Special Side Chapter 2- It’s 10 O’Clock. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

Special Side Chapter 2- It’s 10 O’Clock. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

The scene switches to an undisclosed location. It is pitch black out and the poor street lighting in the area doesn’t help.  The streets are completely empty, not a soul is out at this time of night.  There is one exception however. A man who appears to be going for night walk is pacing down the street with a look on his face as if he’s lost in deep thought. He makes his way toward a street light on the corner and stands under it with both hands in his pockets as if he’s waiting for someone. When the light shines down on the man we get a better look at him. He’s a shaggy looking character with messy hair and light stubble on his chin. (If you know what Bleach is, picture Urahara Kisuke) He’s dressed in grey sweatpants and a black tank top. He is still under the street light looking around to make sure no one is watching. He would look rather suspicious if it was broad daylight however his strange actions are aided by the blackness of the night. After a few minutes of waiting the man crosses the street and heads towards the back of a large abandoned building. He cuts through an alley behind the building and approaches a rusty looking door on the side. He checks his surroundings and looks over the area several times before knocking.

Shaggy Looking Man (Thinking): “He said he’d be here, it’s four in the morning, I waited all day for this.”

No one is answering the door.  However the Shaggy Looking Man is determined and knocks again.

Shaggy Looking Man: “Hmm. Maybe he didn’t get the message. Ugh, I guess I should head back”

Just as the Shaggy Looking Man starts to turn around the rusty looking door creaks and is tilted open. Then a voice is heard behind the door

Voice (In a harsh whisper): “You’re late! What the hell happened!?”

Shaggy Looking Man (Sarcastically): “I got lost Doc. Besides, you said we were meeting up halfway on Williams Street.”

Doc: “I said no such thing! Are you crazy? It’s dangerous out here; you think I’m going to risk my life being out at this time of day? With all of these thugs and “Stranges” walking about? A man my age can’t handle this dangerous world. I say the F.O.R.C.E needs to wipe them out! That damned X attack several years back…”

Shaggy Looking Man: “Doc, first of all you know I would be able to protect you if something was to happen. Secondly, you shouldn’t act like that, innocent people were affected too. If it wasn’t for them so called heroes called the F.O.R.C.E we wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

Doc: “Don’t sympathize with those freaks! Did you see the news!? Just last night one of those “Stranges” killed a girl. They said he was like a…”

Shaggy Looking Man: “A wolf or something. I had seen. That was so sad.”

The man behind the door steps outside now to continue the conversation. We now get a clear view of him as well. He’s wearing a white lab coat and has a pair of goggles on his head. His hair has streaks of grey and he appears to be in his mid to late 50’s. Standing out on his body is a shiny gold name tag attached to his lab coat that says Dr. Wessun.

Dr. Wessun: “This world isn’t safe anymore I tell you. First I leave that cesspool of filth called Caesar and now incidents like this are stilling happening out here, halfway across the world. THIS IS YOUR ENTIRE FAULT!”

Shaggy Looking Man (sarcastically): “Yeah. Because even before the X Attack, the world as we know it was just peaceful. If peace is what you’re looking for go find a red-head crippled person with some weird looking eyes. I hear he’s doing the same thing.

This statement puts things in perspective for Dr. Wessun and he falls out of his angry mood. He begins to crack a smile and starts to laugh at the whole thing.

Dr. Wessun: “You’re right, I have to stop being stuck in my ways. I’m a stubborn old man I guess. I really should be more tolerant of the Stranges. What does it look like for a man like me, the great Doctor Wessun, master physicist and perhaps the greatest biochemist the world has ever seen, to be prejudice against people who are perhaps the most exciting scientific anomaly to happen to this dull planet?

Shaggy Looking Man (thinking): “Toot your own horn much?”

Dr. Wessun takes his goggles off his head and begins to wipe the sweat from his forehead before continuing.

Dr. Wessun: “The “Stranges” aren’t all bad people I guess, it’s just those gangs that scare me, you turn on the news and that’s all you see. Nothing but the gangs, stories about gangs and then more stories about the gangs. The stories of that barbaric breeding ground Cesar even reach this side of the world. There are even a few places out here that’s full of “Stranges” and being a thorn in the people’s side.”

