![]() Quest of the lost crystalA Chapter by Questmaster![]() Chapter 3![]()
Quest Of The Lost CrystalLunar Moon Deli 22 Era 6 Larry's Coffe shop 10:30 pm Cathair Nam Mèirleach
A Small cottage is hidden behind massive redwood trees. The sign Larry's Home Made Joe posted on an easel outside the door. The front door framed window has blinds drawn with a closed sign hanging. The lights are still on inside the cottage.
There is a bald pudgy peach human man wearing a gray sleeveless jumper with a white button-up underneath coving his thick arms. His white collar is folded neatly over his sweater. He studies from an open tan paged notebook next to his silver wide brim hat on the polished wooden table. He's reading a page that is a diagram of a crystal. It's a clear mineral rock with colorful sparkling flakes inside. The label reads Ordiamond. The pudgy man rubs his brown grizzly bread as he jots down notes with a ballpoint pen.
A Short tubby Green Orc man with brown hair in a long slick ponytail walks through the door behind the counter with a tray of two steaming white mugs. He wearing a blue flannel shirt and gray jeans in just his socks. Placing the Tray on the pudgy man's table. The short Orc man sits down across from him grabbing a full mug of coffee.
" I see you're still at it Derick, " The Orc man smiles taking a sip.
Derick grabs a mug taking a glum. " You know me, Charlie." He smiles.
"Do you remember our old adventures?" Derick asks. Charlie pounders.
"Yeah, I do, we nearly got killed a bunch of times," Charlie responds.
" Ha, The open waters where always dangerous. Pirates, savage indigenous elf and orc tribes, assassinations, yeah it was crazy." Derick says taking a bittersweet sip of coffee.
" We did discover that there may be a flaw in the elf royal history with correlations between The orcish worldview." Charlie states.
"Ah, yes. Good times" say Derick jotting down tiny words in his notebook.
" What's this new research project you've been working on?" Asks Charlie.
"It's long the discovery of an ancient crystal that has many elemental properties.
Dericks points to the picture of the Ordiamond. Charlie squints his black eyes.
" What-what's so special about The-um, Ordiamond?” Charlie struggles to read.
" Well, I don't know. In the notes, I took when we're exploring the islands. Some of the indigenous tribes were mining small shards of the Ordiamond cultivating it into heat for hot water and keeping huts warm." Derick explains.
" So it's a solid fuel?" Charlie asks.
" Not just that, when I took samples to Gaia University. The Crystallography lab stated in a report that the Ordiamond has the remains of prehistoric life forms. Even Dragons." Derick drinks down the warm coffee.
" Wow, so Dragons existed that far back?" Charlie asks. " Possibly, that's not the most intriguing news I learned," Derick smirks.
" The fact that it's a solid material that can be combusted into energy, makes it a solid fuel. The fact that it has the remains of lifeforms, makes it a fossil fuel." Charlie interrupts."Annnd."
Derick shoots a look. " The report also stated that the original form of the Ordiamond was water base."
Charlie interrupts again. " So it can be a liquid fuel too, that is intriguing."
" That's not all... There was also some comet particles with strains of DNA from an unknown ancient being." Derick stands up in just boxers.
" I know I said to make yourself at home, but put on some f*****g pants!" Charlie yells.
Derick picks his beige shorts off the hardwood floor. He slides them on.
" An Orcish tribe had a tale about the Ordiamond having the power to change the past...or bring someone back from the dead. " Derick says putting on his silver wide brim hat.
" Whaaaat?" Charlie ponders.
" You have to find a boulder-size of it though. You have to dig deep. Very deep in Panora." Derick's hands Charlie an engraved shard of a clear crystal with colorful flakes.
The engravement reads Càirdeas.
" It's not the Ordiamond, The engravement is in Orchish it means," Charlie stands up hugging Derick. " Thanks, I know what it means.
A loud knock on the door.
Charlie walks up to the door.
" Sorry, we're closed." He shouts. Nobody answers. Derick closes his notebook. His Dail Touch phone chimes. He pulls out his flip phone from his pocket checking the message.
" Oh, s**t, it's probably my cab driver," Derick exclaims.
Charlie looks uneasy. He opens the door as a Blue Orc Cab pulls up. Derick walks to the door placing a hand on Charlie's shoulders. " I trust you, more than my anybody."
" You be safe Derick." Derick tilts his silver wide brim hat getting into the Blue Orc Cab.
Someone wearing a Blue hood over their face watches the cab drive off high in a redwood tree.
