30 Things I Hate About Me

30 Things I Hate About Me

A Poem by Jinx Rosenrot

The title kinda explains it all. During one point in my life I just hated nearly everything, so I wrote this and it turned out really cool now that I look back on it.


I hate the way he makes me cry every time we speak.

I hate knowing the reason why is cause I'm needy and weak.

I hate the way my life has turned from good, to bad, to worse.

I hate how to everyone I meet I'm less a blessing, more a curse.

I hate the way I know leaving is what is best for them.

I hate the way I sit alone cause I've hurt all my friends.

I hate how I've cried every day for the past 3 months or more.

I hate the writhing pain I feel as I lie sprawled across the floor.

I hate not knowing how to change, even by the Lord's hand.

I hate this helpless girl I am, too frail to even stand.

I hate how I'm trapped deep inside this life that I despise.

I hate looking in the mirror and seeing bright green blood-shot eyes.

I hate the person I've become, without a prayer in the world.

I hate how no matter how old I am, I'm just a little girl.

I hate how every fiber of me screams to just explode.

I hate feeling as I do now, that I've been left alone.

I hate the many voices that argue inside my head.

I hate the thoughts that prod at me "They'd be better off with you dead."

I hate how I've not slept at night for many many weeks.

I hate how I've been skipping lunch, and nothing fills me when I eat.

I hate the way I begged for forgiveness but am left untouched.

I hate not having control of my life, and if I do, not very much.

I hate the thoughts that come to mind of blood and tears and pain.

I hate knowing I'm self-centered, attention starved, and vain.

I hate how the tears on my skin rapidly turn to ice.

I hate being told I'm pretty, because there's not beauty inside.

I hate the way their words echo inside my head forever.

I hate the paragraph I wrote starting "I can't stand you two together."

I hate how I must mask my prayers so barely I can hear.

But the thing I hate most is the girl staring back at me from inside the mirror.

© 2012 Jinx Rosenrot

Author's Note

Jinx Rosenrot
Depressing? Yes. Yes it is.

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Added on August 16, 2012
Last Updated on August 16, 2012
Tags: 30, Things, Hate, Me, List


Jinx Rosenrot
Jinx Rosenrot

I am a short story writer as well as a poet. more..

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A Poem by Jinx Rosenrot