![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by AlexWoke up. 3:50 a.m. Why would the nightmare keep comming? It only haunted me at night. I went back to sleep. I jumed out of bed, startled. The dream was so real, so true. I almost believed it, if it weren't for my mom: "Nessie, wake up dear! TIme for school!" My beautiful mother whispered I jumed out of bed, startled. "sure mom" I answered, before my face showed how frightened I was. I put on my clothes and ran for my dad's car "hey dad" I greeted him "Hey Renesmee" he answered. I drove down to La Push, where Jacob would be waiting for me to pick him up. After a 3 minutes drive, I got to the small familiar house "Hey Nessie!" Jake said in his warm voice, "Hi Jacob," I said cheerfully we drove to school together. I was growing up so fast I look like I was 16, Jake's current age. We got to school in a matter of seconds then parked in the same place. I ran out of the car to my best friend and Quil's girlfriend; Claire. "Hi Claire!" I nearly shouted. "Hey Nessie!" she said. Suddenly Quil appeared from nowhere and kissed Claire passionately. It was hard to see the happy couple. Mostly beacause I was jealous Claire had been able to tell Quil how much she loved him. I wished that I was able to tell my Jacob how much love I felt for him, but it was difficult to talk about emotions for me. School passed in a blur. It was the last period, when Jake came, blushing. It was a beautiful shade under his dark skin. "N-n-nessie, c-can I talk to you f-for a sec?" he stammered. "Sure" I asked confused. Jake pulled my arm and took me to the car. "Nessie...do you know about the whole, imprinting thing?" "Yeah," I wasn't sure about what was going on, but I forced myself to continue. "why?" "Jake you're making me nervous." I managed to whisper. "well...Nessie, you know, I sort of...I imprinted on you Nessie, I love you." he said. His voice shaking. I couldn't answer. My mind was totally blank, though I knew what was happening. My Jacob loved me. Not in a friendly way, but in a romantic one. I thrilled to the word. "me too" i breathed. He looked at me, happy and loveley. He was blushing, and so was I. I couldn't believe it! Jake (my Jake) loved me. My instincts told me what to do. I wrapped my arms around his warm neck, and pulled myself closer to him, in the same moment he wrapped his arms around my waist, and drew his face closer to mine. He closed his eyes, and kissed me in a passionate, and fierce way. It was a beutiful moment, when my lips crushed against his, and felt his adorable warmness. He pushed me away gently. "Do you want to go to your next class? Or do you want to continue making out with a warewolf?" he laughed. "option two please" I said blushing. * * * Jacob and I drove down to my grandparents' house. He kept one hand on the wheel of my new BMW. The other one, holding my hand " Are you sure dad won't be angry?" I said. My dad was a loyal friend to Jake, but I knew he wouldn't like the idea of us together. "i know he will Nessie, Edward has no hard feelings on me." he assured me. Hmm. Maybe with all the mind reading thing he knew how I'd felt for Jacob before I knew it. We came out the door quickly and prepered to be yelled at. "hey Nessie." mom said "hiya mom" I said. Trembling "so...you and Jake huh? Guess I'm not surpried" uncle emmet said. Making me blush. Dad was waiting on Grandma Esme's sofa "hello Nessie, how was your day?" he said. So calmly I was shocked. *Really good*. I thought. *Dad did you know about this?* "Of course Nessie" he said smiling mom's favorite smile. Everyone looked at him. They didn't like being excluded."nessie you know I won't be mad at you fot this will you? Why would I be. If you're happy I'm happy"he said I laughed. I "showed" him how thrilled I was about him being happy. He smiled and looked down to mom. "No, Bella. Wait until her birthday" Ugh my birthday my birthday Great. dad laughed, I blushed. "You think just like Bella, all the ceremony thing is just insane huh?" dad said. * * * Billy was at the door waiting for us. "Hey Billy!" I said as Jacob carried me out of the car. "Hey Nessie! Pretty as always. Claire and Quil are inside, they're already ready f-" He broke mid- off sentence. Yeah dad, can you give us a minute" he said eagerly. "Sure kids, take your time. I'm off to Sue's." "sure" Jake and I said at the same time. We went up the stairs to his room. I'd never been there. Only on their cozy little living room. We sat on his tiny bed and stared at each other. "I'm so glad I've finally told you." Jake said. "I am too Jake" I said smiling. Then I "showed" him what I wanted to do. He understood immediately. He lifted my chin and pulled his face to mine, and kissed me in the must lovely way. My lips moved in synchronization against his warm full lips. He moved his hands from my waist and started pulling up my green blouse. I panicked. "Jacob" I said worried. "I'm, I'm not ready for this." He stopped. "Sorry Nessie" he said ashamed. I "showed" him again (this time being careful not to promise anything) we needed to take time. "no pressure Nessie" he said calmly I samiled and "showed" him how much I loved him. * * * Claire finished her sandcastle before I did. Giggling I clapped at her. That's what I liked most about her. Claire was my friend thought she knew everything. I was a half-vampire half-human. Jake and Quil were warewolves, or as the beautiful man who once came to see me called them "shape-shifters." She was a great friend, who I would never ever want to loose. I laughed "Show-off" I muttered. She laughed loudly and I blushed pink. Jake saw me and quickly yelled. "Hey Nessie, how 'bout we go into the ocean?" "Sure JAke" We ran together toward the sea. Swimming with Jake felt funny. Our heartbeats were in sync with the waves. "Gah!!" I gasped. "Nessie, what's wrong?" he said, no fear in his voice. In that same moment, I felt pain. Something had my leg. It burned. It felt like acid through my blood. I heard a bell ring. Then I realized it was actually me yelling. "NEssie" Jake whispered. HE phased in the water Quil was right behind him. "Nessie! What's wrong?!" Claire called out to me. Worry in her voice. It wasn't so much, the pain. It only stung bit. But I was taken by surprise. I was out of the water in seconds, then I saw my leg. Blood. Whoa. That was weird. My blood wasn't appealing, but it made me thirsty. I remembered human blood from my early age. My throat ached. I knew Jacob wouldn't be hurt. Nor Quil. Claire. Claire my best friend was about to die, if it weren't for Jake. HE saw my expression, I was about to jump when he phased again, his swimming suit tearing. WOW. He saved Claire. I backed off, and ran home. I was too ashamed. My leg hurt a lot. Jake and Quil were behind me, but I outrun them quickly. * * * It took Carlisle a lot of effort to break through my skin without hurting me. After he did it, I saw the 3 stitches covering the cut. "Edward..." mom complained. "We can't make her stay here. Remember how I was. Nessie needs Jake." "Bella," dad almost growled. "He was supposed to take care of her.The cut ..." then he muttered something my half-sensible ears couldn't hear. So I wasn't able to see Jake anymore until my dad knew exactky what got my leg. Sigh. I heard a knock on the door. "Nessie!!" the high soprano voice called me. Aunt Alice, and probably uncle Jasper because I suddenly felt all peaceful and happy. "Come in" i said. "hi Alice, hey Jazz" I said. Trying very hard to sound cheerful. Uncle Jazz did make you feel a certain way, but not make you forget how you were feeling. "Nessie," Uncle Jazz said with a serious voice. "You go see Jake." Alice said. What the? "Now" Uncle Jazz comanded. "Wait...what's going on?" I asked. REALLY CURIOUS. "Go Nessie. We'll change Edward's perspective on things." he smiled darkly I ran as fast as I could. Making sure my scent was nowhere near mom and dad's cottage. * * * There was no sign of Billy, so I entered without knocking. "Jake?" I whispered "Hey Nessie, the bl- Alice and Jasper," he corrected himself" told me you'd come." hmm. I touched his cheek and showed him about the other night. I wasn't sure I could speak right now. HE understood "Ah, Nessie." he sighed. "I don't know if Edward will-" I showed him again "Okay" he sighed, his lips pulling up at the corners. His face leaned closer to mine, so all I had to do was to put my hands on his warm chest and lean in. His kiss was soft, warm, very nice. Then the doorbell rang. I sighed. He ignored the ring. Maybe it was Leah. Leah, the female warewolf. She was a very kind girl, she liked me, but not my parents grandparents...well any vampire actually So it was Leah. I knew because of the growl and unintelligent mumbling I heard. I backed off. "Jake, you really shouldn't make Leah anxious." I told him. "Oh that isn't Leah, love." He smiled darkly. Oh no. DAD. Great. *Dad don't you dare hurt him.