Dirt from the Catacombs is still on my shoes. Even today they
are still stained with that cold, wet, and grim mud I walked through. The air
ached and my own blood chilled as I looked at the dead. All those skulls and bones that went
on for miles underground got me thinking about life. In these bones were
lovers, friends, and enemies. In these bones were rich and poor, children and
Death terrifies me. We honestly never know when our last day
will be. We don’t know what will become of us or how we are going to die.
Sometimes when I’m trying to fall asleep at night I sit up in sheer panic because I’m
still here…and I’m still breathing. One day, I won’t be breathing anymore. That
thought to me, is the scariest.
I had two days left. Just two days to speak with him and tell
him somehow that I was interested too. Seeing the skulled faces around me
almost made it easier, because it reminded me that life is precious and can be
cut short any day from anything, or anyone. Our time here is just a ticking
That night, my group got to the hotel long before I did. As I
walked towards the door I saw him scanning the group who were all happily playing
cards. He looked more than worried and slightly uncomfortable. As I opened the
door and met his gaze I saw the greatest thing wash over his face: Pure joy and
relief. We exchanged our usual nervous smiles and I left for my room. I didn’t
know how to handle this. It was getting more intense every day. I could
feel the pressure and the time ticking away.