Here on Earth

Here on Earth

A Poem by Partha

As I walked down the moonlit shore
In the velvet sky the stars were in bloom,
But black clouds loomed inside my core
Once I die I will be remembered by whom?

Memories are transient in time’s hand
Timeless they are not meant to be,
Like my incoherent footsteps on the sand
Slowly being consumed by the sea.

I reached my home and opened the doors
Sat down beside the window by the sea,
Vacantly stared at the distant shores
Drowning slowly in the anxiety.

I turned my eyes to the light by the lord
On the shelf burned the candle small,
Its radiant flame was without discord
Illuminating the Sage who illuminated us all.

I gazed at the candle’s luminous glow
A soothing serenity was in the scene,
I closed my eyes and let it flow
The convalescence I could feel within.

The answer slowly came in my mind
Peace of mind was lost and found,
With eyes wide open I was blind
The truth I yearned was present all around.

My footprints may fade from the roads I used to walk
My pictures may lose their colour and their prime
My memories may degrade from the ones I use to talk,
My reminiscence may sink in the dark veil of time,

But in the soil of the land in the drops of the rain
In the fragrance of flowers in the leaves of the trees,
In the blue of the ocean in the greens of the plain
In the warmth of the fire in the cool of the breeze,
Will always be, everlasting souvenirs of me.

When I will become a part of them,
And they will become a part of me.

© 2010 Partha

My Review

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Good writing Partha.Wish you were here more often !
The later part sounds like a to-day's version of 'jakhan porbe na mor payer chinho..'

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 3, 2010
Last Updated on February 4, 2010



Siliguri, West Bengal, India, India

Smashmethod Smashmethod

A Poem by Partha

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A Poem by Partha