Chapter 12- Casanova Types Just Can't Watch The Ladies Get Mistreated

Chapter 12- Casanova Types Just Can't Watch The Ladies Get Mistreated

A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

Someone's favorite character returns!


Right now the music has stopped and a good majority of the people has left the party. There are probably only a dozen there at the moment. The rest seem to be members of Skymon’s gang. The lady that the Sharply Dressed Man brought to the DJ Booth is stillstanding by him and Dodge still is nowhere to be seen. The Sharply Dressed Man then looks at the lady’s figure up and down and seems to forget all about what just happened.


Sharply Dressed Man: “You know baby, I don’t seem to think I got your name. You can call me Milk. I do--”


Lady: “The body good. Yeah I heard you using that line on that woman”


Sharply Dressed Man (Barry White Voice): “The past is the past baby. Right now I’m thinking about the future. And I see you in it”


The lady starts to smile a little bit


Sharply Dressed Man: “Now I never got your name”


Lady: “It’s Victoria


Sharply Dressed Man: “Mhmmm Mhmm Mhmmm! Such a pretty name for a fine damsel like yourself”


Victoria: “Thanks”


Then all of a sudden Dodge can be seen coming out from the back up the club.


Dodge: “Victory! Ya dumb broad! What in the hell are you doing up here? Didn’t I tell you to wait in the V.I.P room?”


Victoria: “It’s Victoria Dodge. How long have we been together and you still can’t remember my name?”


Victoria starts tearing up a little bit


Dodge: “Woman are ya back sassing me?”


Victoria, now completely crying doesn’t say a word. Dodge angrily walks in her direction. He is so drunk he can’t walk straight so he stumbles. Pretty soon he is right in her face. The Sharply Dressed Man just looks on.


Dodge: “B***h, I asked ya a question”


Dodge has his arm in the air and Victoria is seen flinching


Victoria: Pl…pl..please don’t hit me Dodge. I’m sorry”


Dodge: “Now why in blue hell are ya out here?”


Victoria: “I…I..heard the music playing and just wanted to have a good time”


Dodge: “So what ya wanted ta do was parade around in daisy dukes and give these fuckers (He points at the Sharply Dressed Man) a lil’ eye candy huh? Just show off ya tits and a*s for the whole f*****g world ta see? Why didn’t ya tell me ya wanted to be a filthy w***e?”


Victoria (crying): “Dodge it isn’t like that. Please believe me”


Dodge then shouts over to one the men standing around. He then grabs Victoria by the hair.


Dodge: “Hey ya see this dame right here. She’s a might fine one isn’t she. Nice s****y dress with s****y heels. Wouldn’t you want a woman like this?”


Victoria: “Dodge your hurting me”


One of the men, obviously drunk looks at Victoria for around 5 seconds and says “Hell yeah”. The other men look at the guy like he’s crazy and back away from him


Dodge: “WRONG F*****G ANSWER”


Dodge takes out a revolver and shoots the man in the chest. The man drops instantly. Victoria screams and Dodge pulls her hair some more.


Dodge: “Why the f**k you screaming broad? Ya saw me shoot a plenty of men. Did you happen to have feelings for him? Want me to shoot him again?”


Dodge shoots the guy again. The man is dead. Dodge then releases Victoria’s hair and shoves her


Dodge: “Does that make you feel good? To have all these fuckers just staring at you!”


 Dodge then just lets out a chuckle and raises him arm, prepared to backhand Victoria.


Dodge: “Just a filthy s**t”


Dodge brings his hand down with a lot of force and Victoria flinches but before she knows it the Sharply Dressed Man grabs Dodge’s hand. Dodge looks shocked


Dodge: “What the f**k do ya think yer doing?”


Sharply Dress Man: “Dude, I can’t take any more of this. A man should never put his hands on the ladies.”


He takes few seconds to think over what he said


Sharply Dressed Man: “Well a man should put his hands on the ladies but not in the way you’re doing it. It should be done like this”


He takes his hand and slides it down Victoria’s a*s. Victoria jumps and one of the men standing around start to comment




The Sharply Dressed Man starts to blush.