* I thought. *It wasn't his fault that that thing or whatever hurt me* I continued, though I hear another growl. HE ran for the door. *dad, it wasn't his fault...I was going to come here anyway. Even if Uncle Jazz and Aunt Alice hadn't t-* I couldn't finish my thought before he began yelling. uh oh. I'd done it. But his reaction was unexpected. "Nessie, go on. You can do what you want. I'm sorry I should've trusted you more." *Thanks dad* I sighed. JAke looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I just shook my head. Well this was going to be easy. * * * "Gah!" I gasped. *Just a nightmare. Just a nightmare Renesmee Carlie Cullen.* I chanted to myself. " Are you okay Nessie?" Jake's voice sounded tired. "Never better." I reached to kiss him. This wasn't the first time I'd fallen asleep in his little house. "It was just a dream Nessie. Don't worry dear." he said sweetly. Ugh. I just hated this part of me. With my touch everyone could see what I was thinking. Perfect. I showed him I knew and then he pulled my face to his, ever so lightly. "It was just a dream Nessie. Don't worry dear." he said sweetly. Ugh. I just hated this part of me. With my touch everyone could see what I was thinking. Perfect. I showed him I knew and then he pulled my face to his, ever so lightly. "Alice. Jazz. I'm so sorry" I whispered. I knew they could hear me perfectly fine. Alice and Rose were at my side in a blink. "Don't you worry Nessie. We're so not in trouble." "Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Jazz and Emmet all went hunting. Bella's at Charlie's" Rose said sweetly. "Oh" I said. * * * UGh. I just hated nightmares. Thankfully school would bore my mind for a bit. "The answer is pi" I said confidently. Everyone looked at me with a weird expression on their face. Every girl in school was jealous of my perfect appearance. I sighed. That was why I just loved Claire. NExt class was biology. Perfect I loved it. It was where my parents had met. I smiled to myself. "There will be a new student joining us tomorrow" Mrs. Black had said. "He is a very smart boy. I'm sure Renesmee andhim will get along very well." she had muttered to herself. Mrs. Black was not my favorite teacher in the world. But she didn't have weird reactions to my cleverness. "He is Alex." Mrs Black said. "Alex take a seat beside Renesmee Cullen. Over here, follow me." she told him while leading him towards the table where I sat. Alex was really pale. He had long blonde hair. His eyes looked weird, an orange-brown tone. Like if he was using contacts to cover red eyes. Hold on. This couldn't be. Alex looked at me and smiled nervously. I only stared back at him. "Hey Renesmee?" he said "Yeah that's me" I managed to whisper. He looked ashamed. Woops. Did I look too frightened? I listened carefully, trying to hear another heartbeat. Nothing. Only silence from the newborn vampire sitting next to me. I was beggining to panick. Suddenly, I remembered the day at La Push. The stinging, the weird looking cut. Was this really happening? Was the creature who injured me, sitting right next to me? No, it couldn't be. But then I remembered what mom had been worried about when I was much smaller. "Will she hurt the baby?" Auntie Rose had asked to grandpa Carlisle. "I don't know," he hhad said. "We'll have to be careful." Maybe that was it. Alex was a newborn vampire, who had lost control. Duh. But why was I so worried? Suddenly the bell rang. Saved by the bell. rushed out of the room, a little too fast for me, when I heard Alex. "Renesmee," he started to ask. "Yeah?" I said. *What is going on!?!* I thought to myself. He smiled and touched my arm. His skin was ice cold. I gasped. Then I suddenly saw in my head his beautiful face. I saw how he had been when he was human. He moved his arm from mine and smiled apologizing it seemed. So did he know? Did he know who I was, and what I was? Did he know about other vampires? Did he know Carlisle? I suddenly felt dizzy. I sat on the floor and put my head between my knees. "Renesmee are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I choked out. "Head rush." He laughed. I touched his arm and showed him I was fine. His reaction was similar to mine, only he didn't feel dizzy afterwards. So I had a matching gift. Awesome. I forgot I was still touching his arm, so he answered my thoughts. "No, we don't have the same gift. You "show" others what you think. I can only show them the truth or facts." he said a little serious for his childish face. I smiled at him and got up the floor. "So...are you a newborn or something?" I asked. "No, I'm not actually. You see, I've been drinking human blood for almost a decade now." he whispered. His expression was guilty. "I want to blend in at least." he continued. "I can't seem to kill myself." he added. "Why do you want to kill yourself?" I asked a little too harsh. He looked up at me and smiled, though it didn't touch his eyes. I sighed and touched his arm he touched mine at the same time. This was going to be easy. I showed him about "vegetarism". The lifestyle my family chose. It wasn't the same-drinking animal blood-but we could live with it. He showed me he hadn't tried that, he wished he had before murdering so many people. I showed him how sorry I was. Then showed him how I'd drank-donated-human blood. He laughed and removed his hand from my arm with a sigh. "sorry about your leg Renesmee." he said, smiling an apologizing smile. "Don't worry Alex. 'Sides, it doesn't even hurt a bit." I tried to sound as happy as ever. Only that wasn't true. The talk about human blood made my throat ache. I gulped. "Hey Alex, I gotta go. Thank you for everything. See you tomorrow." I said walking away from my new vampire friend. * * * "Are you sure you have to leave?" I mumbled under Jake's lips "I do honey" he said while pulling away. I sighed. I touched his cheek and showed him how much I loved him. I drove home to the cotage, though I didn't even want to know what mom and dad would be doing. Ugh. I shuddered the thought out. Suddenly auntie Alice came. "Hey Alice!" I said. Auntie Alice was the best. She was just so nice, though I hated being dressed up and celebrated all over. "Hiya Nessie. How was today?" she asked casually. "Did you meet Alex?" she whispered in my ear. "You know I can't see you don't you Nessie?" she said out loud. "Yes, to the last two. The first one...well weird actually." I said blushing. "Nessie. Alex is Aro's son. I don't mean biologically, but by venom. Aro created him knowing he would have some super power." she said, pulling me towards her yellow porche. "I saw him when I was looking for you, though I couldn't see you. He was hiding somewhere in Volterra, trying not to harm anyone else. The Volturi had already warned him about killing people in Volterra. He ran over to Seattle trying to hide from them. He didn't even want to kill people outside Volterra." she was llost in her own thoughts. I hadn't noticed we were driving out of the city. "I knew he would be there, so I talked to him, and convinced him about staying here, trying to blend in, like he wanted. I talked with him about Carlisle. He was very happy to know that kind of life exsisted." she said. "Is he aware of us now? I mean he knows about the secret thing right?" "Of course Nessie...remember the visitors from your early age?" she aksed. I nodded. "They're pretty clear about rules you know." she assured me. I just nodded. I was really confused. I would just want to forget every part of this. Sigh. Alice parked in some fancy super mall. I raised my eyebrow. "Why are we shopping Alice?" I demanded. "You never now!" she sang. *There is not point on fighting with Alice* I chanted to myself. Chanting was really useful to stop temper tantrums. Alice saw my satisfaction smile and grinned. "That's the spirit Nessie! WAy to go!" she said in her high soprano voice. More like singing that saying. I wondered what we were doing at the mall. It was like Alice to shop whenever we'd worn our clothes twice, but not when something big was happening. Maybe it was only big to me. Nice. I touched Alice's arm, showing her my question "Ah, Nessie. You clearly don't know what day it is today." *No* I showed her. "September tenth Nessie. Your mom is now a "four year old" vampire!" she giggled the last part. *Oh!