It all started out as a shock. I felt like you were the one. The one? Yes, that one, the one who would be my everything;My 24/7 thought. I feel as though I have been fooled, smacked in the face, and just like any other girl you have ever talked to. Every night I wonder what I am to you. Do I matter? Am I a trending thought in your mind? I know you can never be mine, which is my biggest bother. We can't proceed in life or go farther than what we are now. I always wonder why contact was never invited. Two important dates strike my mind.I’m happy for you and every decision you become fund of.I feel like we took a wrong turn to trail on a right path. Honestly, "You can walk a horse to a river, but you can not, by all means, force the horse to drink the water provided." One thing I’ve learned, out of this chaotic experience is that you should not push the extra mile to help a person if they are not willing to dedicate aid to them selves. It will, in fact, only leave you in unappreciated exhaust.In the end I came to the conclusion that, I am happy for you, even if I’m not the one who enforces you to strive for your goals. Good luck to the dream I once dreamt.