Sharply Dressed Man: “Sorry, sorry. My hands have a mind of their own. I meant to do this”


He places his hand underneath Victoria’s chin and reassures her that she doesn’t need to cry. She tries to stop crying and eventually does.


Sharply Dressed Man (Barry White Voice): Girl, the only tears you need to be shedding is tears of joy. You’re way too beautiful to be subjected to this. Let alone by some fool who can’t appreciate you.


All of sudden Victoria starts to break into a smile but is interrupted when Dodge has his gun in the Sharply Dressed Man’s face


Dodge: “The only thing I need to appreciate is ol “Rusty” here. And I know that your about to be shedding blood”.


Then all of a sudden there is a loud “CRASH”! Trash is all over the club floor and there is a huge pile of debris and dust covering the entire club as well as a loud engine roaring throughout the club. Bodies of some of the people who couldn’t escape in time are hardly visible through the smoke and debris, there are some groans heard in the aftermath, a few people appear to be hurt but still conscious. A huge dump truck is stuck in the wall.

Dodge: (coughing heavily from the dust and debris) “WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT!?!?! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!”

After all the debris is cleared the driver side of the door opens up and a man steps out of it. The man is Jax. Jax tries to talk but keeps on coughing. This goes on for about a minute. Then you can hear someone shouting from the passenger side. They seem to be pretty bloodied. You can see that it was Takashi, the last man Jax was fighting before he spotted the dump truck

© 2011 Ace D Portgas

Author's Note

Ace D Portgas
Writer's Note: Mordecai from Regular Show was the inspiration for the Sharply Dressed Man.

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This was a great chapter. Okay now I hate Dodge! He ain't a man! He is a terrible person with no life. I hate you Dodge! You're a failure at life. No one loves a failure! Yay! Jax came back! He is an amazing character!!!!!! I loves him!!! Lol wow he still had that man xD. Can't wait to read on. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Sharply Dressed Man is turning into an awesome character! And Dodge is just... *shakes head* Anyway, I like Jax coming in at the end and the whole thing with Victoria is pretty nice!

Posted 13 Years Ago

JAX!!! WOOO!!!

Sharply Dressed Man is a nice person. I like him. Keep using him.

I felt so bad for Victoria. And Dodge needs to get OUT BECAUSE NO ONE LIKES HIM!

gawsh >_>

Posted 13 Years Ago

YAY!!!! JAX CRASHED A CAR THROUGH THE PLACE, THAT'S SO COOL!!! If only he could talk...and I really would like to see the nicely dressed man in another chapter because he seems really cool, until he acts like a perv...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Really like this chapter and Jax is back! Hope he kicks Dodge's butt (can't say bad word) ;).

Posted 13 Years Ago

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JAX!!!!!! YAY!!!! I'm so happy he is back!!! ^^ We all knew he would one day drive into a wall. That sharply dressed man is pretty nice. He seems kind of like a pervert at first, but he is actually pretty cool at the end. ^^

Posted 13 Years Ago

hmm sharply dressed man must look out for him? next chap plzzz:) your doin great

Posted 13 Years Ago

who is this mysterious sharply dressed man? what are his motives will Dodge be stopped? why am I asking so many questions? cant wait for the next episode to find out!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Active... I'm starting to wonder who that 'sharply dressed guy' is... I surely would smack him in the face if he'd handle me like he did with those women but I must admit he's kinda cool for standing up for her...
I'd love more!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Added on August 7, 2011
Last Updated on August 22, 2011
Tags: comics, manga, force, powers, government, humor, comedy, adventure, fourth-wall

So Called Heroes


Ace D Portgas
Ace D Portgas


My name is Patrick and I'm currently working on a comic/manga entitled "So Called Heroes". My dream one day is for this to hit the shelves so everyone can get a look at it...Cause I Just Gotta Make It.. more..

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A Chapter by Ace D Portgas

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