![]() The RaceA Story by ParisCouture13![]() This is just chapter 1... I have edited it some... I know that there are mistakes.Reviews would be greatly appresiated :) O and I am not going to conclude it due to I have not got it published yet.![]() Mom always told me to play it safe whether I am inside or out; She always said that people will judge me and to not tell them information to personal and to accept all kind gestures, but not to put a gold sign above my head “Talk to Me”. She has taught me to be kind and have knowledge and awareness of others and how they feel, how they act, their customs and their ways. This has always came natural to me, it has always seemed like the right thing to do. I am always on my feet and ready to take action. All of the things in my past reflect who I am, how I respond to actions, the people I can trust and who not to trust. I am 22, only 22 and I live to tell the tell of many, many years and more to come. The things that I have seen can not be unseen and the lies I have heard are far more than a white lie; But are lies that decided the fate for millions. When I was 13 my mom and I lived a happy life, my father was and agent, killed during one of his cases. Perhaps that's why my mom wanted me to stay closed up and not get friendly enough to feel anything, we could move and never come back. All was well however, there was obviously those cold, harsh days that I cry and cry for my father even after knowing all hope was lost, he was gone. I remember the month I turned 14 my mom and I were at home looking through our old photo albums and laughing at all of our wonderful memories. Laughing, smiling and drinking ice cold coca-cola, life was great; I had learned to live with the fact that my father was gone, never to return again. There was a phone call, and unknown number, mom has always told me not to answer those numbers. I called mother into the living-room and handed her the phone, she answered it, and in that same second her face turned white. She dropped to her knees and produced a scream, more terrifying than any, something I had never heard from mom before her. “ He's dead, he died last year, that is impossible, “ I remember her saying as her eyes filled with tears. It was my father I knew it, even without hearing the unknown voice on the other end, my father was alive, something was wrong. When my mother got off the phone with the voice on the other end, she cried softly to herself, for what seemed like hours. I remember trying to comfort her but not knowing how, I remember patting her back and whispering softly into her ear; The comforting was especially hard not knowing why, Or what was going on. After what seemed like forever she finally stood up, “ Money... We need 50,000 by Friday” she said in between breaths, you could hear the terror in her voice.” They want 50,000 dollars by Friday...Friday, that's in 4 days... 4 days, how am I suppost to have 50,000 dollars by Friday?” I was shocked not knowing what was going on, I was terrified. “Mom who was that on the phone?, I remember asking her, now I was furious, who was the man on the phone and why had they made my Mom cry, scream and make me hear things from my mother that no living being should ever hear from their Mother. She did not reply to me she just stared at the ground, her hands shaking, tears settling on her face, causing her dark brown hair to stick to her face. “Who was that!” I yelled at her not realizing the strength in my own voice until the words were out, I was shocked. “ I'm sorry Mom... I … I just want to know who caused all of this, who made a perfect day turn in to nothing but just a memory” I said with my voice little above a whisper, trying to regain my composure. “It was Hampton...Your fathers rival in his business, he has your father, he has him in some sort of secret location on the coast of Mexico” I remember her saying most of the panic gone from her voice, now there was fear. “Dad died Mom... We went to his funeral...we watched his ashes get spread” I remember saying with tears filling the bags of my eyes. I was shaking now, but not because I was sad or scared, but because I was angry. I was angry that some person had the guts to crush my world, make me shed enough tears to last a life time and to come back and ask for money. “ No he has him and he needs that money...Or...Or he said that he would nuke all of the United States, desegregate it until nothing is left but ashes and memories.” She looked up into my eyes “We have to get that money, You will not being going to school tomorrow, We have to find a way.” We finally got up, I took a shower, packed my bags, mom packed hers and we were off. Mom loaded the car and we drove and drove and drove, I had no idea where we were going and I couldn't sleep. My Dad was alive I kept on telling myself, They are going to destroy millions of peoples lives, homes and memories if we could not get 50,000 dollars in 4 days. Finally Mom stopped the car, we were at the bank. Mom got out of the car and told me to get out with her, I did. I had only been in the bank a few times always going through the drive through, it was weird in here I remember thinking. We sat at a booth with a computer and pens and checkbooks, the teller sat down, smiling “Hello, Miss Johnson... How may I help you today?” “Mrs. Johnson” Mom corrected the teller, he looked confused” Mrs. Johnson, I am married” mother smiled awkwardly. “Sorry... Mrs. Johnson” the teller corrected himself. “ How may I help you today?” “I would like to make a withdraw.” “Ok. For How much?” “All of it” mother said looking down at her hands fiddling with a pen in her hand. “Are you sure that is quite the wad of cash, why no...” the teller got out before mom cut him off. “I’m sure” she sat up high in her seat making her dark brown bouncy curls dance. “ All of it... No more no less.” The teller seemed a little shocked. “Yes mam' I will be right back with your money” he said as he rose. After the man walked off, I looked at my mother... She was looking at her lap again nervously. “How much money is that... Does that include the money you received for dad's ...death?” It felt better saying death and not needing to say it. “40,000” she said looking back down. “Now we only need 10... How we're going to get it I don't know. So don't ask “ she spoke with her words sharp, like jagged ice. The teller arrived with a suite case “ Here you go Mrs.” putting emphasis on Mrs.” Johnson...All in 100's, 10 in four stacks.” He opened the suitcase in opposite direction of the line of people at the counter. That was a lot of cash. My mom and the man exchanged nods. The teller shut the case, mom picked it up and we left. That was it. © 2013 ParisCouture13Author's Note
1 Review Added on February 18, 2013 Last Updated on February 19, 2013 AuthorParisCouture13Athens, GAAboutMy name is Heather Jones and I am 13. I love sharing my feelings, opions and ideas on paper. I love a good book and I speak my mind. more..Writing