If I could, I would look at renaissance paintings (those are my favorite) all day long. There's just so much that art can show and tell us, that just giving it a quick glance doesn't give it justice. Nor living life too fast.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Indeed Nadia you have taken both meanings from this. Many thank yous!
never a truer word was said and you did it in so few words, one of my favourite forms of poem, look at the picture, then walk away come back and look again, always more to see or read :)
I am always amazed when people can write such a short piece but be so telling with the few words chosen. Any piece of art, paintings, photographs, poems, etc. you must delve for the whole picture not just superficially.
Sometimes, that 5-7-5-syllable count can be near impossible to fit...but I'm finding with a little luck and the progression of time, it presents itself quite nicely. I'm still not certain about the difference between the two, though. Isn't one supposed to be seasonal?
You always intrigue the mind, John!
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
A haiku has seasonal tones and has a sharper discipline a senyru is less onerous dear lady.
John, you just blew me over with this, your most clever fantastic write yet. Into favs it goes my friend
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Why thank you for such generosity Andrew!
9 Years Ago
Thank you for sharing John. I love your works and I know I give you silly reviews but that's cos I .. read moreThank you for sharing John. I love your works and I know I give you silly reviews but that's cos I respect your writes so much I wonder, I ponder, why I bother to be on here as my reviews paint my stories lol
I have to hold back when I have a bit of blockage since the Senryu and Haiku are so much fun and the.. read moreI have to hold back when I have a bit of blockage since the Senryu and Haiku are so much fun and they help me move past the blockage. Well at least that's the story I am telling.
9 Years Ago
No it is a good method. But don't belittle the senyru as not everyone can achieve it.
9 Years Ago
Not to belittle it at all. I really like them a great deal.
Well, have a long and complicated story and started it as an autobiography on Bebo but got writer's block/memory fogging. People liked it though and kept asking for the next chapter! fools.. more..