* I giggled in my mind too. * * * In the end, I bought a light blue stapless dress. Alice bought a veige miniskirt and a beautiful pink blouse. When we got home we celebrated mom. OF course, she didn't like celebrating at all, but she appreciated it. Jake came home. "Hey Nessie!" he said as he pulled me to his arms and kissed me. I could swear I heard dad hiss at him. I showed him my hello. He laughed at my blush, which only made me blush harder. *Dad, whose is the scent?* I thought. "Oh, you'll see Nessie." he whispered to me. *Right because I just love surprises. Thanks dad.* He laughed. I blushed. Jake raised one eyebrow. I just shook my head at him, embarrased and blushing a darker shade of red. I gasped. Alex was here? Wow. He must be very important then. I wondered why this subject hadn't come up. * * * Jake had already left when Alex came close to me and hugged me. "Gah!" I gasped. He laughed and showed me he was sorry. I hugged him back showing him it didn't matter. I truly was perfect. He pulled back, keepink one hand on my shoulder, showing me everything. He showed me my face. I showed him his. This was an easy conversation. The good thing about Alex was that we didn't have to speak outloud. Besides I prefered it that way. We continued like that, my hand on his shoulder and his hand on mine, showing stuff about ourselves. I hadn't realized it was already dark outside. Alex showed me he had to go, and that I had to sleep. I went to my room in the cottage in om's arms. Dad kissed my forehead and mom my cheek. I fell asleep in less that a second The nightmares weren't that bad this night. I was standing in the field (the one the visitors had come to when I was little) with Alex and Jake. Jake has his arms around me and Alex was crouched in front of me. I could see someone behing the trees in front of us. I was sure he was here to help. I tried to escape Jake's embrace, but he was not letting me go. Not with the danger in front of me. "Nessie!" I heard someone say. "Nessie are you okay?" It was dad. *Yeah I'm fine dad. It was just a bad dream.* I thought. * * * The nightmares weren't that bad this night. I was standing in the field (the one the visitors had come to when I was little) with Alex and Jake. Jake has his arms around me and Alex was crouched in front of me. I could see someone behing the trees in front of us. I was sure he was here to help. I tried to escape Jake's embrace, but he was not letting me go. Not with the danger in front of me. "Nessie!" I heard someone say. "Nessie are you okay?" It was dad. *Yeah I'm fine dad. It was just a bad dream.* I thought. * * * Jake and I were in his tiny little room. I showed him what I wanted to do. He agreed. I pulled myself closer to him, and he leaned in, a soft moan in his throat. Kissing Jake was so romantic, so sweet. We could be like this forever. Suddenly he pulled away, and started to speak. "Nessie, don't I smell bad to you?" he asked. I laughed at his question. "Of course you don't Jake" I said twisting my fingers in his hair. "Remember I'm half-human. You smell perfectly fine to me" I assured him. He laughed, and continued where we had left off. Alice's voice woke me that morning. "Nessie! Nessie! Nessie!!" she sang. "You have visitors" she said. I jumped out of bed. Who could have come to see me? I walked to the house in human speed, arranging my frizzy hair in the way. "Ah, Nessie!" a familiar voice said. I gasped. There were four vamires standing in front of me. I recognized them immediately. There was a tall woman with dark hair and a long face. Beside her, was a young boyish looking vampire with midnight hair, olive pallor, and an oddly cheerful look. There were two more. One a a little girl, who looked at me with warm eyes. And another one who had curly strawberry blonde hair. Oh. Zafrina, Benjamin, Kate and Tanya were here. I ran to them, almost screaming. "Tanya, Kate, Zafrina, Benjamin!" I gasped as I hugged them. "Nessie!" they said at the same time. "What are you guys doing here?" Alice asked, stealing my line. "Well we just came to visit Nessie." Zafrina said, making a beautiful image in my head of where she had been. "I've been traveling the world, then decided to give up and visit you." she smiled as she gave me my sight back. "So. . ." Kate started to ask. "Where's Edward?" she said nervously. "He's hunting with his wife." Alice hissed. Tanya smiled apologetically. "Is there someting wrong?" I asked. There couldn't be omething wrong. Could there? "I'l explain later" Alice breathed in my ear. So why was Tanya so nervous and Alice so mad? There had to be something really bad about to happen. My head got really heavy of just thinking about it. I w- "Nessie," alice growled, interrupting my thoughts. "I need you to leave again. Nothing personal, it's just that I can't SEE" she said annoyed. "Sure," I whispered. So plan B. Jake's house. * * * Jake was already outside, waiting for me. "Hey Nessie." he said and kissed the top of my hair. "Hi Jake" I said, kissing his cheek. I was aiming for his lips, but I heard Billy comming. "Hey kid, be sure to buy some vitamin Rs in the way home" he told Jake. I giggled. "Hey Nessie! Good to see you here!" "hey Billy. You look good." "Yup. Feeling good too." he assured me. "Well enough chit-chat. Let's go." Jake said, giving Billy a dark look. I giggled again, this time Jake blushed We walked to the beach, holding hands. "So Nessie." he said. Smiling my favorite Jacob smile. He was so cute when he did that. It. . .dazzled me. . . "Oh-um-whoa!" was all I could say while I fell. * * * "That's not what I meant Edward." Jake said through his teeth. "Fine" dad said. Fighting again. I wish I were able to stop themm, but I couldn't find my lips. "Nessie?" Jake said "Are you okay, love?" he said taking my hand. I was beggining to feel everything. The sand beneath me. Jake's heartbeat, and dad's breathing. "I'm fine." I told them sitting down. "You scared me there for a minute Nessie, I thought you hada concussion or something." Jake said. "No, I'm fine really. I just wanna go home." I told dad. "And Jake is comming." I said firmly. They both laughed I felt the heat under my cheeks. "Let's go." I muttered. Jake put his hands on my waist and pulled myself to him. He kissed my lips, passionately. I kissed him back. "I'm getting better at this" he mumbled under my lips. I chuckled and pulled back, kepping his hand. * * * "Zafrina, give me my sight back" Kate hissed. Déjàvu. I've heard that before. But I wasn't sure where. Tanya was holding Kate's waist. Zafrina and Benjamin were crouched in front of Bella. I immediately knew why. There was a faint smell of blood in the room. Human Blood. I traced the scent comming from mom. "Mom?" I asked. Mom growled at me. Charlie was right next to her. "NO!" I gasped. "He's going to be fine sweetheart." Edward murmured to Bella "Charlie is fine." dad answered my thoughts. Then what-? "Kate tried to bite him." he whispered. "She actually made that possible." Did he cut himself? "Yeah" Oh. Edward nodded. Is Charlie ok? Is he a. . .a . . .a . . . "No, Bella saved him." he smiled at mom. Wow. She really does have a real super-self control thing huh. "Yup." he laughed. Benjamin, Tanya, Mom, Dad, and Zafina hissed at Kate when she tried to rip Tanya's head off. Hmm. She can still smell it can she? "Yes" dad said. He turned around to look at mom and raised one eyebrow. "Carlisle is not a therapist" he