Sail Away

Sail Away

A Poem by Kathryn Smith

She bore her heart to men who never loved her.

So she returned to the sea and sailed away.

With ancestors guiding her, she found strength.

Imploring grace. Imploring beauty.

Anchoring in she was reborn a wiser Woman.

Her bare feet back on the dock she watched the sun and moonrise.

And on she sailed away.

Skimming a roaring sea, looking for stars above.

The lighthouse haven greeting her.

Lavender fields whispering, seagulls screaming.

And onto the island she stayed.

© 2023 Kathryn Smith

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We love and got hurt sometimes. The best way to forget that pain is to move on and find your goal of life . To develop yourselves in such a personality that our knowledge become beyond this painful suffering to beautiful aspects of life.
And you beautifully explained it Kathryn.Thanks for sharing your wonderful work

Posted 1 Year Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 3, 2023
Last Updated on January 3, 2023