he had a wooden leg and chewed Tobacco she may not have agreed to meet him. He was so charming with a thick southern accent that she fell for him immediately. Alas, myself and Woody were with her when she passed. So I really dedicate this poem to Woody who was a Believer, and would love this poem, but now Woody has passed. Let us Rejoice and enjoy each day to the fullest. Thanks for the lovely complement. I shall try to be deserving. truly, Pat
Oh beautiful and those words so true....truth through and through...and isn’t it just amazing the sound that knocking makes ...isn’t nature just breathtakingly beautiful in more areas than one...and never makes mistakes...a lesson always can be found ...if nature’s all around...blessings🌹🌹
Some people don't like woodpeckers, don't like what they do to trees or untreated timber.. But, most birds, however beautiful or not their plumage or size do a touch or more of harm here or there. Like many peeps I'll happily sit, stand or lie watching the lovelies enjoying their frivolous games or essential journeys. BUT i also wonder if when we see their swooping, swirling, soaring, diving or thermal caught hovering... we're not just a little or more envious of their liberty: I know which bird i'd be... what about you? Beautiful write, as always, Pat. x
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dearest Em... ever so lovely to see you ... I would choose to be a Cardinal and fall hopelessly in l.. read moredearest Em... ever so lovely to see you ... I would choose to be a Cardinal and fall hopelessly in love with a gorgeous bright Red Male Cardinal. They are so protective of their family and help train the young fledglings to fly and find their food. I see them every day from our large kitchen window. The say Cardinals are Spirits of our loved ones and perhaps our Spirits are feathers of beauty and 💗 love... truly, Pat
5 Years Ago
Such a beautiful response, Pat.. thank you! My choice would be a Barn Owk, they like lying at nigh.. read moreSuch a beautiful response, Pat.. thank you! My choice would be a Barn Owk, they like lying at night, rather like me! :) Seriously magnificent birds.
5 Years Ago
dear Em... amazing how quickly your message arrived in the East Coast of the USA via cyberspace. Ye.. read moredear Em... amazing how quickly your message arrived in the East Coast of the USA via cyberspace. Yes... would that be a Barn 🦉 Owl... very Wise to know that sleeping can be very healing... with lovely shining eyes that may see in the darkest of times. With 💕 love, Pat
Was once driving home at night and suddenly realised that a Barn Owl was using my headlights to fly .. read moreWas once driving home at night and suddenly realised that a Barn Owl was using my headlights to fly along the quiet leafy B road.. Had to drive very carefully, wanting to watch him rather than take care in driving., x.
5 Years Ago
dear Em... amazing story... our feathered friends are perhaps our Protector and guide us... and we i.. read moredear Em... amazing story... our feathered friends are perhaps our Protector and guide us... and we in turn are hopefully their protectors. The Cardinals always eye me suspiciously; they scare easily. I say to them,
"Hey! I am the one who puts all that oiled sunflower seed out there for you!!! ... you scarily bird!! Of course I also put a lot of smaller seed for the other birds. I put out unsalted peanuts in the shell for the Squirrels to divert their attention from the sunflower seeds. Have a beautiful day... love, Petal x
5 Years Ago
The world would be so different without birds in our lives. Have a happy day to you too, Petal!!! .. read moreThe world would be so different without birds in our lives. Have a happy day to you too, Petal!!! x
Your title gives me a strong "AH HA!" feeling . . . why didn't I think of that? Woodpeckers having a code is a great premise for your poem, plus you've taken it in all the interesting directions. Love how there's a code that ties into the holiday spirit. I wrote to you yesterday that I'm not into tradition, as far as the holidays . . . this is so far from traditional, I love it all the more. Woodpeckers have NEVER been given the time of day on Christmas, which is what makes this brilliant to me! Have a great 2020 & I"ll be looking forward to seeing what feathery delights & natural nuances you send across the ether for us to enjoy! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dear Margie... your review brought me to tears of laughter when you said "Woodpeckers have never bee.. read moredear Margie... your review brought me to tears of laughter when you said "Woodpeckers have never been given the time of day on Christmas". You have brought so much joy to others with your reviews and your own personal "slant" on life. Always believe in your warmth and generosity. with love, Pat Happy New Year... May you be blessed in 2020 and always. Pat
5 Years Ago
This is so precious . . . I'm touched & it warms my toes (which are a bit frosty this morning!) I fe.. read moreThis is so precious . . . I'm touched & it warms my toes (which are a bit frosty this morning!) I feel blessed & it's an honor to share the blessings! *smile*
What a beautiful way to connect that sound of the woodpecker's beak to the message of Christ. Indeed, all the beauty of Creation and all its wonderful creatures, is vested in Him and, "Christ is all and in all"
Merry Christmas and a blessed one too....
