I miss hearing the
“pop” sound of a message I would hear every night.
Now I have to cherish when I hear it once every now and then…
I miss feeling the rush of being anxious waiting for a new day to start.
Now I wake up wanting to cry, not even knowing when I will see you.
I miss locking my eyes to the clock, not letting a minute escape sight so I
could see you.
Now my visions blurred with tears not making it visible.
I miss when you would wrap your arms around me and say “How are you?”
Now hugs are denied.
I miss shaking in complete nervousness when trying to make you burst into
laughter with everything in me.
Now making you laugh is like that one game you could never beat; impossible.
I miss having the temptation of delivering you random letters.
Now your pen doesn’t even touch paper.
I miss planning every unnoticed detail of your Christmas present.
Now the plan I have is to be like how we were.
I miss laying in my bed thinking about everything I said to you.
Now all I said are regrets.
I miss bragging to people that I made a new friend.
Now my new friend made new friends.
I miss your wall posts on my wall that exploited our funny friendship.
Now my wall is blank.
I miss laying on my bed denying that I had feelings for you.
Now I’m drowning in my feelings deeper than ever.
I miss crying hysterically when you told me you cut.
Now I have thoughts of attempting it.
I miss when you would be mad and all I wanted to do was just hug you.
Now you don’t even want to inform me about the cause of your anger.
I miss knowing we were the brightest stars in my life.
Now I feel like I shine alone.
I miss when we first met and for some reason all I wanted to do,till this day,
was please you.
Once upon a time I was h a p p y.