12:25 AM
The Blue Orc Cab drives on the winding dirt road through Massive Redwood tunnels. At the end of a tunnel, the cab slows down. An Elf woman that has short straight black hair with bangs over her sharp blue eyes. A black ninja mask covers her mouth. She is dressed in a long blue cloak with TG on the back in white. She yields a katana held across her body reflecting like the glowing crescent moon. The cab stops in front of her.
HONK-HONK! The Orc drivers persist revving the gas. Derick eyes wide as he ducks. A white reflective flash slices through the top of the cab smoothly. The top slides off. Derick peeks up seeing the Orc driver's cranium cut clear off. Red thick goo oozing down the chopped back of the seat.
The Elf woman jumps into the cab. She Grabs Derick by the collar.
" Give it to me." She says with cold blue eyes.
Derick drips sweat.
"...Ok, let me just," Derick drops a white powder ball.
Thick white smog covers the area. The Elf woman loses her grip blinded by clouds.
"Tele" Derick shouts as he flashes away.
Three slim Orc-men with bald heads dressed in the same blue cloak wearing ninja masks dash to the smog-covered cab yielding short ninjatō swords. The Elf woman walks out of the smog sheathing her katana holding A P-phone.
" What happened, Julia, I thought you had this, Bro?" One of the Orc-Men shouts.
" Shut, the f**k up, I tracked him." Julia sasses showing the GPS map on her phone.
1:05 AM
Deep in the redwood forest, Derick lays in a puddle of blood punctured with stab wounds all over his body. Three ninjas in green uniforms dash to Derick's body. One of them checks the pulse on his neck. They wear silver plated headbands with a hornet engravement. One of the ninjas shoots a flare into the starlit sky.
Lunar Moon Seli 23 Era 6
9:30 AM Larry's coffee shop has a few Orcs waiting in line dressed in greasy mechanic uniforms at the counter. A young green Orc woman with a short brown ponytail runs the register. She has on glasses over her mascara outlined black eyes. Apron over her blue t-shirt and jeans with the name tag Shelly. The engraved crystal sits on the counter.
Charlie walks from the backroom greeting Shelly as she serves the last customer in line. Charlie stands on a stool turning on the Flat screen hanging on the wall behind the register.
" How many times do I have to tell you to keep the TV on?" Charlie grumbles changing the channel on the side of the TV.
" Sorry, a customer earlier was talking to me and the TV was distracting. " Shelly answers.
Charlie grumbles as he stops at a news report.
On the screen is a taped off crime scene of a blue cab with the top smoothly sliced off. The header reads; Archeologist Found Dead. World police officers and Green Hornet ninjas roam the area. Charlie squints at the TV. The screen cuts to a Tall Redwood tree taped off soaked blood stains in the bark and ground.
A reporter narrates;" The body of Archeologist Derick Neal Jr was found slain with multiple stab wounds. It's not determined if it was a knife or sword. There is no known connection to the Thieves Guild."
Shelly covers her mouth fighting the compelling sensation under her eyes. She glances at Charlie with his hand on the side of the TV. Tears flowing down his green cheeks as he stares at the engraved crystal.
" Dad?" Shelly says nervously...
Charlie is fixated on the crystal.
Shelly walks over to her dad embracing him. Charlie surrenders into her arms hollering in pain. Shelly turns the TV off holding Charlie as her eyes well up from her father's grievance.
11 PM
Charlie lays in his bed staring at the dark ceiling. His eyes puffy and sore.
A Loud banging on the front door.
Charlie gets up walking from his room, through the living room, into his coffee shop.
The banging shaking the framed door. " It’s 11:15 PM we are closed!" He shouts.
The banging stops. Charlie waits for a second, he turns around- White flashes slice the door into pieces creating a gust of wind blowing them into the coffee shop. Charlie rushes behind his counter grabbing his pistol from underneath.
Julia strolls into the Coffe shop with her katana drawn. The three Orc swordsmen follow behind Julia.
Charlie standing on the stool shoots at Julia who swipes the bullet into two pieces.
" Really." Julia sasses.
" Please just leave, I took all the coin to the bank already." Charlie pleads.
Julia snaps her fingers as the Orc-men start cutting up tables and chairs.
Julia dashes in front of Charlie using her sword handle to knock the pistol into the air. She slices it into halves as Charlie falls off the stool.
Shelly rushes into the coffee shop in her robe. She is kicked by one of the Orc-men in the stomach. Shelly falls to the hardwood with a thud breaking her glasses in half.
" Why do people make armed robberies so hard?" Julia sighs.
She Jumps on the counter pointing the tip of her katana in Charlie's face.
" Just give me the notebook," Julia demands with cold eyes.
" He took it with him," Charlie whispers on the floor.