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dear DIVYA... my muse must be an Angel to create
a message that came so natural in a season.. read more dear DIVYA... my muse must be an Angel to create
a message that came so natural in a season of
spiritual persuasion when there is an aura of goodwill and blessings. I appreciate your review. We value a country where we can express our feelings. truly, Pat
I smiled at seeing you call it "Woody" thinking I knew just what woodpecker that would be. As it turns out, it was another one with a different, much more important message.
Posted 5 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
5 Years Ago
dear Samuel... what a pleasant surprise to read your review. Glad my poem brought you smiles. Bird.. read moredear Samuel... what a pleasant surprise to read your review. Glad my poem brought you smiles. Birds are so remarkable. I worry about them and how they ever survive. But somehow they do. I really enjoy seeing them at the fFeeder and the wide Ledge on our Deck where I leave them a lot of food. That is where I saw the Woodpecker that is exactly like the photo at the top of my poem. May your Hearth br warm and Crickets chirp for you Merriment. Merry Christmas and be blessed. truly, Pat
dearest Andrew... yes, Woodpeckers are amazing...
they certainly add a drum beat to the twee.. read moredearest Andrew... yes, Woodpeckers are amazing...
they certainly add a drum beat to the tweets and songs of the other birds... as each bird has a different pitch and key in their song... so they make a symphony at times. I appreciate your visit and wish you a beautiful Christmas with silver bells and mistletoe... Ho Ho Ho... truly, Pat
love the Knock ma'am .. brilliant bit of word play says i! just the last couple of days we have had red heads visiting ... when they sing their song i will be hearing with different and more blessed ears ... so thank you! moving to the Ozarks i met the Pileated Wood Peckers of the region .. they are huge and very brightly colored .. the size of pigeons!! i talked with my brother-in-law about them and he was the one who told me what they were .. and they are renowned for their love of "drumming" ... so glad i did not miss this poem of yours ... with one of the most inviting truths of God to go with it .. knock and it will be opened ... how stupid we all can be sometimes eh!? Merry Christmas to you too dear friend .. :)
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dearest E... we are blessed with all the beautiful “drummers” this Christmas season as we listen.. read moredearest E... we are blessed with all the beautiful “drummers” this Christmas season as we listen to the song of the little drummer boy to welcome the season of love and prayers for a World of goodwill and giving. Thank you for sharing the story of the Pleated Woodpeckers in your region of the Ozarks.
Blessings to you and yours and wishing you good health in the New Year. With love, Pat and family
5 Years Ago
same to you Pat... your take on things always points me in a more blessed direction ... would not ha.. read moresame to you Pat... your take on things always points me in a more blessed direction ... would not have made the connection to the drummer boy ... who put his heart into his small gift and made it huge before the King ...
"Woody seems to know Morse Code as he sends a message" I love the thought of this, Pat. Such a lovely write for Christmas. May you and Roger enjoy the wonders of Christmas and have a very healthy New Year. Lydi***
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dear Lydi... your review reflects the love of every one who believes in love and goodwill. May your.. read moredear Lydi... your review reflects the love of every one who believes in love and goodwill. May your candles be a blessing for you and yours. truly, Pat
Dear Pat, this little poem is so endearing. Wonderful imagery of Woody tapping out his message in morse code. What a beautiful thought. You do love your winged friends don't you? Always a delight to read you, because you bring me closer to nature and in your own unique way. Merry Christmas Pat, to you and yours and good health and happiness for the new year.
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dear Chris... thank you for your lovely review ... this Christmas season is unique for our Country i.. read moredear Chris... thank you for your lovely review ... this Christmas season is unique for our Country in that “feathers are flying” in the Congress with interpretations of the Constitution. However, the Birds are doing their usual preparations for the Seasons and all the reasons for surviving. Perhaps we could use them as an example of working together in a manner that has been proven to be a Shining Star. With prayers for every Country on our beautiful Earth. Our Galaxy is waiting for Peace in Earth... Goodwill to men and women and children every where. Have a blessed Christmas. Love and good health always, Pat
Delightful Pat and true.....
Oh' and back at ya....
Neville 💕 x
Posted 5 Years Ago
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5 Years Ago
dear Neville... so endearing that you would read my poem... a favorite of mine. May your Christmas .. read moredear Neville... so endearing that you would read my poem... a favorite of mine. May your Christmas 🎄 bring you Joy and Peace.... now I lay me down to sleep...
hope the Lord my soul to keep. Amen 🙏
Life is like a River that includes the sound of Warblers among the trees laden with happiness and tears... Wings take us to places we discover and people who write the Music we love to hear... quietly.. more..