Wow Yheela. Not heard from you in a long time. It was a real story of the buddleia in my garden lol... read moreWow Yheela. Not heard from you in a long time. It was a real story of the buddleia in my garden lol. hope you are well. I am off to Halden for a week in February.
12 Years Ago
Halden, that's almost in my backyard! ^_^
Nah, not really.
Been busy with work and uni.. read moreHalden, that's almost in my backyard! ^_^
Nah, not really.
Been busy with work and uni, and I've only written stuff in Swedish (translated and published here now).
Had a good Christmas?
Yes had a lovely Christmas thanks, what about you? Have missed you lots on here.Halden is near to th.. read moreYes had a lovely Christmas thanks, what about you? Have missed you lots on here.Halden is near to the Swedish border as you know. I am so looking forward to it but am told it will be cold!
12 Years Ago
We had a lovely, peaceful, Christmas and New years.
Don't know about Halden in February, but .. read moreWe had a lovely, peaceful, Christmas and New years.
Don't know about Halden in February, but we have +3C and rain at the moment.
Love Buddleias the are great, you are refering to Autumn months again - I like this unusual and interesting write very much......
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
The reference to Autmn was simply because I was sitting in the garden at the weekend and saw the stu.. read moreThe reference to Autmn was simply because I was sitting in the garden at the weekend and saw the stump of the buddleia sprouting. Many thanks
Fine poem that I like a lot, I don`t know what a Buddleia is, which shows how ignorant I am, but the kind of challenge I like. And the poem is excellent, like the way you set it out, good work.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thank you Leslie, I am flattered that you have indulged me and read several of my pieces.
"But it grew too free,
wanted to have it’s way
absorb all the spaces,
I love this poem. Apart from the lines i quoted the ending is my favourite. The idea that you know what’s coming and you’re ready. That you’ve learnt from experience and you’re confident that this time it WILL go better. That you’re confident enough to ‘welcome its return’.
In the second line of the lines I quoted, the it’s should be its…with no apostrophe.
Well, have a long and complicated story and started it as an autobiography on Bebo but got writer's block/memory fogging. People liked it though and kept asking for the next chapter! fools.. more..