Evil Eyes
A Story by Kevin V
A short story I wrote 2 years ago when I was 13 
Evil Eyes
By: Kevin Valencia
She was running quickly. The thought of what was behind her gave her a terrifying sensation that sent chills down her spine. Even now she felt its presence watching her, stalking her every move, her every breath, like the shadow that stuck to her feet. How could she forget what she'd seen? Those evil eyes still gnawed at her mind. Those where the eyes that had paralyzed her, leaving her motionless while they slowly and painfully drained her sanity in a way in which she could not describe. There had been a sense of darkness in that gloomy room that had strangely illuminated the room. Now she only needed to seek shelter from her pursuer. If it managed to find her, there was no doubt her life would end today and it would end painfully. She had seen what that.......thing could do; she herself had witnessed the awe striking phenomenon of what a crazed, hungry beast like it could do. First it had started by ripping of the arms in one sudden move so the victim could only watch hopelessly as they were brutally torn to pieces. It would then rip through the torso and pull out the entrails, splattering blood everywhere in its feeding frenzy. She had taken notice though, that the beast had not killed its victim instantly, as if to make sure there was as much suffering as possible. She had seen its strength, and the thought of her slow death filled her mind with fear. It was a fear which clouded her mind and tensed every muscle in her body, leaving her shaking violently. It was the same fear that quickened her pulse and heightened her senses so that she would be easily alerted to every sudden sound or movement. With every rustle of bushes and every jolt of electricity from the furious clouds, she couldn’t help but to jump back in thought that it might have found her. Knowing her chances of an escape were quite slim, she kept running hopelessly. As she ran, she observed several critters that would hide as she rushed past them. The squirrels would scurry up a tree, the birds would swoop to their nests, and the rabbits would climb down their safe, secure holes. Oh how much she envied them, wishing she herself too could have a place in which she could hide and protect herself from the danger that was closely approaching. Yes, death was very near now. She could feel its hand reaching for her, prepared to gather yet another helpless soul. Suddenly, out of the hell that she was currently experiencing, came her first sense of hope. In the distance she was able to observe what appeared to be the radiant emission of a lantern, though she could not see the holder of this lantern. This represented an opportunity for survival. All she wanted was to end this nightmare and be able to get to a safer location. Without giving it a second thought, she dashed for the illumination of this light, desperate to survive. The closer she got, the clearer she was able to see the strange sight that was presented in front of her. Next to the lantern she saw the dismantled corpse of a middle aged man. Blood could be seen on the trees near the corpse; this had been the work of the beast. Expectantly, she found the arms and entrails scattered around the area. The man was able to utter several words which she could not identify due to the large amount of blood that flowed out of his mouth. As the man passed away, a terrifying thought came into her mind; this had been a fresh kill. As if reading her thoughts, the beast stepped into the lanterns radiant glow. With its evil eyes it stared directly into her eyes, directly into her soul. These were the eyes that would watch her as they it teared into her body, slowly taking her life away. These were the eyes that would observe her in her final breaths, leaving her mutilated body to die. It was now time to accept the same fate her parents had needed to face. There was nothing that would get in the way of the beast’s meal. Her run had been all in vain, for there was no escape from the death that had tracked her down like a pack of hungry hounds. The last thing she would see would be the......evil eyes.
© 2015 Kevin V
Kevin V
I am a fifteen year old boy with no life. more..