Tawny Owl in wooded back yard

Tawny Owl in wooded back yard

A Poem by Patricia Wedel

Great Sage is wise as an Owl ...

My morning  view was an Owl perched for my pleasure... 

He had stopped to smile with eyes as large as chestnuts... 

He stood like a Statue in a Park of Crepe Myrtle trees 

as a hurricane breeze swept through the leaves... 

He seemed to be lost on a horizon of dreams as 

he screamed in a manner of a tug boat at sea... 

a fog horn sound that lingers through the mist 

the wisdom of the ages embedded at ease... 

© 2019 Patricia Wedel

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' He had stopped to smile with eyes as large as chestnuts..' Laughed because i see that!

You have such a way and insight about the/your natural world, Pat. I can sometimes see you sitting at the window, on the porch or patio or somewhere, slightly hidden.. watching intently, listening as if you had to learn the air's music... you don't miss a thing. Your poem is smilingly wonderful.. so pleased I called as intended before.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

dear Em.. I hide behind my kitchen curtains and look at the Railing on the old but sturdy deck outsi.. read more


Every year I do a fundraiser for a local wildlife rehabilitation center It is a massive amount of work but I look forward to it! They rehab everything from foxes to flying squirrels and I get to see them up close:) One of my favorites is a great horned owl named Martha she is amazingly smart but could not be re released because she lost an eye:( but she will adopt, teach and feed any other owl baby they get she has done this for many owlets over the years:) Your depiction of this owl is great they are the silent observers of nature you could be standing 10 feet away from one and never even notice they are so stealthy but when one is looking at you... you know that they are!

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

dear Robert... my wish when. I pass to the great beyond will be that a great horned owl will "hoot" .. read more
A wonderful poem shared dear Pat. I love the sounds of nature. A wise person pay attention to the Owl. They foretold the big storms. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 5 Years Ago

How I just love owls.. just about everything about them in fact.. steeped in folk law and mystery... how you do justice to their oft not so quiet presence...... N

Posted 5 Years Ago

You are like the wise owl, Pat. I could picture him outside your window. You are truly at one with nature. A lovely nature write. Lydi**

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

dear Lydi... we seldom see Owls... however, about a week ago, there was one sitting on the railing o.. read more
You describe this sight in such lovely sensitive detail Pat. It is such a pleasure not to be underestimated to see an owl in the wild. Of course I also appreciate other birds and animals as we feed them too and we get a wide variety in our garden. I am fortunate as sitting here typing I have the garden laid out before me.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

dear John... it is rare to see an Owl as we are in the countryside just outside the City with lots o.. read more
well done! i love the owls .. almost as much as eagles and hawks .. the owl .. night stalker..silent wings.. aerialist par excellence ..especially savor how you work those eyes ... beautiful ... L3 "Satute" (sp) ;) what a special moment he gave you, Pat .. i would never think of an owl "lost on a horizon of dreams" ... they always seem so intent and present when i have seen them .. but i will now .. look for the dreaming in owls .. and i am impresssed by his hoot like a tug boat's horn ... brings his power to play says i .. the forest is his ... well done .. you share a moment in nature ... your speaker connected .. and so I am in reading .. love this .. love love love this!
ps. or this is a lover ... the whole poem a personification of sorts ;) is it a lover Patricia?? ;) ;)

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

yes!! wonderful song .. the Platters and Freddy Mercury perhaps made it even bigger .. love your poe.. read more
Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

The Great Pretender... "Adrift in a World of my own..." truly, Pat
Einstein Noodle

5 Years Ago

oo OO oo OO oo :)
Ughhhh...this was amazing! That first line hooked me, “perched for my pleasure” so good.owls have a mysticism about them that makes for great writing. Dark and hopeful at the same time with all knowing eyes. Yeah The is hits, lovely.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

dear Crowley... after reading a few more of your writings, I realize that your repertoire is very Sh.. read more
I think creatures have a purpose like us in life and in the food chain. So much to learn and immerse ourselves in the wonder of creation. Your appreciation of God's creatures is an appreciation of Him and our decked nature. Your writes are a snapshot in time but lively at all times.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

dear Sami... it is phenomenal that Owls have so much perception... a knowingness that protects our h.. read more
Sami Khalil

5 Years Ago

You too. You are welcome. See you soon.
This should be spoken word Par. That way it can accompany my morning scene gazing from the kitchen window, as I sip coffee and take in the ever lightening vista, watching furry and feathered friends start the early shift again.
The only problem with that scenario would be the interruption of the mission impossible theme tune when a squirrel makes an appearance 😀
Lovely pictures painted in our minds, all we have to do is add or change the local wildlife. Luckily, I am used to the owls soundtrack here. They even sound Scottish... Twit =to what and twoo= to who, in our mangled tongue 😀

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Sorry Par, I meant Pat 😀
Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

Hi Lorry... I was thinking "Par for the Course" as in Golf, but used lightly in conversation when di.. read more
Beautiful, just like everything you do.
I was owls, sometimes the one we have in the area is so close we can hear the growl he has at the end of his call.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Patricia Wedel

5 Years Ago

dear Cherrie... thanks for your gracious review. I listened to a few Videos on U-Tube and the like... read more

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14 Reviews
Added on September 7, 2019
Last Updated on September 10, 2019


Patricia Wedel
Patricia Wedel

Keystone, WV

Life is like a River that includes the sound of Warblers among the trees laden with happiness and tears... Wings take us to places we discover and people who write the Music we love to hear... quietly.. more..


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