![]() The DriveA Poem by Kathryn SmithI believe in the kingdom come then all the colors will bleed into one I'm still running It is becoming a habit I hop in my blue car clutching disclosure I turn up music and drive away Far away I know the way like the back of my hand Go up the hill and straight ahead Stop Keep going straight Stop again Look left Look right Speed across the old highway Turn right at the stop sign Keep going Faster Faster Pick up the speed and I fly up and down more hills The world around me is a blur
Wind cannot stop me No one can I soar around curves and speed deep into the country Stop Turn left Pine trees whisper to me Keep going Just keep driving You’re nearly there! Rocks and boulders dot a line on the side of the road Cows eat dead grass They watch me race alone Golden fields roll on beside me Birds fly free They swoop in front of my car They mock me Tell! Tell! Be Free! Free! Be Free!
I press the pedal to course on The sky breaks and bursts into color ahead My car hums loving the narrow road below it I’m out in the open Soon a blue house with shutters stands on my right My best friends live inside Stop sign! We are almost to the place where I breathe I feel guilty but lucky with every inhale In view comes a steeple in the distance Exhale A humble cross touches the sky I dread it and I love it Turn right I enter slowly Gravestones new and old fill my eyes They are scattered for a mile It’s peaceful and lively for a cemetery The birds who mock always have a party They sing for spring at the top of their lungs They jump from tree to tree eyeing me No one else is here No one ever seems to be here Only artificial flowers Real flowers Dying flowers Statues Angels and crosses Words with loving memory Legends are also here Mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons Sisters, brothers, babies, and children Uncles, aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers Nieces, nephews, and cousins Human beings who sinned and who loved My friend is on the far left at the end of the cemetery She lies by the trees and hedge Get out of the car My shoes sink into the wet mud and grass Hello friend! I miss you...and I have so much I wish I could tell you. I touch the shooting star on a cold stone There are new yellow flowers below The world stands still She is never here She is somewhere greater Each stone and statue in front of her glistens and tells a story And behind her is a large empty field With a magnificent sky above It’s strange to say But I like visiting here Serenity is all I need I am alive I can sense there is something incredible waiting for me ahead She knows exactly what is to come My story is still going The drive is a beautiful agony I have many streets to travel yet and the life I am lucky to have ticks on but I still haven't found what I'm looking for... © 2015 Kathryn Smith |
1 Review Added on April 10, 2015 Last Updated on April 10, 2015 Author