Stages & ThoughtsA Story by Kathryn SmithInside the mind of a Nanny.First Stage: The beginning Before the job: 4:30PM What should I wear? Never show your cleavage. Do I look like a messy teenager? I'll go for the fun look! Never will I ever dress like Ms Frizzle though..that woman was nuts. I'm so tired...I wish I could stay home and eat chocolate and embrace my inner Beyoncé.
4:50 PM Crap! Job is at 5:15! I need to go! Where are my keys? Where the hell are my keys?? UGH I'm so hungry...Screw dinner, I'll just steal food there.... 5:10PM: I'm too early, time to drive around the neighborhood! Oh my word...look at these houses!!! What do these people do for a living to afford these suckers? I want that one..NO! I want THAT ONE! 5:15 Sharp: I'm here!! I genuinely hate knocking on doors. Knock Knock Knock*...No answer. KNOCK* No answer. Stands in awkward silence* What do I do?? Do I just barge in? Are these people deaf? How can they not hear my knocking!? Sigh. I'll knock really loud and just walk in... 5:27PM: Okay. Ya'll wanted me at 5:15. WHY ARENT YOU GONE YET. I hate making uncomfortable small talk. Go have fun so I can be super nanny! Stage 2: The Fun 5:40PM: Now this is the life! I haven't laughed so hard in ages! How can anyone be so cute?! 5:50pm I could play doctor all day, awww look at their faces! They're enjoying this! I got them both belly laughing...and that kind of laugh could cure anything. 6:15PM: I swear to God if you wack me over the head or pretend to kill me with that sword one more through the pain! Laugh! Remember: You're in control. YOU are the BOSS. 6:20PM: Make a mental note to write down what he just said, that was the funniest thing ever! : Okay, time to get them to wind down. Time to tell an epic story. 6:35PM I'm hungry. Should I steal fruit snacks? I think I have an addiction. 7:00:PM Pajama time! Whohoooo! 7:30PM: Are the people who create children's television shows ever on any type of drug?? Who thinks of this stuff?? This is genius! 7:40PM: Awwww...look at his eyes...he's getting sleeeppyyyyy 7:50PM: You aren't brushing your teeth quite right..but hey. Youre learning. Please don't spit on me. 8:20PM: All cuddled up. Here we go! The race is on. I bet you will fall asleep first, and you second. Stage 3:The End 8:30PM: We're still awake, and you don't want to sleep. Time to crack down. 8:40PM: Okay, you're not going to sleep..youre obviously wide awake. Do I smell poop? I should change your diaper. 9:00PM: We've moved to the living room. And you're still tossing an turning. UGH. GO. TO SLEEP!!! One day, you will look back and wonder why you ever hated going to sleep.. 9:20PM: Almost there....almost there....leave the room without a peep. I think she's finally asleep. 9:40PM: Was that a noise? Is she awake? 9:50PM: "Tatryn!" Dear God...She's still awake!...uuugghhhhh 10:00PM: Finalllyyyy....after all that tossing and turning, she's finally asleep...and tomorrow she's going to be an absolute monster. 10:15PM: I'm going to go check on They look so peaceful. I hope they had fun tonight. 10:16PM: Will they remember me when they're my age? Will they ever really know how much I loved them? Heart bursts* 10:30PM: Okay. I'm ready to go home. 10:45PM: I'm hungry....Sneaks to cupboard and smuggles fruit snacks into purse* Sorry not sorry! I love these things! Plus I'm saving your children from getting fat... 10:50PM: I'm cold... 11:00PM: Where are they??! What are they doing?? 11:25PM: I'm so bored. I'm going to clean some of this house. 11:35PM. Kay. I reealllyyy want to go home now. Time to text half of my contacts! 11:45PM: The garage door! They're HERE!! :D 12:00AM Thanks for having me...enjoy your monster tomorrow! She and he both had a great night.
© 2017 Kathryn SmithReviews
7 Reviews Added on August 10, 2017 Last Updated on August 10, 2017 Author