Can't Catch MeA Story by Kathryn SmithYou can't catch me I'll be gone by the time they come With the death of so many loved figures this year, a lot of people are starting to go mad, and doing the worst thing you could possibly do. Literally mean death wishes. Around Facebook I have been seeing a lot of jokes. Pictures of political figures and celebrities. Above these pictures are captions that are wishing death upon them. A friend of mine posted a picture of the Kardashian family. (In case you were wondering, the Kardashians are a famous family known for their wealth and style. They aren't the classiest people in the world and are terrible role models to our children.) I commented on my friends picture telling her I knew it was a joke, but she really shouldn't wish death upon their lives. I was shocked by her response. She said she knew it was a joke but she also believed it. Bad people like the Kardashians deserved to die. One by one. People began to agree with her. How can people be so blind? Death is not the answer. Death does not solve our world problems. Death is permanent. These people have mothers and fathers, they have children and lovers. Brothers and sisters. Aunts and Uncles. No one who is a normal person like you and I deserves to die. Even if they happen to be living in the lime light. I know I might lose some friends for posting this, and I know people might get mad at me, but I was hoping I could steer the rest of us in the right direction. I was hoping I could bring a different mindset into light. Yes, our world isn't perfect. We have a long way to go. There's a lot of s**t going on right now. We have a lot of change coming our way, and it's up to us to be the ones to make the right changes. If you think the world is going down the drain, get up and help change it. Educate yourself. You might think the small stuff won't make change, like helping an elderly woman carry her groceries, holding the door for someone, picking up liter.. but it does make change. It makes a change by showing people love still exists.
I'm already on my way. In a universe full of bitter and jaded human beings it's rare to find someone who is the opposite. Staying positive and choosing love over hate isn't a cake walk. But it sure beats negativity and hatred. And the best part of it all is...
It ripples. If you're looking to shut me down, good luck. You can't and you wont catch me. I've been giving hope and positivity since the day I was born. It's just your choice if you'd like to run with me as a light in dark.... © 2016 Kathryn SmithAuthor's NoteReviews
8 Reviews Added on April 25, 2016 Last Updated on April 25, 2016 Author
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