Shaggy looking man: “You can’t really blame them though, after the X attack the whole world was in a state of panic, the F.O.R.C.E. basically seized control of most the globe and decided to take a strong arm approach to the whole thing.  They started persecuting “Stranges” left and right, innocent people too. They weren’t criminals Doc, just people who happened to be a victim of misfortune.  Seems kind of hypocritical especially since they have some “Stranges” amongst themselves”

Dr.Wessun: “You think I didn’t know it was random?  I read all the research, it affected everyone differently. Most people were unaffected, but there was still a sizeable amount of the population who became “Stranges”. Some of the people may have it dormant and not even know themselves that they are. Heck even normal people ended up with “Strange” babies

Shaggy Looking Man: “That’s pretty interesting.”

Dr. Wessun: “More than interesting. Amazing if you ask me. Still doesn’t change the fact though that those same children are growing up and joining gangs.”

Shaggy Looking Man: “But you see Doc, you can’t blame all of the “Stranges” for how they feel. A lot of these “Stranges” have been forming across the globe, fighting to be treated as equals, fighting for self preservation, fighting against a government that no longer views them as human beings. Heck what about the normal civilians that do the same thing as “Stranges”, except instead of turning into monsters, they carry guns and knives?


Dr. Wessun: “What are you, activist for them? You make an interesting case boy but how do you separate the gangs of “Stranges” banding together for a righteous cause from the ones who are just taking advantage of their powers and becoming elite criminals? Hell how do you even know what’s what anymore in this world. A lot of “Stranges” look like you and me, with the exceptions of the ones with physical mutations there’s no way to look at a person and know if they are one.”


Shaggy Looking Man: “What can I say? It’s a “Strange” world we live in?

Dr. Wessun:  “I see your sense of humor hasn’t changed one bit”

Shaggy Looking Man: “Come on, don’t rag on me like that Doc.”

Dr. Wessun begins to clear his throat and gets a serious look on his face

Dr. Wessun “Anyway, you didn’t come halfway across the world to come talk to me about “Stranges” and politics.”

Shaggy Looking Man: You’re right. Let’s get down to business. We better take this conversation inside. I won’t lie Doc, I’m pretty excited, this could be the big break I was hoping for. I’ve been kind of worried lately but something tells me you’ve got this under control and you figured it all out.”

Dr. Wessun: “You may be disappointed, but step inside my friend, we’ll head underground for this one.”

© 2011 Ace D Portgas

Author's Note

Ace D Portgas
A VERY informative chapter. No action, just basically if you were confused about "Stranges" this chapter goes into that. Also bonus points if you figure out who the red-head cripple is = )

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This was a great chapter. I'm glad that you were able to go into detail about the "Stranges". I know there wasn't action, but you at least learned a little more. I wasn't confused before. I just know more. Can't wait to read on. Thanks for sharing. :3

Posted 13 Years Ago

I don't know who the red-head is, but this is a very cool chapter, more serious instead of actiony or funny, which makes it so the story differs. You could seriously make this into a tv show or movie if you really wanted to!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I like the info! Very nice! I have no idea who the red-head cripple is.. but I'm excited to see if it's revealed! And the Doc reminds me somewhat of Doc Brown from Back To The Future (

Posted 13 Years Ago

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ooh! interesting chapter! Love it! :) You only missed a few periods.

Just as the Shaggy Looking Man starts to turn around the rusty looking door creaks and is tilted open. Then a voice is heard behind the door(.)

Dr.Wessun: “You think I didn’t know it was random? I read all the research, it affected everyone differently. Most people were unaffected, but there was still a sizeable amount of the population who became “Stranges”. Some of the people may have it dormant and not even know themselves that they are. Heck even normal people ended up with “Strange” babies(.)

Dr. Wessun begins to clear his throat and gets a serious look on his face(.)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Red Haired Cripple= Victoria? Lol just my best guess. Victoria is the only one who was said to have red hair. Or am I making that up?? :P

A very nice chapter, but a bit to take in. :/

Posted 13 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on September 2, 2011
Last Updated on September 3, 2011
Tags: comics, manga, force, powers, government, humor, comedy, adventure, fourth-wall

So Called Heroes


Ace D Portgas
Ace D Portgas


My name is Patrick and I'm currently working on a comic/manga entitled "So Called Heroes". My dream one day is for this to hit the shelves so everyone can get a look at it...Cause I Just Gotta Make It.. more..

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A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

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