" Ok, you wanna play games. Ay, Rip this whole f*****g place apart." Julia yells as the Orc-men rush through the back door.
Lound baning, smashing and shattering shakes the quiet cottage.
" If we find it, I'm gonna kill that Orc b***h," Julia says with certainty
11:45 PM
Shelly holds her stomach crying. Charlie sits with his head down on the floor. Julia remains standing on the counter with her sword drawn. The Orc men all come through the back door.
" So, anything?" Julia asks
" Nothing." one of the Orc-men replies.
Julia glances at Charlie.
" Looks like that b***h will live." Julia eyes the engraved crystal.
" Hmm, this looks like it could be worth something." Julia picks up the crystal.
Charlie stands up. Julia aims at his throat.
" Think carefully, or your head will be over there." Julia threatens.
Charlie eyes well up.
" I just wanted you to know its worth a lot." He says.
" Good," Julia says jumping off the counter.
" I'll be keeping an eye on you. I know you got it somewhere." Julia says leaving her Orc goons following behind her.
Charlie rushes to Shelly.
" We have to call the world police!" Shelly cries.
" It would be too much gold, they are B ranked or A even," Charlie replies. “I'm so sick of this city," Shelly complains.
" It's ok Shelly, we are alive." Charlie consoles shelly
" Dad, that was all you had from Derick. I'll request a C ranked quest, it's only 500 gold to register." Shelly yells.
Charlie stands up
" Shelly go get some rest, I'll board up the doorway." He
Shelly looks into her dad's trembling eyes as he forces a smile on his face. She struggles to get up walking to the back door.
" Register, tomorrow if you want." Charlie sighs looking at the pieces of his front door scattered on the hardwood.
Shelly smiles dripping tears as she walks through the back door.
Charlie walks outside staring at the starlit sky. " What have you got me into this time, Derick?"
Major Rapids Tavern Lunar Moon Limi 27 Era 6 6:53 PM Shakirat is at the Tavern counter. Nicole is typing on her laptop.
" Ok so have you decided what class you want to register as?" Nicole asks.
" Priestess," Shakirat says.
" Ok Mystic class Priestess. Is your Devote graduation in a file?" Nicole says clicking.
" Yes, Ma'am." Shakirat answers.
Nicole pulls Shakirat's information. Name; Shakirat Missy. Age 18. Race; Human. Class; Priestess. Rank?
"Ok if you come back here to the challenge area we can take your Shine Test," Nicole instructs.
Shakirat follows Nicole through a rusted chamber door...
Dragneal sits alone at a booth eating a mid-rare cheeseburger. Bloody juice dripping over his fries. A frizzy clear glass of soda sparkles next to his plate.
Major Rapids Back parking lot Kolya and Nadine lean against the stone Tavern wall. Nadine has her jean jacket buttoned up. She puffs a blunt of fine grass.
" You look so familiar, Yo," Kolya says as Nadine passes the blunt to him.
" No, I'm not a pornstar," Nadine smirks.
"Nah, but you do look like some I know. I mean you look like Gloria Cat. The Arch-Mage of Fire." Kolya takes a few long puffs passing the blunt to Nadine.
Nadine takes the blunt. She takes a long drag.
" Yeah, that's my mom." Nadine sighs.
" Wow really! That's so cool. She fought in Airzone during the Panora War." Kolya says excitedly.
" Yeah so, cool," Nadine says sarcastically passing the blunt to Kolya.
" Why you say it like that?" Asks Kolya taking the smaller blunt.
" Everyone thinks Gloria is so great. A legend. A hero. But she is really a conceited, strict miro managing woman." Nadine snaps. "
Both my parents are the same and sometimes I wonder how they ever got together." Nadine continues.
Kolya puffs the roach of the blunt glued to Nadine complaining.
" People always comparing me to her, I'm Nadine!" She shouts.
A few people walking by gaze at Nadine speed walking faster.
Kolya passes Nadine the roach.
She takes it puffing hard.
" So whats the deal with Cathair Nam Mèirleach? You Owe money to the Thieves Guild or something?" Nadine asks tossing the roach.
" No, I was just on my own there since I was 8. Just painful memories." Kolya says looking down.
Nadine looks at Kolya with empathy.
" How did you survive a place like that so young, where were your parents, Yo?" Nadine asks.
" My Parents went M.I.A. after the Panora War. I trained in hand to hand combat with my ninja kin growing up. No schools, Yo. Kids learned to either build, blacksmith, fight or steal." Kolya explains.
" Why did your parents go M.I.A.? They could be alive. "Nadine queries.
Kolya is silent.
Nadine pushes him.
