![]() Chapter 31- Fire And Ice. Why Does That Sound So Familiar?A Chapter by Ace D PortgasThe scene switches back to Caesar and Myles and the rest of the gang. In front of them is their base on fire and they all have huge sweat-drops on their head when Soren walks up to Myles. Soren: “Myles there is only one person I can think of that would do something like this” Myles: “Sure is. Now all I got to do is see where he actually is.” Soren: “From the looks of it, I would suggest the roof first” Myles: “I’m on my way up there. I’ll signal you guys up when
everything is situated. Soren: “Understood” Myles starts walking
towards the building and starts to form ice around his hand. Takashi looks
terrified. Takashi: “MYLES! Why are you walking towards the fire!? You’re going to burn yourself!” Soren: “Takashi if this person is who I think it is then Myles won’t have to worry. This is simply an illusion” Takashi: “An illusion? If that’s the case then why am I sweating so much?” Jax, Kazuto & Kidd: “Because you lack focus” Takashi: “YOU B******S ARE SWEATING MORE THAN ME” Takashi turns and sees
Kidd, Jax and Kazuto dropped to one knee dripping in a pool of sweat gasping
for air Kazuto: “Water needed” We next see Myles
getting ready to head towards the roof when up top we see a man with a hoody
over his head and sweatpants and some nice gym shoes and a little kid who is
wrapped in a blanket. They seem to be holding hot dogs on a stick over a small
fire. The hooded figure starts to speak Hooded Figure: “You know it must be something about the drywall of the Sunset’s Squad base that adds a little extra flavor. You know Kali” Kali: “Yes…Flavor.” Suddenly Myles appears
behind the hooded figure. Myles: “KOJIN! WHY
hoody and it’s revealed to be a very handsome tan-skinned man. He looks very
similar to Tyki Mikk, with the same skin complexion and hair. (Tyki Mikk is a
character from D. Gray-Man) Kojin: “Oooo you’re so sensitive! Myles where is the love? I haven’t seen you in forever” Kojin starts to grin
and extends his hand out to Myles. Myles grabs it and Kojin pulls him towards
him and starts ruffling Myles hair when Myles jumps back and tries fixing his
hair. Myles: “Kojin your always messing around! Can you please get rid of these soul flames?” Kojin: “Myles you know you could get rid of these flames if you were a little bit stronger” Myles has a blank look
on his face and Kojin calls him out on it Kojin: “Ha ha! Look that’s the “Maybe if I was a little bit stronger” face. But alright man. Don’t worry. The fire is out” Kojin claps his hands
together and all the flames instantly disappear. Myles then signals the rest of
the gang to come to the top of the roof. While they are climbing to the top
Myles starts talking Myles: “I guess that type of stuff comes natural to you doesn’t it Kojin?” Kojin: “You know what they say Myles. Practice makes perfect. The gang suddenly
reaches the top of the roof. Kojin seems to be happy to see them. Kojin: “Jax, Kazuto, Kidd and Soren! Long time no see!” Kojin then notices
Takashi. He doesn’t know who he is. All of a sudden Kojin takes two of his
fingers and brings them up to his mouth and starts to speak. Kojin: “Demon Hellfire” A dark figure appears
in front of Kojin wrapped in flames when suddenly… Soren: “There’s no need to worry Kojin. He’s going to be on our side for now” Suddenly the dark
figure disappears and Kojin starts to laugh Kojin: “Aww dang! And I wanted to try one of my strongest attacks out too” Takashi looks
wide-eyed Takashi: “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU VEGETA!? USING YOUR STRONGEST ATTACK FROM THE START! AND WHAT DID I EVEN DO TO DESERVE A MOVE OF THAT CALIBER!? THERE WAS SOMEONE WRAPPED IN FLAMES!” Kojin (laughing): “Look my man. I apologize. It was a misunderstanding” Takashi (still wide-eyed): “WHAT KIND OF MISUNDERSTANDING WAS THAT!? I WAS JUST MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS!” Kojin: “What is your name by the way?” Takashi: “But-. I mean Takashi” Kojin: “Nice to meet you Kakashi” Takashi: “It’s Ta, not Ka” Kojin: “Whoops! Well let me introduce you to the youngest sibling in the “Minyan” family, my sister Kali.” Kojin walks Takashi
over to where Kali is sitting and introduces himself. Takashi extends his hand. Takashi: “Nice to meet you. I’m Takashi” Kali looks over at
Takashi’s hand and then stares at Takashi for about five seconds. Suddenly she
closes her eyes and you can see the clouds turning dark and a supernatural
force appears in the sky. Kali: “Summoning of the God Veles” Kojin: “Whoa little sis. No need to worry. He is with Myles and them now. Geez you were going to summon something like that?” Kali (looks at Takashi): “I’m…sorry” Takashi: “SORRY WON’T CUT IT! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!? AND WHAT WERE YOU PLANNING ON DOING TO ME?!” Takashi is now
sweating nervously and starts to faint Kali: “Misunder…standing” Meanwhile Kidd, Jax,
and Kazuto are all standing and thinking amongst themselves. Kidd (thinking): “This family is so eager to fight. Poor
Takashi: “I HEARD THAT YOU B*****D!” Kazuto (thinking): “I wonder how old Kali is now.” Jax (thinking): “Screw this chapter. I didn’t even get a chance to shine” Myles then starts to
speak to Kojin. Myles: “Alright Kojin. Now that everyone has introduced themselves, can you tell me why exactly you were here?” Kojin: “Oh yeah! Well really the person I was looking for was Sashimi. I just wanted to go over with you guys about the upcoming tournament” © 2011 Ace D PortgasAuthor's Note
7 Reviews Added on September 8, 2011 Last Updated on September 9, 2011 Tags: comics, manga, force, powers, government, humor, comedy, adventure, fourth-wall Author![]() Ace D PortgasMIAboutMy name is Patrick and I'm currently working on a comic/manga entitled "So Called Heroes". My dream one day is for this to hit the shelves so everyone can get a look at it...Cause I Just Gotta Make It.. more..Writing
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