![]() Chapter 30- If You Don’t Have A Name, Your Most Likely FodderA Chapter by Ace D PortgasThe scene begins and the Officials have the Scarred Man and the three others surrounded. The Scarred Man takes a puff of his cigarette and blows out some smoke. Rougarou is steadily eating, Felicia appears to be passed out and the guitarist is playing notes on his guitar and bobbing his heads to his headphones. One of the Officials start to talk F.O.R.C.E Member: “If it isn’t you Demons. You guys are coming with us for the murder of numerous F.O.R.C.E Officials. If you try to resist at all, we won’t hesitate to shoot.” Scarred Man: “Must we really be referred to as demons? And looking at your ranks you must just be Sergeants. The Officials we fought were at least Captains. Sorry but your rank has to be a little higher if you want to pose a threat to us” F.O.R.C.E Member: “You b*****d! You can say that with a smile on your face after you killed our comrades?” Scarred Man: “It’s not my fault they were weak” F.O.R.C.E Member: “Stop. If you say anything else, we won’t hesitate to pull the trigger” Scarred Man: “If you cowards really want to shoot then go ahead” F.O.R.C.E Member: “YOU B*****D! PREPARE TO DIE!” As soon as the Officials
begin to pull the trigger, simultaneously all of their guns seem to break in
their hand. They each look shocked. The Scarred Man takes a look over at the
Guitarist. Scarred Man: “Well Slash, I see you picked up some new techniques haven’t you?” Slash plays a note on
his guitar as if he’s saying yes. The Scarred Man then notices that a F.O.R.C.E
Member still has a gun in his hands Scarred Man: “Actually you missed one” Slash plays a note on
his guitar that sounds as if he’s depressed. The lone F.OR.C.E Member then
shoots at Rougarou. It hits him in the shoulder. He lets out a loud howl that
shatters the glasses in the room Rougarou: “That one was a bit tender. Nah, I’m lying” The wound on
Rougarou’s shoulder seems to heal very fast. The F.O.R.C.E Members just look
nervous Rougarou: “I’m a Wolf. We tend to heal very fast. We also can do this” In a split second
Rougarou appears behind one of the F.O.R.C.E Members and stabs him in the back
with his claws. Blood drips out of the Officials mouth. Rougarou then picks him
up and tosses him into a wall. Three other F.O.R.C.E Members whip out their
nightsticks and try to hit Rougarou but the Scarred Man appears in front of them
and effortlessly blocks all of their attack with his legs and one hand and is still
smoking his cigarette with the other hand. The three then try to attack him
with combinations of punches and kicks but he blocks them. He then grabs one of
the men by the arms and swings him around into Rougarou. Scarred Man: “Here you go” Rougarou then shoulder
rams the Official extremely hard to the point you can hear his shoulder break.
The F.O.R.C.E Member screams out in pain. There are five F.OR.C.E Members
remaining. Scarred Man: “Slash these guys ruined a perfectly good meal. I’m just going to go “Gentle Fist” style so we can be on our way” Slash stands up from
his chair and plays his guitar really fast. Three of the men seems to be stuck
and can’t move F.O.R.C.E Member: “WHAT THE HELL! I CAN’T BUDGE AN INCH!” The Scarred Man has a
slasher smile on his face. He then gets into a stance that perfectly imitates
Neji Hyuuga from Naruto. (*Neji Hyuuga is a character from the manga Naruto who
uses the Gentle Fist fighting style). The Scarred Man has both his middle and
index finger on both hands pointed out and he heads towards the four F.O.R.C.E
Members. Scarred Man: “Two Points!” He basically pokes the
four men with his fingers extremely hard in the chest and stomach. The men
clench their teeth Scarred Man: “Four Points!” He then hits the Officials
in their chest, stomach, and neck. Scarred Man: “Eight Points!” He hits them in their
neck, chest, arms, and legs. Each of them are spitting out blood. Scarred Man: “Sixteen Points!” By now the Scarred
Man’s hands are moving to fast it’s hard to keep track of where he is hitting
them but the men are twitching as if they have gotten shot Scarred Man: “Thirty-Two Points!” Pretty soon every one
of the men’s body parts are twitching and blood is just dripping down their
bodies. Their eyes have gone white and seemed to have lost consciousness. Scarred Man: “Sixty-Four Points!” He goes to attack but
suddenly stops. He sees that the man have pretty much got knocked unconscious
standing up. He then just lightly taps them and they all fall down. Scarred Man: “Now where did those last two go?” He looks and sees that
the two remaining F.O.R.C.E Members have managed to get handcuffs on Felicia.
The Scarred Man just shakes his head. Slash and Rougarou just stare at the
F.O.R.C.E Members as if they’re crazy F.O.R.C.E Member: “Even if it’s one of you Demons, that’s good enough.” Scarred Man: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. She doesn’t like being restrained. Not to mention you accidentally knocked off her scrunchie” The two Officials
notice and suddenly Felicia’s hair starts to move as if it has a mind of its
own. It slaps the two around a couple times. And Felicia starts screaming Felicia: “AHHHH! FILTHY MEN PUTTING THEIR HANDS ON ME! FILTHY LOUSY MEN! FILTHY LOUSY ROTTEN SCUMMY MEN!” Rougarou (thinking): “I think she’s just taking out her aggression on men in general” Felicia: “Men want to put their hands all over my body, and not even take me to dinner first! What do you think I am some cheap w***e!” Felicia’s hair starts
to wrap around the two men’s neck and it starts to choke them for about ten
seconds and then they start turning blue. Her hair then lets go and they pass
out on the ground. She then uses her hair to pick the lock from the handcuffs
and free herself. Now all of the F.O.R.C.E Members are incapacitated. Scarred Man: “Simply fodder in my eyes. They’ve tainted my favorite color” Rougarou: “I find it odd none of them were “Stranges” though.” Scarred Man: “That’s exactly why. Because they don’t want to be viewed as strange from the regular civilians who look up to these people. These b******s want to curse us then act like they can stop us by being regular and using normal weaponry? How much are they trying to humiliate us?” Slash plays a note on
his guitar. Scarred Man: “We’ll talk about it later” Slash plays another
note. Scarred Man: “Tell me about it. Are you guys ready to leave? We got business to take care of” Felicia (still drunk): “Yooooouuuuuu gah it” Felicia starts
stumbling a little bit Scarred Man: “Rougarou, carry Felicia.” Rougarou: “Yes sir” Rougarou walks over to
Felicia and picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. Felicia: “WOLFY!! What are you doing! I can do fine by myself” Felicia uses her hair
to mess with Rougarou and they start arguing a little bit. Slash walks over to
where the Scarred Man is and they start to head out the door. Scarred Man: “Well fellas. Let’s just prepare ourselves for this upcoming tournament” The four walk out the
door and the scene ends © 2011 Ace D PortgasAuthor's Note
7 Reviews Added on September 2, 2011 Last Updated on September 2, 2011 Author![]() Ace D PortgasMIAboutMy name is Patrick and I'm currently working on a comic/manga entitled "So Called Heroes". My dream one day is for this to hit the shelves so everyone can get a look at it...Cause I Just Gotta Make It.. more..Writing
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