![]() Words Are WordsA Story by Kathryn SmithSome things in life are so serious all you can do is laugh about them Not sit and talk Debate about them Preach and rant but rather do nothing about them All of your heavy discourse about corporations and national relationships Its time you get off your high horse and laugh.. Some things in life are so serious All you can do is laugh about them Because words are words and don't affect them Just have a drink and laugh about them My poor mother sat across from me at a little table in my sister's apartment. We stared at one another with uncomfortable, drained, and tired eyes. My sister and father have different political views and if my father says one little thing around my sister that she disagrees with, she will completely lose it, explode, and jump down the mans throat. So will my brother. My father, brother, and my sister love, love, LOVE to argue. And it usually gets to the point where it becomes ugly. Today my sister called my father a bigot. My father is a good man.
He has the biggest heart. I've seen both my siblings disrespect my parents so badly. They've sworn at them and there have been moments things have gotten so heated up I think they might literally spit in their faces. I love my parents and more than anything, I wish my brother, sister, and father would just agree to disagree instead of ripping each other apart with differing opinions. They are all so serious and so passionate about their own beliefs. I wonder where I got my carefree, happy go lucky, trait from. I'm guessing my mother because like me, she doesn't like confrontation. Sure we all love a good challenge, but when it gets to the point where people are all up in your face hurling words at you, practically screaming... I'd much rather be running wild through a forest of trees. Before forming Bastille, Dan Smith wrote a few songs by himself, and this song nails everything I've ever wanted to say to my family. I can't tell you how many times I've said something simple like: "Sara's such a hard working teacher! She even works on Saturdays, It's amazing." and someone will instantly be offended. They'll tell me I just implied they are not hard working teachers themselves. I can't say anything these days without offending anyone. I could say: I love cheese toast! and someone would fly off the handle. I can hear them now: Are you saying this toast with butter is gross?!! How dare you! I'm chuckling to myself right now. but really.... Some people need to calm down... Words. Are. Words. And I wondered why I enjoy being by myself... Live like you're gonna die tomorrow And love it like you're going to live forever
© 2015 Kathryn SmithAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 7, 2015 Last Updated on December 7, 2015 Author