said with humor. I sighed. Dad I'm going to Jake's. . .I thought, not trusting my voice. "Sure. . ." he whispered. Jake anylized my expression and immediately understood. We got his tiny little room-which was occupied mostly by his large bed- and sat on the floor. "Nessie." he started to ask. "Yes Jake?" I said. I suddenly heard a loud knock. I sighed. He growled. Claire and Quil were holding hands. Seth and Leah were right behind them "Hey guys!" I said. "Hi Nessie! Jake!" Seth replied. "Can we join the praty?" he asked Jake. "Sure why not?" he said furiously. Seth smiled. Leah looked at me with sad eyes. I looked away before she could feel unconfortable. I went to stand beside Seth. He was so tall! I couldn't believe how much he had grown in the past couple of days. He must've been about six foot five. Jake laughed at my expression. I blushed a deep shade of red. "Cmon Nessie, let's go upstairs" he whispered in my ear. I heard my already fast heartbeat acceletare. "You don't mind right guys?" "course not Jake." Seth said with a smile. "Nope, I don't have a problem!" Claire said, hugging Quil. Leah shook her head and Quil chuckled. "'Kay..." Jake said, pulling me towards his room. "Ah, Nessie." he breathed in the bare skin of my neck. I shivered though he wasn't exactly cold. It was as simple for me to lean in, we were already experts in this. Jake put his warm hands on my waits and I put mine around his neck. When his lips reached mine, it was like someone ad tasered me. I felt an electric current run through my body, making me kiss him back. Jake started to pull my shirt up, and I unbuttoned his. No Jake wait! i showed him "What's wrong Renesmee?" he asked pulling away immediately. Dad will be so mad at this, besides I'm not ready Jake. I'm sorry. i showed him again. "sokay Nessie." he said giving my lips a small peck. "let's go bacl to your house." he said smiling. We went back home, holding hands. Jake snarled. What's wrong Jake!! i showed him. "A vampire" he said through his teeth. "Aww Jake it's probably Alex." I said. I walked home, Jake put his arm on my waist. I didn't like it when Jake overreacted. I sighed when I noticed he had 'seen' that. "Sorry JAke...it's the truth. It's probably just Alex. I know he won't harm me." "I know," he breathed "I just want to make sure you're safe." I recognized Alex's scent. I wondered why Jake hadn't recognized it. Maybe he was playing the antagonist role against vampires again. I sighed. Alex tured around to look at me. "Nessie" he said. "Hi Alex!" I let go of Jake's hold and hugged Alex. I liked him very much. I felt normal with him, because of our similar gifts. "Where were you?" I asked. "Getting used to this lifestyle." I was confused at first. then I noticed the change of color in his eyes. The last time I'd seen him they were brilliant red. Now they were Butterscotch. "I'm so proud of you Alex" I said. I heard Jacob growl. I pulled away from Alex and touched Jake's arm showing himm to calm down. Dad. . .please get Jake out of here. . .I don't want him to start a fight...i thought. I heard dad comming down the stairs. "Hey Jake," dad said. "You mind comming for a minute" he said. winking at me. "Sure" Jake said. Not so sure. "So. . ." I began to ask Alex after Jake and Dad were far away that they couldn't hear my question. "Did you go to Jane?" I whispered as low as I could. He put his hand on my shoulder. I saw what he had done. He had gone to Jane. Showed her his gift. Showed her me. He had showed me to Aro, Caius and Marcus. Aro had promised he would not harm any of us, but they would visit to make sure. . .though Aro had heard Alex's mind and he had seen he could only sshow the truth. The Volturi always wanted an expectacle. "Oh." I managed to say. He heard Alice comming so he took his hand off my shoulder and smiled. I tried to smile too. "Hey Nessie! Alex!" she said. I noticed Jasper was beside her because I felt all happy and peaceful. I would find a way to thank Jasper in the future. "Why are you worried Nessie?" Jasper asked. He could feel my emotions but he didn't know the reasons behind them. "Uh, umm, er. . ." I stuttered. Alice walked towards me with such gracefulness, she would've broke any ballerina's heart. But before Alice reached me she gasped. Her expression went blank. "Alice!! Alice!" Jasper said shocked. "What do you see Alice?" "The, the, the" she said. It was like if she were going to cry. She stood up and hugged Alex. We all stared at her in confusion. "The Volturi are comming" she whispered. In a tenth of a second, Seth,JAke, Dad, Emmet, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, Mom, Zafrina, Kate and Benjamin had joined us. "But why?-" I began asking. Alice answered my question. I thought she couldnn't read minds. "I suppose Alex showed you where he had gone all this time?" she asked raising her eyebrow. I nodded. "Well, they just want to make sure it's true though Aro heard Alex's mind and saw he could only tell the truth...well Nessie you know the Volturi. They won't let anything go without making a big deal out of it. I suddenly felt the storm through me. I was sure this was going to end badly. Why else would Alice have hugged Alex with such feeling. I started to cry. Before anyone could react I ran to my room and locked myself inside. I knew anyone could come in by breaking the door. I didn't care. Everyone was going to die. And it was all my fault. My nightmare came back this night. This time it changed. There was a little girl. Her brunnette curls were messy and they were long down to her knees. Her eyes were brilliant red. She was in front of Alex. Alex, too, had brilliant red eyes again, but I noticed he had something in his arms. A girl's dead body, her strawberry blonde curls full of blood and her skin was life less. After thinking I noticed it was me. I woke up startled. I gasped. Everyone was staring down at me. . . I was lying down in my bed. Jake sighed with relief. "I todl you she was ok. . ." Alice smiled, though she didn't look so happy after what she'd seen. Tears started forming in my eyes at the thought. "Aww, Nessie don't cry," Jake said "It's ok, it's ok. It was just a nightmare. Oh. That's why they thought I was crying for? I sat up. "I was not crying because of that Jake." I sobbed, cuddling myself against his warm chest. "Then why---" "Ask Alice, ask her what will happen to some of us in some days. Ask Alice!" I almost yelled at hiim. He turned around to look at her shocked, pale white pixie face. "I know what she saw Nessie," Jake said in a soothing voice. "Don't worry nothing will ever happen to you." My expression made him promise one more thing. "Or anyone else." he said smiling. "Now, why don't we go to school already?" he said pulling me to him and kissing my lips. Jake got out of the car and pulled me out. He set me to my feet and lightly kissed by cheek and my foreheaad. Then, he left for class. I noticed Claire and Quil behind me. "Hey Nessie!" Quil said in his grave voice. "Hey Quil, Claire." I said with as much enthusiasm as I could manage. "What's wrong Nessie?" Claire asked worried. "Nothing, just..." I paused, then motioned for them to continue walking towards class. *Just the Volturi* I thought. *They're just gonna kill us all. Yeah nice isn't it* I tought angrily. If it could be that easy, I would sure laugh at the name. I started thining about the Volturi. Little tiny Jane, and her evil power. Aro and his soothing almost-convincing voice. Marcus' anger. Caius' calm. Alec's expression when he saw me as a kid. I shrugged. Yeah, we were dying after all, there was no hope. Tears started forming in my eyes. *A voice came from inside my mind: Nothing will happen sweet heart. You are here, with me. I won't let anything happen to you* Woke up. 3:50 a.m. Why would the nightmare keep comming? It only haunted me at night. I went back to sleep. I jumed out of bed, startled. The dream was so real, so true. I almost believed it, if it weren't for my mom: "Nessie, wake up dear! TIme for school!" My beautiful mother whispered I jumed out of bed, startled. "sure mom" I answered, before my face showed how frightened I was. I put on my clothes and ran for my dad's car "hey dad" I greeted him "Hey Renesmee" he answered. I drove down to La Push, where Jacob would be waiting for me to pick him up. After a 3 minutes drive, I got to the small familiar house "Hey Nessie!" Jake said in his warm voice, "Hi Jacob," I said cheerfully we drove to school together. I was growing up so fast I look like I was 16, Jake's current age. We got to school in a matter of seconds then parked in the same place. I ran out of the car to my best friend and Quil's girlfriend; Claire. "Hi Claire!" I nearly shouted. "Hey Nessie!" she said. Suddenly Quil appeared from nowhere and kissed Claire passionately. It was hard to see the happy couple. Mostly beacause I was jealous Claire had been able to tell Quil how much she loved him. I wished that I was able to tell my Jacob how much love I felt for him, but it was difficult to talk about emotions for me. School passed in a blur. It was the last period, when Jake came, blushing. It was a beautiful shade under his dark skin. "N-n-nessie, c-can I talk to you f-for a sec?" he stammered. "Sure" I asked confused. Jake pulled my arm and took me to the car. "Nessie...do you know about the whole, imprinting thing?" "Yeah," I wasn't sure about what was going on, but I forced myself to continue. "why?" "Jake you're making me nervous." I managed to whisper. "well...Nessie, you know, I sort of...I imprinted on you Nessie, I love you." he said. His voice shaking. I couldn't answer. My mind was totally blank, though I knew what was happening. My Jacob loved me. Not in a friendly way, but in a romantic one. I thrilled to the word. "me too" i breathed. He looked at me, happy and loveley. He was blushing, and so was I. I couldn't believe it! Jake (my Jake) loved me. My instincts told me what to do. I wrapped my arms around his warm neck, and pulled myself closer to him, in the same moment he wrapped his arms around my waist, and drew his face closer to mine. He closed his eyes, and kissed me in a passionate, and fierce way. It was a beutiful moment, when my lips crushed against his, and felt his adorable warmness. He pushed me away gently. "Do you want to go to your next class? Or do you want to continue making out with a warewolf?" he laughed.* * * Jacob and I drove down to my grandparents' house. He kept one hand on the wheel of my new BMW. The other one, holding my hand " Are you sure dad won't be angry?" I said. My dad was a loyal friend to Jake, but I knew he wouldn't like the idea of us together. "i know he will Nessie, Edward has no hard feelings on me." he assured me. Hmm. Maybe with all the mind reading thing he knew how I'd felt for Jacob before I knew it. We came out the door quickly and prepered to be yelled at. "hey Nessie." mom said "hiya mom" I said. Trembling "so...you and Jake huh? Guess I'm not surpried" uncle emmet said. Making me blush. Dad was waiting on Grandma Esme's sofa "hello Nessie, how was your day?" he said. So calmly I was shocked. *Really good*. I thought. *Dad did you know about this?* "Of course Nessie" he said smiling mom's favorite smile. Everyone looked at him. They didn't like being excluded."nessie you know I won't be mad at you fot this will you? Why would I be. If you're happy I'm happy"he said I laughed. I "showed" him how thrilled I was about him being happy. He smiled and looked down to mom. "No, Bella. Wait until her birthday" Ugh my birthday my birthday Great. dad laughed, I blushed. "You think just like Bella, all the ceremony thing is just insane huh?" dad said. * * * Billy was at the door waiting for us. "Hey Billy!" I said as Jacob carried me out of the car. "Hey Nessie! Pretty as always. Claire and Quil are inside, they're already ready f-" He broke mid- off sentence. Yeah dad, can you give us a minute" he said eagerly. "Sure kids, take your time. I'm off to Sue's." "sure" Jake and I said at the same time. We went up the stairs to his room. I'd never been there. Only on their cozy little living room. We sat on his tiny bed and stared at each other. "I'm so glad I've finally told you." Jake said. "I am too Jake" I said smiling. * * * Claire finished her sandcastle before I did. Giggling I clapped at her. That's what I liked most about her. Claire was my friend thought she knew everything. I was a half-vampire half-human. Jake and Quil were warewolves, or as the beautiful man who once came to see me called them "shape-shifters." She was a great friend, who I would never ever want to loose. I laughed "Show-off" I muttered. She laughed loudly and I blushed pink. Jake saw me and quickly yelled. "Hey Nessie, how 'bout we go into the ocean?" "Sure JAke" We ran together toward the sea. Swimming with Jake felt funny. Our heartbeats were in sync with the waves. "Gah!!" I gasped. "Nessie, what's wrong?" he said, no fear in his voice. In that same moment, I felt pain. Something had my leg. It burned. It felt like acid through my blood. I heard a bell ring. Then I realized it was actually me yelling. "NEssie" Jake whispered. HE phased in the water Quil was right behind him. "Nessie! What's wrong?!" Claire called out to me. Worry in her voice. It wasn't so much, the pain. It only stung bit. But I was taken by surprise. I was out of the water in seconds, then I saw my leg. Blood. Whoa. That was weird. My blood wasn't appealing, but it made me thirsty. I remembered human blood from my early age. My throat ached. I knew Jacob wouldn't be hurt. Nor Quil. Claire. Claire my best friend was about to die, if it weren't for Jake. HE saw my expression, I was about to jump when he phased again, his swimming suit tearing. WOW. He saved Claire. I backed off, and ran home. I was too ashamed. My leg hurt a lot. Jake and Quil were behind me, but I outrun them quickly. * * * It took Carlisle a lot of effort to break through my skin without hurting me. After he did it, I saw the 3 stitches covering the cut. "Edward..." mom complained. "We can't make her stay here. Remember how I was. Nessie needs Jake." "Bella," dad almost growled. "He was supposed to take care of her.The cut ..." then he muttered something my half-sensible ears couldn't hear. So I wasn't able to see Jake anymore until my dad knew exactky what got my leg. Sigh. I heard a knock on the door. "Nessie!!" the high soprano voice called me. Aunt Alice, and probably uncle Jasper because I suddenly felt all peaceful and happy. "Come in" i said. "hi Alice, hey Jazz" I said. Trying very hard to sound cheerful. Uncle Jazz did make you feel a certain way, but not make you forget how you were feeling. "Nessie," Uncle Jazz said with a serious voice. "You go see Jake." Alice said. What the? "Now" Uncle Jazz comanded. "Wait...what's going on?" I asked. REALLY CURIOUS. "Go Nessie. We'll change Edward's perspective on things." he smiled darkly I ran as fast as I could. Making sure my scent was nowhere near mom and dad's cottage. * * * There was no sign of Billy, so I entered without knocking. "Jake?" I whispered "Hey Nessie, the bl- Alice and Jasper," he corrected himself" told me you'd come." hmm. I touched his cheek and showed him about the other night. I wasn't sure I could speak right now. HE understood "Ah, Nessie." he sighed. "I don't know if Edward will-" I showed him again "Okay" he sighed, his lips pulling up at the corners. His face leaned closer to mine, so all I had to do was to put my hands on his warm chest and lean in. His kiss was soft, warm, very nice. Then the doorbell rang. I sighed. He ignored the ring. Maybe it was Leah. Leah, the female warewolf. She was a very kind girl, she liked me, but not my parents grandparents...well any vampire actually So it was Leah. I knew because of the growl and unintelligent mumbling I heard. I backed off. "Jake, you really shouldn't make Leah anxious." I told him. "Oh that isn't Leah, love." He smiled darkly. Oh no. DAD. Great. *Dad don't you dare hurt him.* I thought. *It wasn't his fault that that thing or whatever hurt me* I continued, though I hear another growl. HE ran for the door. *dad, it wasn't his fault...I was going to come here anyway. Even if Uncle Jazz and Aunt Alice hadn't t-* I couldn't finish my thought before he began yelling. uh oh. I'd done it. But his reaction was unexpected. "Nessie, go on. You can do what you want. I'm sorry I should've trusted you more." *Thanks dad* I sighed. JAke looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I just shook my head. Well this was going to be easy. * * * "Gah!" I gasped. *Just a nightmare. Just a nightmare Renesmee Carlie Cullen.