" My dad is alive. On a life sentence in Word Prison in Drakono Zème." Kolya says.
" What about your mom, Yo?" Nadine asks.
Kolya sighs...
" I don't know."
Nadine places a hand on Kolya's shoulder.
" Let me buy you some grub, Yo." She smiles.
Major Rapids Tavern Back Training Area. Nicole leads Shakirat into a large gymnasium with a sand-covered floor. Bleachers on each side.
Shakirat has taken off her light blue pumps walking to the end of the gymnasium to another chamber door. Warm sand on her feet under her white stockings.
Nicole opens the chamber door to a small room with gold painted walls. A table with a Book of shine sits on a mini pedestal. White and gold clusters of long lit candles shining on each side of the table. A blue chamber door is in the corner of the room.
Nicole moves the book of Shine off the mini pedestal with a slot for a paper. She inserts a blank yellow piece of paper.
Shakirat stands in the middle of the golden room holding her light blue pumps. Nicole pulls a metal pad from under the table placing it in front of Shakirat.
" Ok, stand on this," Nicole instructs.
Shakirat stands on the metal pad tossing her light blue pumps to the side.
" What now?" Shakirat asks.
" Alright, whenever you're ready. Perform a Shine Shield around yourself." Nicole explains crossing her arms.
Shakirat closes her eyes seeing green changing to gold energy. She puts her palms together in prayer. She opens her eyes shouting, " מ�'ן שיין!" (Shine Shield).
A bright golden globe surrounds Shakirat as she chants Angelic words. Nicole knocks on the golden globe with thick thunks like a glass window.
The shield starts to fade. Shakirat sweats chanting as the shield dissipates.
The yellow paper slides out with a D rank on it. Nicole takes the paper handing it to Shakirat. She frowns reading it. " Shine Shielding is the most important skill a Priestess can have. Mastering your shine will allow you to hold it longer. You'll be able to cast on your shelf and multiple allies. S**t, even shield an entire country." Nicole explains.
" I never got a D in my life, how can I get A Ranked?" Shakirat cries.
" The C Ranked limit is 60 seconds. Your shield lasted 15 seconds." Nicole explains.
Shakirat stares down blankly.
Nicole puts a hand on her shoulder.
" With Practice, you'll Rank higher. Your mom didn't start off as a legendary Crusader." Nicole says whipping tears of Shakirat's cheeks.
Major Rapids Tavern 7:30 PM
Dragneal stands before Nadine, Shakirat, and Kolya sitting at table eating sloppy barbeque chicken wings
" Let's meet at the Travel Port on Deli at 11 AM." Everyone just eats chicken wings smacking and moaning.
Dragneal's eye twitches. " Are you guys paying attention?" Dragneal pleads.
Kolya turns around viewing one of the flat screens behind him. There is news report showing a large hole behind Kingdom Gym. A shot of a dented titanium heavy bag smashed over a White minivan being pulled off by a tow truck.
"Hey, we were there," Kolya says with glossy lips.
Nadine and Shakirat turn around viewing the new report.
"Apparently, X-Con and Former evil Tyrant Dragneal punched a heavy bag through the wall of Kingdom gym. Reggie, the employee at the time said he told Dragneal to give it a light jab, then Dragneal when all out." The News reporter says.
It cuts to A husky peach woman with short messy white hair dressed in gray sweatpants holding large of sack gold.
" cheap b*****d only gave me 100 gold for the damage." The woman shouts into a microphone held in front of her.
" What an a*****e," Nadine growls.
Kolya laughs getting barbeque sauce on his white ninja uniform. Shakirat looks at Dragneal shaking her head.
" I paid that woman 2000 coin! Kolya you were there, tell them." Dragneal pleads.
Kolya looks at Dragneal bursting into hysterics.
" Hey, you guys got another reward," Nicole shouts.
Shakirat and Nadine look at Nicole. Kolya stops laughing. They rush to counter with greasy hands leaving Dragneal glum standing at the table. He appears to be bluer than usual.
" Yeah there was a bounty for Dragneal," Nicole says handing everyone wet wipes placing a post on the countertop with a cartoonish picture of a goofy looking Black Dragon.
It reads, Wanted.
" They probably want me dead or alive... or maybe dead. HA, I like to see them try." Dragneal boast
" No, you're Wanted... To work." Nicole smirks.
Dragneal is blue again.
Kolya bursts into laughter again falling to the floor.
" Well I'm sure the reward is handsome," Dragneal says blue slouching.
" Only 20 gold." Shakirat reads.
Kolya's laughter intensifies.
Nadine covers her mouth from smirking.
Nicoles walk into the kitchen next to the chamber door.
