Ah! Heartbreaking, even thinking about the ifs. These reminded me “ Ya'aburnee” it means “you bury me, because I can’t stand if you die before me” deep but painful for both sides.
I loved your powerful words
Posted 1 Week Ago
1 Week Ago
The more we love someone the fear of losing them is magnified. Thank you so much for sharing your ow.. read moreThe more we love someone the fear of losing them is magnified. Thank you so much for sharing your own thoughts. It helps I guess, to live and enjoy each moment we have together. Live for today :-) I hope you and your loved ones are doing well. Take care!
This was like sitting on the sea-side of a dune ...the breeze full of ocean scent and feel and letting the mind wander across the paths both taken and not.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
One of my favorite places to sit and dream. Thank you so much for your words of inspiration.
Something I didn't know when young was how important it was to talk and spend time with loved ones, especially the older ones. This fine poem reminds us to do that now, while we can.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you for this warm review, Sam. I think often times we just don't realize how much they are mis.. read moreThank you for this warm review, Sam. I think often times we just don't realize how much they are missed until after they are gone.
this piece touched me as it reminded me of losing someone you love to an illness.. i imagine this could have been written by my dad in the months before my mom passed... this is beautiful writing, Dara... it is good to enjoy each and every moment so when tomorrow does come we can assure ourselves that we did all we could...
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
You have definitely captured the essence of my poem. Thank you so much for your wonderful review and.. read moreYou have definitely captured the essence of my poem. Thank you so much for your wonderful review and insight into this write. My heart goes out to your dad.
Thanks, Dara... I should have explained that my dad passed a few months ago... he would have appreci.. read moreThanks, Dara... I should have explained that my dad passed a few months ago... he would have appreciated your sentiments, though, thanks you.
9 Years Ago
So sorry for your loss FT. My parents are aging rapidly and it is difficult to think of losing them... read moreSo sorry for your loss FT. My parents are aging rapidly and it is difficult to think of losing them. Take care!
9 Years Ago
Thanks, Dara... i have great memories.... hold on to yours :)
' I will live for today, .. .. avoid the bedlam .. .. and pray ‘that’ tomorrow .. .. will never come.'
Your words touch both the heart and spirit, are sadly beautiful yet - so finely worded and formed. Think one has to understand the reason for words like this. Perhaps.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you so much Emma Joy. It came to me after I found out a loved one had a terminal illness. Sadl.. read moreThank you so much Emma Joy. It came to me after I found out a loved one had a terminal illness. Sadly, 'that' tomorrow did come. Your words touch my heart.
When the love we feel overwhelms us, we always are afraid of losing the object of our love. Alas things are not meant to last on this earth, but 'that' maybe not for many ...many moons to come.
It is especially scary when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and you anticipate thei.. read moreIt is especially scary when they have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and you anticipate their being gone. Thank you so much for you insightful review :-)
9 Years Ago
wow.. may healing come and may you have them close to you much longer
Thank you very much. It has been one of those years for me and poetry has been my therapy, so to spe.. read moreThank you very much. It has been one of those years for me and poetry has been my therapy, so to speak. So kind of you to take the time to read and comment!
Another tear-bringer poem from your deep well of creativity.
A sadly sweet poem, dear Dara.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you dear Misery. Isn't it funny how sometimes we are most creative when in a sad state? For me.. read moreThank you dear Misery. Isn't it funny how sometimes we are most creative when in a sad state? For me the words can come in a 'rush'. Your comment as always touched my heart.
9 Years Ago
You are welcome, precious poet.
Yes, sorrow is a powerful motivator.
I am a retired teacher who has just recently discovered the joy of writing poetry. Formerly known as Passion Flower, I decided to publish using my own name. My poetry is simple and from the heart whi.. more..