The Albiggensian Chronicles lettre 3

The Albiggensian Chronicles lettre 3

A Story by Patches I'm not so new anymore.

a continuation Skirmish--- near carcassonne Advent 1217


 Chere Maman

        Things do not always go according to plan. God has a mind of His own. It seems I will be home for Christmas after all!

  We skirmished with the French two days after my last letter was sent. I was wounded.

We had been foraging and ran into a small number of Crusaders. The fight lasted less than a quarter hour before we ran them off. It really was an archer's battle, as we were never any closer than forty paces. A good thing I thought to bring an attachment of Bayonne  bowmen or we surely would have been all killed or captured.

 In any event they lost three men and I was wounded, shot through the calf by a crossbow bolt.

 Do not worry mama, the bolt went clean through the leg missing the bone completely but ripped a ragged hole through the muscle, I bled like a stuck pig! When we got back to camp, me being carried wrapped in a horse blanket, the chirurgeon dressed my wound with tree moss and wrapped it tightly in clay and bandages.

  He says that I will be out of action for at least one or two months and has recommended to Count Ramon that I convalesce at home, as that is my best chance for a swift and complete recovery.

  I start home tomorrow in a supply cart and should be home by Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Pray mama that by the time I am healed that this insane war will be done and we continue our days in peace to do as we please. Do not send Poppa's bow.

Should I have need of it I will bring it with me when I return to the war.

    Your Loving Son



© 2011 Patches I'm not so new anymore.

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A wonder of a piece, sad yet done in such a way that one alone I know that can pull it forth. YOU of course.. Only one with the mightiest of pens can bring forth such mastery in this type of write..

Keep that pen flowing me Gumba, it shines throughout the night.

Mags xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 30, 2011
Last Updated on April 30, 2011