Loud laughter from inside the kitchen.
Dragneal is a vague blue silhouette with sad gray puffy eyes sitting with his head down at the table of messy plates of chicken wings.
Dragneal stands up in his normal color.
" Who issued that Damn bounty on me to, work?" Dragneal shouts.
" It has this Royal stamp on it." Shakirat shows Dragneal.
Dragneal rushes over squinting his eyes.
A Purple Royal crest of a Raven over the Crusive styled name King Alex Randel.
" Alex." Dragneal grumbles clinching his fists.
8: 15 PM Nadine's Loft.
Nadine enters her lit apartment. Light Pop music bumps off the three-piece blue tooth speakers on the kitchen island. Zoe has blue eyeshadow over her blinking eyes. Purple lipstick to match her hair that has fresh curls.
Zoe is wearing a blue and purple short laced long sleeve dress. Her legs crossed swinging in purple fishnet stockings.
" How was the baby quest?" Zoe sasses.
" I didn't go on any quests today," Nadine says sitting on the couch stretching her legs over Zoe's lap.
Zoe pushes Nadine's legs off her lap knocking Nadine to the floor face first.
"OWmeow." Nadine whines.
Zoe stands up her in blue stiletto sandals. Her neon pink nail polish pops.
" So I got dressed for nothing, you are freaking lazy, Yo," Zoe complains.
Nadine sits on her knees showing big sparkly green eyes at Zoe.
Zoe looks away trying to resist the cuteness.
" No, Nadine I'm serious you need to pull your weight more," Zoe says smirking.
Nadine stands up handing Zoe A Chloe Live ticket. Zoe grabs the ticket examing it.
" How did you? I really didn't expect this. They were sold out weeks ago." Zoe grins.
" I know a guy. " Nadine boast.
Zoe hugs Nadine.
" I'm acutely going on a nonbaby quest in two days," Nadine says.
Zoe steps back with her arms on Nadine's shoulders.
"Wow really?" " Yeah, I'll be gone for like 4 days maybe, Yo. Going to Cathair Nam Mèirleach." Nadine explains.
" Oh, competing in the Contest Of Champion again?" Zoe asks.
"Nah, C ranked quest. A Coffe shop requested." Nadine says.
"Ew, your acutely going to be there. We'll talk about it." Zoe responds.
Zoe grabs her purse.
" Don't sleep on my couch tonight, I might have company." Zoe winks strolling out the door.
Nadine waits a second. Runs over to the island turning off the speakers. Nadine grabs a navy blue can P-cola from the black stocked refrigerator.
She cracks it open glumping it down as she walks over the couch sitting slouching into her seat. Spreading her legs unbuttoning her jeans. She feels in the cushions pulling out a remote.
She powers on the 90-inch flat screen. The screen shows a reality TV program of peach glittery fairy women in gold fancy dresses having dinner on the shore of a sandy beach. They each have big puffy hairstyles.
They all talk happily until a female skunk daemon shows up dressed in a purple sparkly evening gown.
The fairies all stop talking.
" You stole my idea Natasa." The skunk lady says glancing at the camera.
" I don't know what you are talking about Cynthia. " Natasa says glancing at the camera.
" You know you took here idea Natasa, corny b***h, Yo," Nadine says sipping cola her gray tail wiggling.
East borough Suburbs.
8:35 PM
Shakirat pulls into her garage parking her White sedan next to her mom's sliver compacted van with HMV on the bumper. The garage door slides down. She grabs her phone out of her glove box seeing texts and missed calls over her flowery screen saver.
She swipes the screen of the selfie of herself clicking contacts. Category besties Milli and Vilma. She picks Vilma dialing her number ringing.
" So I don't have to call a search party." Vilma answers.
" Hey, butterfly," Shakirat replies.
" Don't try to butter me up, did you fill out your Gaia University App yet... Or let me guess you've been busy?" Vilma says bluntly.
"No, I finally to decided to register for a class. I'm a Priestess now." Shakirat says.
"Oh, well it took you long enough, could have said that in one text. I wouldn't have loaded your inbox." Vilma sasses.
" Well, I didn't freakin know what I wanted... now something feels right!" Shakirat exclaims.
" I've been thinking for years that you were taking law with me. Vilma expresses.
" I thought so too, everybody thought so too. I just didn't know who I was really." Shakirat relays.
Vilma is silent.
" well have a good summer, I guess," Vilma responds.
" Come on, Vilma, let's have lunch and talk," Shakirat suggests.
Vilma ends the call.
Shakirat sighs getting out of her sedan. She unlocks the white steel framed door entering the cozy living room. A brown leather couch with fuschias throws pillows. Wooden coffee table with a clear glass table top sits over a fuschia, gray and brown striped rug. A book of Shine on the coffee table.
