Buried in pages while learning the raptures and secrets of the world?
Mesmerizing strangers by swerving your fingers across ivory and onyx keys or a record table?
Glistening in your own perspiration while pushing your physical limits?
Scintillating those with quick strokes of a paintbrush with hues of pigment?
Broadening the horizons of eager young faces and minds?
Defending the freedoms and rights of voiceless victims?
Sheltering families with the fortresses you built from cement and boards?
Delving into the deep psyche of those whose fears paralyze them?
Opening your ears and extending your arms to the infirmary and immobile?
Satiating the appetite of the hungry and fickle in palate?
Tickling the fancy of the bored and rumbling the bellies of the stoic?
Or touching the hearts and souls of many with simple words and gestures?