* I chanted to myself. " Are you okay Nessie?" Jake's voice sounded tired. "Never better." I reached to kiss him. This wasn't the first time I'd fallen asleep in his little house. "It was just a dream Nessie. Don't worry dear." he said sweetly. Ugh. I just hated this part of me. With my touch everyone could see what I was thinking. Perfect. I showed him I knew and then he pulled my face to his, ever so lightly. "It was just a dream Nessie. Don't worry dear." he said sweetly. Ugh. I just hated this part of me. With my touch everyone could see what I was thinking. Perfect. I showed him I knew and then he pulled my face to his, ever so lightly. "Alice. Jazz. I'm so sorry" I whispered. I knew they could hear me perfectly fine. Alice and Rose were at my side in a blink. "Don't you worry Nessie. We're so not in trouble." "Edward, Carlisle, Esme, Jazz and Emmet all went hunting. Bella's at Charlie's" Rose said sweetly. "Oh" I said. * * * UGh. I just hated nightmares. Thankfully school would bore my mind for a bit. "The answer is pi" I said confidently. Everyone looked at me with a weird expression on their face. Every girl in school was jealous of my perfect appearance. I sighed. That was why I just loved Claire. NExt class was biology. Perfect I loved it. It was where my parents had met. I smiled to myself. "There will be a new student joining us tomorrow" Mrs. Black had said. "He is a very smart boy. I'm sure Renesmee andhim will get along very well." she had muttered to herself. Mrs. Black was not my favorite teacher in the world. But she didn't have weird reactions to my cleverness. "He is Alex." Mrs Black said. "Alex take a seat beside Renesmee Cullen. Over here, follow me." she told him while leading him towards the table where I sat. Alex was really pale. He had long blonde hair. His eyes looked weird, an orange-brown tone. Like if he was using contacts to cover red eyes. Hold on. This couldn't be. Alex looked at me and smiled nervously. I only stared back at him. "Hey Renesmee?" he said "Yeah that's me" I managed to whisper. He looked ashamed. Woops. Did I look too frightened? I listened carefully, trying to hear another heartbeat. Nothing. Only silence from the newborn vampire sitting next to me. I was beggining to panick. Suddenly, I remembered the day at La Push. The stinging, the weird looking cut. Was this really happening? Was the creature who injured me, sitting right next to me? No, it couldn't be. But then I remembered what mom had been worried about when I was much smaller. "Will she hurt the baby?" Auntie Rose had asked to grandpa Carlisle. "I don't know," he hhad said. "We'll have to be careful." Maybe that was it. Alex was a newborn vampire, who had lost control. Duh. But why was I so worried? Suddenly the bell rang. Saved by the bell. rushed out of the room, a little too fast for me, when I heard Alex. "Renesmee," he started to ask. "Yeah?" I said. *What is going on!?!* I thought to myself. He smiled and touched my arm. His skin was ice cold. I gasped. Then I suddenly saw in my head his beautiful face. I saw how he had been when he was human. He moved his arm from mine and smiled apologizing it seemed. So did he know? Did he know who I was, and what I was? Did he know about other vampires? Did he know Carlisle? I suddenly felt dizzy. I sat on the floor and put my head between my knees. "Renesmee are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I choked out. "Head rush." He laughed. I touched his arm and showed him I was fine. His reaction was similar to mine, only he didn't feel dizzy afterwards. So I had a matching gift. Awesome. I forgot I was still touching his arm, so he answered my thoughts. "No, we don't have the same gift. You "show" others what you think. I can only show them the truth or facts." he said a little serious for his childish face. I smiled at him and got up the floor. "So...are you a newborn or something?" I asked. "No, I'm not actually. You see, I've been drinking human blood for almost a decade now." he whispered. His expression was guilty. "I want to blend in at least." he continued. "I can't seem to kill myself." he added. "Why do you want to kill yourself?" I asked a little too harsh. He looked up at me and smiled, though it didn't touch his eyes. I sighed and touched his arm he touched mine at the same time. This was going to be easy. I showed him about "vegetarism". The lifestyle my family chose. It wasn't the same-drinking animal blood-but we could live with it. He showed me he hadn't tried that, he wished he had before murdering so many people. I showed him how sorry I was. Then showed him how I'd drank-donated-human blood. He laughed and removed his hand from my arm with a sigh. "sorry about your leg Renesmee." he said, smiling an apologizing smile. "Don't worry Alex. 'Sides, it doesn't even hurt a bit." I tried to sound as happy as ever. Only that wasn't true. The talk about human blood made my throat ache. I gulped. "Hey Alex, I gotta go. Thank you for everything. See you tomorrow." I said walking away from my new vampire friend. * * * "Are you sure you have to leave?" I mumbled under Jake's lips "I do honey" he said while pulling away. I sighed. I touched his cheek and showed him how much I loved him. I drove home to the cotage, though I didn't even want to know what mom and dad would be doing. Ugh. I shuddered the thought out. Suddenly auntie Alice came. "Hey Alice!" I said. Auntie Alice was the best. She was just so nice, though I hated being dressed up and celebrated all over. "Hiya Nessie. How was today?" she asked casually. "Did you meet Alex?" she whispered in my ear. "You know I can't see you don't you Nessie?" she said out loud. "Yes, to the last two. The first one...well weird actually." I said blushing. "Nessie. Alex is Aro's son. I don't mean biologically, but by venom. Aro created him knowing he would have some super power." she said, pulling me towards her yellow porche. "I saw him when I was looking for you, though I couldn't see you. He was hiding somewhere in Volterra, trying not to harm anyone else. The Volturi had already warned him about killing people in Volterra. He ran over to Seattle trying to hide from them. He didn't even want to kill people outside Volterra." she was llost in her own thoughts. I hadn't noticed we were driving out of the city. "I knew he would be there, so I talked to him, and convinced him about staying here, trying to blend in, like he wanted. I talked with him about Carlisle. He was very happy to know that kind of life exsisted." she said. "Is he aware of us now? I mean he knows about the secret thing right?" "Of course Nessie...remember the visitors from your early age?" she aksed. I nodded. "They're pretty clear about rules you know." she assured me. I just nodded. I was really confused. I would just want to forget every part of this. Sigh. Alice parked in some fancy super mall. I raised my eyebrow. "Why are we shopping Alice?" I demanded. "You never now!" she sang. *There is not point on fighting with Alice* I chanted to myself. Chanting was really useful to stop temper tantrums. Alice saw my satisfaction smile and grinned. "That's the spirit Nessie! WAy to go!" she said in her high soprano voice. More like singing that saying. I wondered what we were doing at the mall. It was like Alice to shop whenever we'd worn our clothes twice, but not when something big was happening. Maybe it was only big to me. Nice. I touched Alice's arm, showing her my question "Ah, Nessie. You clearly don't know what day it is today." *No* I showed her. "September tenth Nessie. Your mom is now a "four year old" vampire!" she giggled the last part. *Oh!* I giggled in my mind too. * * * In the end, I bought a light blue stapless dress. Alice bought a veige miniskirt and a beautiful pink blouse. When we got home we celebrated mom. OF course, she didn't like celebrating at all, but she appreciated it. Jake came home. "Hey Nessie!" he said as he pulled me to his arms and kissed me. I could swear I heard dad hiss at him. I showed him my hello. He laughed at my blush, which only made me blush harder. *Dad, whose is the scent?