She takes off her light blue pumps walking through the gray painted archway into the small kitchen. A Pudgy mature tan woman with a light pink hair bun sits at the polished dark wood dining table. Two empty dark wood chairs tucked into the dining table next to her.
Shakirat stops in the middle of the light blue checked tiled kitchen floor holding pumps watching her mother eating a plate of meatloaf and mashed potatoes smothered in gravy.
" Dang Momma you grubbing." Shakirat smiles.
" More in the fridge," Mom says while forking potatoes into her mouth.
Shakirat's Mom looks up at her daughter surprised.
" Shakirat, you're clothes are dirty! What happen? " Mom stands up wearing a long dark evening gown with pink slippers on her thick feet.
" Nothing happened, I was sparring with a new friend," Shakirat explains.
Mother looks deliriously at Shakirat.
" A fashion girl like you sparring. Girl, you can tell me if somebody roughed you up. I then told you about that Tavern. " Mother scolds.
" Yes, I did I used Shine Spells against a Time Magician. We ate pizza and barbecue chicken together." Shakirat whines.
" No, you're just a prissy little a princess!" Screams Nicki standing in the middle of the stairway at the end of the kitchen wearing a camo army costume with green and black paint on her face.
Momma Smirks.
" Mom are you going to let her say that to me." Shakirat whines.
" I sware, I'd never thought my oldest child would be bullied by my younger baby," Momma complains.
" Come on, I'm not that prissy." Shakirat pouts.
" A few days ago you said you would help in the Garden. Since your Prety Girl Line, Gardening Attire package didn't come in the mail yet. You stayed in bed pretending to be sick saying the world was coming to an end." Moma laughs.
" When you were in the 5 grade, Moma bought you some cheap thrift store clothes, You Didn't go to school for a week. " Nicki says walking into the kitchen
" I would never be caught dead in that filth, why did you bring back traumatizing memories?" Shakirat sasses.
" So who robbed you? " Moma asks.
Shakirat pulls out an information card from her pocket.
" I registered as a priestess. This is my 1st quest. " Shakirat smiles.
Nicki snatches the card studying it.
" You know your dad would be jealous. He thought you would follow the magic path. I did too. " Momma says.
" I don't care, how he feels." Shakirat smiles.
" How did a lame D ranked Priestess get clearance to take a C ranked quest, and in Cathair Nam Mèirleach of all places," Nicki says handing back the card.
" Cathair Nam Mèirleach isn't the worst place in the world, It's is still dangerous. The Thieve guild gang was in the news robbing a few homes earlier today.' Momma worries.
" I'm not going alone, I'm in a party with two people. A Halfling magician girl and an elf thief that's from there. It's just finding a lost crystal. Probably in their house somewhere." Shakirat giggles.
" Wait for just a second," Momma says walking past Nicki heading up the stairs.
" Well, I guess you're not so lame Sha," Nicki says punching Shakirat's shoulder.
Shakirat places a hand over Nicki's mouth handing her the Chloe Live ticket. Nicki's brown eyes turn to stars.
" You got a Ticket!" Nicki screams a muffled shout.
" Shh, Take it and be quiet," Shakirat says removing her hand from her little sister's mouth.
" I'm tired, I don't want any sneak attacks while I sleep. This is a peace treaty. " Shakirat explains.
" I will give you immunity for one year. " Nicki smiles putting the ticket in her pocket.
" I have to get ready for bed too now." Nicki winks saying it loudly.
Momma comes downstairs holding a brown box with gold shine angels sketched on the sides. Nicki rushes past momma up the stairs slamming her door.
Momma hands the box to Shakirat the box with the name in Gold Cursive, Silvia Winston. " This was my uniform when I was a Priestess. I wasn't always chunky. I'm sure you can fit it." Silvia smiles.
" Thanks..." Shakirat says glumly.
" I know it's not designer material, but it's the meaning right?" Silvia giggles.
" It's not that, I just know you can have these uniforms custom made... I have so many sketches." Shakirat spaces out.
Silvia embraces Shakirat in a tight loving squeeze.
" Oh, Sha, I'm so proud of you," Silvia praises.
" ...Mom, I can't breathe." Shakirat says gasping for air.
Panora Mart Apartment Complex
Electric Moon Deli 1 Era 6 10:30 AM Kolya drools snoring wearing just his boxers three fans blowing at him laying on his air mattress in the middle of his studio apartment. Three white desks with a tidy arrangement of smoke bombs, ropes, daggers, and kunai against each corner of the room. The one set of dishes is clean drying the rack next to the sink filled with clean soapy water. The one trash can is empty with a new bag inside. The stove eyes are clear of ashes with neat polish.
