![]() CelestialA Chapter by Questmaster![]() The beings that might still be dreaming.![]() The Nephilim is one Being..it is the universe. From the Nephilim came The Gods... so they will say. Gods will say the opposite. The builders of the physical and dream worlds. The God Resided in The Highest Kingdom where they are ALL. Only 5 Gods That feed off peoples prayers of people. If no world knows of them they will come to your world to force you to serve them. Gods have centillion of Worlds that serves them. Soon Panora will be visited by these super powerful beings. When devotes peoples die they can sit at the Feet of them for eternity. Gods are All-Knowing arrogant Super Muscular Beings With Psychic Powers and Magic. At first at God seems too invincible. Either requires a really powerful or person, fairy, daemon, dragon...or 50 to 100 weak people, fairies, deamons or dragons. Gods can power up to super gods that turn their hair Golden and Amplifies their abilities. The best match for a God is one on one. Other Gods, Angels, Demon Kings, Dragons, Demi-Gods. Dark Magic Works best against them and Illusion spells because don't think they can ever be tricked. Keep attacking all out. Beat up them until they can’t stand and they will honor you. Battles with Gods can last Years..don't ever let them rest for 5 minutes. Angels won't fight Gods but will trick them. Angels Are Bird like Beings glowing bright light that clear away Darkness. They are 8 feet tall and speak the Angelic Language מלאך. Angels Live in the Celestial Realm. a Dimension of dreams. Angels' main Purpose is to Create and Preserve life On Planets.There is isn't a Rank of Angel..They can only banish evil. They have the ability to heal anything... They can lose their wings and become Demi-Gods. It is said that humans are Demi-God Children. The Royal Family of Humans are the closest descendants. Everyone has an Angel watching over them. Nephilim. By Angels it has been said that the Nephilim Have created the Universe. Their original Form is a Ghastly Ether body. Once on a planet, they become very Strong and take any elemental form. They can hide as anything...They cannot possess people. They are Mischievous and Boastful... Battling one with hand, gun, sword, Ax or hammer will only duplicate it to more formations or objects. Dragons fine Nephilim to be annoying. The Nephilim are all over the Universe Ease dropping, stealing and killing anything that finds out that Tree was really alive. To banish Nephilim form your world bothering you...You Must place a Banish Sigil over the Core of your planet. This will keep the Nephilim out wandering the Universe to find planets to Hide and mettle on. No Rank of Nephilim. they all have one Name. If you say this name the Nephilim it will be your friend for life...Good luck. Use Air magic.Banishing or Binding to defeat a Nephilim. Demons. The Rulers of the Nightmare Realm known as the Underworld. Their original form is Monstrous or Muscular Beings with Horns on their head. Red or purple skin... Black Wings and sharp teeth. The Demon Kings, Overloads, Demon Knights and Commanders all have their own realms where souls may end up. Regular Demons don't have wings or Armor. They are However Monstrous, many heights and body types depending on its sin... All Demons rules one of the seven deadly sins. Regular Demons work for the higher Ranked Demons in their realms tormenting souls. On planets Demons are only Black Spirits influencing peoples minds.. They can possess people and hunt houses. Regular Demons, Succubus, and incubus can sneak in through open portals that left after a blood sacrifice or un-banished ritual. They can enter in the physical form and feed off peoples flesh. You must banish or incinerate them with shine. Magic can only bind them..They can eat the elements and Influence physics, However Physics that are attentive can mind trap spirit them. Holy bullets to the heart form an Exorcists can kill demons sending them back to The Underworld. Dark Magic works great against Demons. Binding them used by the casters will to destroy or banish. Some Regular Demons just want to live and not be forced to work enslaving and torturing souls for eternity. So they will work with dark casters to live physically. The Higher ranking Demons only want to invade the living and Rule and feed on people. Knowing a demons names can give you control over it...Only Regular demons and Succubus/Incubus can be bond by name. Warning! Knowing and saying a higher ranking demon's name will only give it access to possess you. Daemons and Fairies. From a fairy tale like dream realm called the fourth dimension. The emitting from shine 1st on Panora After Banishing of the Dragons and dinosaurs. Over 1 billion years ago on Panora. The dinosaurs would be extinct because the couldn't survive the Massive Comet that hits Panora destroying the one big land in the for countries of Panora.. This Comet Would bring Nephilim to Panora. The Fourth dimension is an infinite world where everything feels like a story being told with a happy endings all the time. Only two kingdoms. The Bunny Kingdom and The Fairy Kingdom they only have tickle wars where that race gets to eat from the Candy tree of youthfulness...eat too much hear turn to a baby forever... These Candies and Fine Grass that grow Wildly in the 4th Dimension. but when the Fairies and Daemon are born on planets these candies would turn to drugs on the Streets. Magic Mushrooms would grow from Dinosaurs, Dragons and Strangely only Cow Poop. If eaten the consumers will have an intense psychedelic experience for 4 days. If liquefied if will be put on dabs of paper..or gummy bears. You will also have an intense Trip for 10 Min ..The buzzing the trip is off and on for 10 hours. You will end up somewhere strange every 10 mins. Only hospitals can help you if you find one. Mystical creatures and Imagined ones live in the 4th Dimension. Imaginary friends from childhoods live once forgotten. Spacing out can land you here. lucid dreaming as well. Anyone can come here even a Nephilim. Demons can come here but can't stop hysterically laughing. Its the happiness in the air that they can't resist it.They fear this Place. Fairies Look like four foot humans with glittery skin. A green aura around them. dragonfly wings flapping have Wings That Sprinkle Fairy dust around. Some fairies are organic based having bodies of various flowers with wings. These are known as Green Fairies. Savage Fairies are just naked. Fairies have Hundreds of eggs that hatch at different time spans. Daemons are small woodland animals and predators. A Damon is just an intelligent Animal that walks on hinge legs speaking any Language. Savage Damon just live as animals just with intelligence in the wilderness. They often befriend Nephilim. Civilized Fairies and Daemons didn't come about until the dawn of People. Fairies and Damon would teach Magic and the existence of Manna in all living creatures and people. Daemons can freeze Living Reapers in time for 10 slow seconds... They can do one spell at that time to escape. They can only do this once a lifetime. Reapers. The Guidance of the realms and leaders of souls to their next existence or to a dream heaven, or dream hell.It's all ways what's in your heart when you die what will determine your afterlife. A contest can be had if you wish to play a Reaper in chess in stay alive..Reapers are extremely good at chess. Challenge a Reaper to a battle and take its Skull..To become a Dark Knight... Reaper are Largely Cloaked Beings that Hover. They Have Skull head with a somber expression. Hssing can herd from them but they don't talk. If a Reaper appears to you with With a sword..You are destined to be a Dark Knight. The Reapers Keep everything in Place.. they use their Scythe to cut Celestial beings like high ranking Demons and Gods back to their realms. Reapers are unconscious beings guiding souls. Reaper that becomes Conscious and goes to world thinking that they have to kill everyone.. only an Angel can kill a Living Reaper...Angels always cry when they do. only Dark magic can bind them. © 2019 Questmaster |