* I thought. "Oh, you'll see Nessie." he whispered to me. *Right because I just love surprises. Thanks dad.* He laughed. I blushed. Jake raised one eyebrow. I just shook my head at him, embarrased and blushing a darker shade of red. I gasped. Alex was here? Wow. He must be very important then. I wondered why this subject hadn't come up. * * * Jake had already left when Alex came close to me and hugged me. "Gah!" I gasped. He laughed and showed me he was sorry. I hugged him back showing him it didn't matter. I truly was perfect. He pulled back, keepink one hand on my shoulder, showing me everything. He showed me my face. I showed him his. This was an easy conversation. The good thing about Alex was that we didn't have to speak outloud. Besides I prefered it that way. We continued like that, my hand on his shoulder and his hand on mine, showing stuff about ourselves. I hadn't realized it was already dark outside. Alex showed me he had to go, and that I had to sleep. I went to my room in the cottage in om's arms. Dad kissed my forehead and mom my cheek. I fell asleep in less that a second The nightmares weren't that bad this night. I was standing in the field (the one the visitors had come to when I was little) with Alex and Jake. Jake has his arms around me and Alex was crouched in front of me. I could see someone behing the trees in front of us. I was sure he was here to help. I tried to escape Jake's embrace, but he was not letting me go. Not with the danger in front of me. "Nessie!" I heard someone say. "Nessie are you okay?" It was dad. *Yeah I'm fine dad. It was just a bad dream.* I thought. * * * The nightmares weren't that bad this night. I was standing in the field (the one the visitors had come to when I was little) with Alex and Jake. Jake has his arms around me and Alex was crouched in front of me. I could see someone behing the trees in front of us. I was sure he was here to help. I tried to escape Jake's embrace, but he was not letting me go. Not with the danger in front of me. "Nessie!" I heard someone say. "Nessie are you okay?" It was dad. *Yeah I'm fine dad. It was just a bad dream.* I thought. * * * Jake and I were in his tiny little room. I showed him what I wanted to do. He agreed. I pulled myself closer to him, and he leaned in, a soft moan in his throat. Kissing Jake was so romantic, so sweet. We could be like this forever. Suddenly he pulled away, and started to speak. "Nessie, don't I smell bad to you?" he asked. I laughed at his question. "Of course you don't Jake" I said twisting my fingers in his hair. "Remember I'm half-human. You smell perfectly fine to me" I assured him. He laughed, and continued where we had left off. Alice's voice woke me that morning. "Nessie! Nessie! Nessie!!" she sang. "You have visitors" she said. I jumped out of bed. Who could have come to see me? I walked to the house in human speed, arranging my frizzy hair in the way. "Ah, Nessie!" a familiar voice said. I gasped. There were four vamires standing in front of me. I recognized them immediately. There was a tall woman with dark hair and a long face. Beside her, was a young boyish looking vampire with midnight hair, olive pallor, and an oddly cheerful look. There were two more. One a a little girl, who looked at me with warm eyes. And another one who had curly strawberry blonde hair. Oh. Zafrina, Benjamin, Kate and Tanya were here. I ran to them, almost screaming. "Tanya, Kate, Zafrina, Benjamin!" I gasped as I hugged them. "Nessie!" they said at the same time. "What are you guys doing here?" Alice asked, stealing my line. "Well we just came to visit Nessie." Zafrina said, making a beautiful image in my head of where she had been. "I've been traveling the world, then decided to give up and visit you." she smiled as she gave me my sight back. "So. . ." Kate started to ask. "Where's Edward?" she said nervously. "He's hunting with his wife." Alice hissed. Tanya smiled apologetically. "Is there someting wrong?" I asked. There couldn't be omething wrong. Could there? "I'l explain later" Alice breathed in my ear. So why was Tanya so nervous and Alice so mad? There had to be something really bad about to happen. My head got really heavy of just thinking about it. I w- "Nessie," alice growled, interrupting my thoughts. "I need you to leave again. Nothing personal, it's just that I can't SEE" she said annoyed. "Sure," I whispered. So plan B. Jake's house. * * * Jake was already outside, waiting for me. "Hey Nessie." he said and kissed the top of my hair. "Hi Jake" I said, kissing his cheek. I was aiming for his lips, but I heard Billy comming. "Hey kid, be sure to buy some vitamin Rs in the way home" he told Jake. I giggled. "Hey Nessie! Good to see you here!" "hey Billy. You look good." "Yup. Feeling good too." he assured me. "Well enough chit-chat. Let's go." Jake said, giving Billy a dark look. I giggled again, this time Jake blushed We walked to the beach, holding hands. "So Nessie." he said. Smiling my favorite Jacob smile. He was so cute when he did that. It. . .dazzled me. . . "Oh-um-whoa!" was all I could say while I fell. * * * "That's not what I meant Edward." Jake said through his teeth. "Fine" dad said. Fighting again. I wish I were able to stop themm, but I couldn't find my lips. "Nessie?" Jake said "Are you okay, love?" he said taking my hand. I was beggining to feel everything. The sand beneath me. Jake's heartbeat, and dad's breathing. "I'm fine." I told them sitting down. "You scared me there for a minute Nessie, I thought you hada concussion or something." Jake said. "No, I'm fine really. I just wanna go home." I told dad. "And Jake is comming." I said firmly. They both laughed I felt the heat under my cheeks. "Let's go." I muttered. Jake put his hands on my waist and pulled myself to him. He kissed my lips, passionately. I kissed him back. "I'm getting better at this" he mumbled under my lips. I chuckled and pulled back, kepping his hand. * * * "Zafrina, give me my sight back" Kate hissed. Déjàvu. I've heard that before. But I wasn't sure where. Tanya was holding Kate's waist. Zafrina and Benjamin were crouched in front of Bella. I immediately knew why. There was a faint smell of blood in the room. Human Blood. I traced the scent comming from mom. "Mom?" I asked. Mom growled at me. Charlie was right next to her. "NO!" I gasped. "He's going to be fine sweetheart." Edward murmured to Bella "Charlie is fine." dad answered my thoughts. Then what-? "Kate tried to bite him." he whispered. "She actually made that possible." Did he cut himself? "Yeah" Oh. Edward nodded. Is Charlie ok? Is he a. . .a . . .a . . . "No, Bella saved him." he smiled at mom. Wow. She really does have a real super-self control thing huh. "Yup." he laughed. Benjamin, Tanya, Mom, Dad, and Zafina hissed at Kate when she tried to rip Tanya's head off. Hmm. She can still smell it can she? "Yes" dad said. He turned around to look at mom and raised one eyebrow. "Carlisle is not a therapist" he said with humor. I sighed. Dad I'm going to Jake's. . .I thought, not trusting my voice. "Sure. . ." he whispered. Jake anylized my expression and immediately understood. We got his tiny little room-which was occupied mostly by his large bed- and sat on the floor. "Nessie." he started to ask. "Yes Jake?" I said. I suddenly heard a loud knock. I sighed. He growled. Claire and Quil were holding hands. Seth and Leah were right behind them "Hey guys!" I said. "Hi Nessie! Jake!" Seth replied. "Can we join the praty?" he asked Jake. "Sure why not?" he said furiously. Seth smiled. Leah looked at me with sad eyes. I looked away before she could feel unconfortable. I went to stand beside Seth. He was so tall! I couldn't believe how much he had grown in the past couple of days. He must've been about six foot five. Jake laughed at my expression. I blushed a deep shade of red. "Cmon Nessie, let's go upstairs" he whispered in my ear. I heard my already fast heartbeat acceletare. "You don't mind right guys?" "course not Jake." Seth said with a smile. "Nope, I don't have a problem!" Claire said, hugging Quil. Leah shook her head and Quil chuckled. "'Kay..."