Kolya's front door is Blasted to pieces smashing to the ground. Kolya jumps up dazed as three Panora ninja clerks dash inside holding digital clipboards. An Elf man dressed in a brown striped business suit with a neat blond bowl cut steps inside the studio apartment.
" Good Morning Mr. Shrua, We are here to collect your rent plus last month's late fee." The Elf Gentleman Greets.
" That's 200 coins for rent, plus 100 coins for the late fee. Making a total of 300 coins today. How would you like to pay, coin or credit?" A Ninja Clerk asks.
Kolya walks over his air mattress to the table behind with daggers and kunai grabbing his wallet. He walks over the mattress to the closes ninja clerk handing him his elf bank card. The Ninja clerk swipes the card on the side of his clipboard.
" Signature." The Ninja Clerk says hand Kolya an electronic pen. Kolya signs.
" Ok, we are set.' The ninjas dash out of the room.
" Mr. Basil I was gonna pay, Yo. " Kolya complains.
" Don't feel bad I'm braking everyone's door this month. We are getting new reinforced titanium doors. You will have a better door by this evening. Mr. Basil says walking out the apartment.
Kolya walks over to his table with ropes and a laptop. He powers it on. Once on the internet, he checks his balance online that reads; 205.00 C.
" Just enough." Kolya thinks.
11: 45 AM
Kolya is dress in the small bathroom looking into the mirror over the sink. A photograph taped to the mirror of a young Kolya with a blonde ponytail. He stands between two adult Elves wearing white ninja uniforms. The woman to the right has eyes like Kolya with long brown hair in a single braid. The man to left has a face like Kolya with blond busy hair. Kolya places his index and middle finger over their faces closing his eye.
" In the darkness, be the light." Kolya chants.
He kisses' the picture.
He leaves his open apartment seeing Orc and ninja clerks installing the new titanium doors as he dashes through the complex.
?? ?? Era 5 Drakono Zème In the center of a volcanic land with rocky shores of a vast rainforest is a massive crater.
Dragneal wabbles in this crater with half of his black dragon scale armor smashed to over his bloody right arm and body. There is a white buff human man wearing mangled sliver and purple armor with long stringy brown hair draped over his face. A ripped up purple cape with a raven blowing in wind. He kneels holding on the sliver and violet handle of his thick heavy sword stabbed into the ground. Dragneal wobbles across from this man.
Dragneal's vision becomes burly of the Knight clinging to life trying to stand.
Dragneal's vision becomes clear. The knight is gone.
A Woman with a green body of vines and a rosebud head lays on the ground holding her bloody chest.
Dragneal rushes towards her through a river of blood getting deeper the closer he gets to her.
She floats farther away.
Dragneal sinks deep into black reddish goo.
Electric Moon Deli 1 Era 6 9:30 AM "Luna!"
Dragneal yells waking up in his torch lit massive cave sitting on a stale spring mattress. A mountain of ripped heavy bags towers in one corner. Piles of pink salt crystals everywhere. Near the cave mouth are grocery bags of mangos and various berries with nats flying around them.
Dragneal stands up wearing just his black sweatpants. His body toned with light bruises and scares. His feet are unwrapped with worn dry skin and chipped toenails.
He walks over to a pile of salt grabbing a small handful eating some. He lets the salt dissolve in his mouth as he takes a bottle of water from one of the grocery bags. He downs the bottle.
Near the far back of the cave is a dug hole filled with pink salt and Ice water.
Dragneal sits is the water to his neck.
Dragneal stands at the mouth of the cave staring at the sunrise. He's suited in his black armored vest. His feet and ankles wrapped in fresh boxers tape. He looks at his wrist with burn scars around them. He caresses a scar.
" Soon. Luna, I'll see you soon." Dragneal's says.
12:30 AM Gaia Travel Port. Gaia Travel Port Is large a resort next to the Gaia Airport and Gaia international harbor. Big passager planes with Gaia logos high in the blue sky. Cruise Ships far out at sea. Cargo ships honking as they dock. Large Hotel Plazas made of gold and marble. Towering over the wide-scaled Panora Hotels with outside amusement parks. Burger Queens and Salad World buffets on each corner of the Travel Port walkway.
Shakirat is leaving a Salad World dressed in a brown v-neck cloak with a white turtleneck underneath. A tan coif over her pink curls. The gold chain of the hawk angel round her neck. White satin pants with a gold belt around her waist. Brown sneakers on her feet. She is holding her book of shine carrying a small beige pretty girl designer overnight back.