***We went back home, holding hands. Jake snarled. What's wrong Jake!! i showed him. "A vampire" he said through his teeth. "Aww Jake it's probably Alex." I said. I walked home, Jake put his arm on my waist. I didn't like it when Jake overreacted. I sighed when I noticed he had 'seen' that. "Sorry JAke...it's the truth. It's probably just Alex. I know he won't harm me." "I know," he breathed "I just want to make sure you're safe." I recognized Alex's scent. I wondered why Jake hadn't recognized it. Maybe he was playing the antagonist role against vampires again. I sighed. Alex tured around to look at me. "Nessie" he said. "Hi Alex!" I let go of Jake's hold and hugged Alex. I liked him very much. I felt normal with him, because of our similar gifts. "Where were you?" I asked. "Getting used to this lifestyle." I was confused at first. then I noticed the change of color in his eyes. The last time I'd seen him they were brilliant red. Now they were Butterscotch. "I'm so proud of you Alex" I said. I heard Jacob growl. I pulled away from Alex and touched Jake's arm showing himm to calm down. Dad. . .please get Jake out of here. . .I don't want him to start a fight...i thought. I heard dad comming down the stairs. "Hey Jake," dad said. "You mind comming for a minute" he said. winking at me. "Sure" Jake said. Not so sure. "So. . ." I began to ask Alex after Jake and Dad were far away that they couldn't hear my question. "Did you go to Jane?" I whispered as low as I could. He put his hand on my shoulder. I saw what he had done. He had gone to Jane. Showed her his gift. Showed her me. He had showed me to Aro, Caius and Marcus. Aro had promised he would not harm any of us, but they would visit to make sure. . .though Aro had heard Alex's mind and he had seen he could only sshow the truth. The Volturi always wanted an expectacle. "Oh." I managed to say. He heard Alice comming so he took his hand off my shoulder and smiled. I tried to smile too. "Hey Nessie! Alex!" she said. I noticed Jasper was beside her because I felt all happy and peaceful. I would find a way to thank Jasper in the future. "Why are you worried Nessie?" Jasper asked. He could feel my emotions but he didn't know the reasons behind them. "Uh, umm, er. . ." I stuttered. Alice walked towards me with such gracefulness, she would've broke any ballerina's heart. But before Alice reached me she gasped. Her expression went blank. "Alice!! Alice!" Jasper said shocked. "What do you see Alice?" "The, the, the" she said. It was like if she were going to cry. She stood up and hugged Alex. We all stared at her in confusion. "The Volturi are comming" she whispered. In a tenth of a second, Seth,JAke, Dad, Emmet, Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, Mom, Zafrina, Kate and Benjamin had joined us. "But why?-" I began asking. Alice answered my question. I thought she couldnn't read minds. "I suppose Alex showed you where he had gone all this time?" she asked raising her eyebrow. I nodded. "Well, they just want to make sure it's true though Aro heard Alex's mind and saw he could only tell the truth...well Nessie you know the Volturi. They won't let anything go without making a big deal out of it. I suddenly felt the storm through me. I was sure this was going to end badly. Why else would Alice have hugged Alex with such feeling. I started to cry. Before anyone could react I ran to my room and locked myself inside. I knew anyone could come in by breaking the door. I didn't care. Everyone was going to die. And it was all my fault. My nightmare came back this night. This time it changed. There was a little girl. Her brunnette curls were messy and they were long down to her knees. Her eyes were brilliant red. She was in front of Alex. Alex, too, had brilliant red eyes again, but I noticed he had something in his arms. A girl's dead body, her strawberry blonde curls full of blood and her skin was life less. After thinking I noticed it was me. I woke up startled. I gasped. Everyone was staring down at me. . . I was lying down in my bed. Jake sighed with relief. "I todl you she was ok. . ." Alice smiled, though she didn't look so happy after what she'd seen. Tears started forming in my eyes at the thought. "Aww, Nessie don't cry," Jake said "It's ok, it's ok. It was just a nightmare. Oh. That's why they thought I was crying for? I sat up. "I was not crying because of that Jake." I sobbed, cuddling myself against his warm chest. "Then why---" "Ask Alice, ask her what will happen to some of us in some days. Ask Alice!" I almost yelled at hiim. He turned around to look at her shocked, pale white pixie face. "I know what she saw Nessie," Jake said in a soothing voice. "Don't worry nothing will ever happen to you." My expression made him promise one more thing. "Or anyone else." he said smiling. "Now, why don't we go to school already?" he said pulling me to him and kissing my lips. Jake got out of the car and pulled me out. He set me to my feet and lightly kissed by cheek and my foreheaad. Then, he left for class. I noticed Claire and Quil behind me. "Hey Nessie!" Quil said in his grave voice. "Hey Quil, Claire." I said with as much enthusiasm as I could manage. "What's wrong Nessie?" Claire asked worried. "Nothing, just..." I paused, then motioned for them to continue walking towards class. *Just the Volturi* I thought. *They're just gonna kill us all. Yeah nice isn't it* I tought angrily. If it could be that easy, I would sure laugh at the name. I started thining about the Volturi. Little tiny Jane, and her evil power. Aro and his soothing almost-convincing voice. Marcus' anger. Caius' calm. Alec's expression when he saw me as a kid. I shrugged. Yeah, we were dying after all, there was no hope. Tears started forming in my eyes. *A voice came from inside my mind: Nothing will happen sweet heart. You are here, with me. I won't let anything happen to you* Hearing Jake's safe voice in my mind made me happy and confident. Nothing would go wrong...Well at least if I was with him.. * * * School was quick that day. Jake dropped me off at home, and he went to his own home. "Hey Nessie" dad said "How was school today?" autie alice "Um...fine...I guess....Boring.." I said, kinda dead... "Ok...well, what would you like to eat sweetie?" mom said happily. She kissed dad and then turned and smiled at me "Um...do you still have that donated AB+ blood? I'm feeling kinda sick..." "Sure Nessie" mom murmured, she walked towards the fridge and came back in less than half a second "Here you go." she murmured so quietly, only vampire ears could hear her...well...half-vampire too... © 2010 Alex |
1 Review Added on July 17, 2010 Last Updated on August 13, 2010 Renesmee Cullen - The Book
Chapter 10
By Alex
Chapter 11
By Alex
Chapter 12
By Alex
Chapter 13
By Alex
Chapter 14
By Alex
Chapter 15
By Alex
Chapter 16
By AlexAuthor![]() AlexItalyAboutI'm Alessandra. But call me Alex. I'm 13 now and I love RONALD WEASLEY!! OMG FORGET TWILIGHT SCREW DA VAMPS! I WANT MA GINGER MAN! Here are some facts about me that probably don't matter to an.. more..Writing