She walks through the crowded walkway. Hearing conversation in Elven and Orcish mix with Normal tongue. Hustler Monkey Daemons in hoddies with cheap knock-offs clothes and purses shouting for costumes. A Fairy woman with white and red body paint is tribal dancing to a Prairie Dog Daemon dressed in a tribal cloak hand pounding big drums. Short cramped shuttle buses riding people and families along the crowded walkway.
Dragneal is standing at the entrance of the Habor Travel Center holding two tickets. Shakirat strolls through the crowd. Dragneal waves excitedly while shakirat stops in front of him with a blank face holding out her hand. Dragneal smiles while Shakirat snatches the ticket form him walking inside the center.
Shakirat is start struck as a human Woman with a long curly green wig with colorful body paint dressed in a white short set with a pretty girl logo on the trim. This woman is surrounded by Green Hornet Ninjas. " Chl-." Shakirat freezes as this stunning woman is escorted ninja are boarding a plane.
Koyla walks up to Dragneal with his fist out. Dragneal bumps fists with Kolya. " So, did those girls show up?" Kolya asks. " Yup, I got each of us our own quarters. No Awkward silence. Just tranquility. You know?... Yo." Dragneal raps.
" Yeah if you keep doing that. I'm glad you have your own quarters," Kolya complains.
" Doing what?... Yo?" Dragneal raps.
" Ahh, how long is this trip?" Kolya demands.
" Just two days." Dragneal smirks.
Kolya frowns at Drangeal while he takes his ticket.
"... Yo." Dragneal giggles.
Kolya storms into the center mumbling angerly.
Electric Moon Gamma 3 Era 6
East Dock of Cathair Nam Mèirleach
West Country
Nadine is tucked under her start clustered blanket. She pulls the curtains open. The gray sky shines into junky pizza and take-out box coved sleeping quarters. She's in her dazzling I-kiki-yo-yo suit pajamas. Out the window is blue murky ocean water with seagulls hovering around in the thick clouds. Chum and seaweed can be smelt even with the window closed.
A knock on her door. She climbs over the mess on the floor sliding open to see Shakirat dressed in her priestess uniform.
" Well, hello sister." Nadine winks.
" Oh, my Angel I can't believe you have been sleeping this whole time. Your missing so much fun." Shakirat sparkles.
" My crazy little sister loves I-kiki-yo-yo," Shakirat shouts.
Nadine blushes coming come out of her quarter into the hallway. Shakirat leads Nadine down the hallway into a lounge room with card tables and couches. Dragneal sits on a couch arguing with A green Orc man with a black grizzly bread wearing tight turtleneck and suspenders.
" You don nea wat yourr takin bout." The orc man complains.
" I was here for every royal battle. Soldiers would just give up. Smoke hard candy and shoot fairy dust, man." Dragneal explains.
" Dat tue, boot nea da major cas of booth side loosin da warr. I wae da assassins," The Orc man disagrees.
" Assassin didn't care about the war. They only care about getting paid. They help the dealers sneak in supplies forms Cathair Nam Mèirleach to all over the world. Drugs and people not giving a f**k is the reason why both sides lost the royal wars." Dragneal boast. " Well, You nea ah loot bout warr, huh?" The orc man sasses.
Dragneal just sits back.
Kolya is in a heated battle of strip poker with two fairy girls in schoolgirl uniforms. Kolya is just in his boxers sweating. The two fairy girls are fully clothed giggling.
Nadine looks at Shakirat
" See, freaking weird. I uploaded so many videos to my View Tube channel. " Shakirat says.
" You have to add me later, yo," Nadine says.
" I saw Chloe at the Gaia Travel Port. " Shakirat grins.
" I did too." Nadine shows Shakirat a Selfie with Chloe.
" Awwww. I just froze up. " Shakirat laughs.
Kolya glances over at Nadine in her I-kiki-yo-yo pajamas. His nose starts bleeding. The fairy girls flap away screaming.
Kolya passes out gushing blood. " More content," Shakirat says recording on Ruby encrusted P-phone.
11:25 AM
West Country Strì an Aghaidh Strì an Aghaidh Travel Port. Smaller than The Travel Port in Gaia. Only One Panora Hotel without an amusement park. Many rundown Rocks Motel with rust lit signs flashing cheap rates. Grimy Taco depo next to Janky Magic Buns loitered by dirty homeless people congregating and laying on the ground. Posters on walls read; Everybody needs a home, Senator Oscar Willams.
Shakirat looks up at the milky sky trying to find the sun. Massive Redwood trees tower for miles into the vast distances. World police Officer suited for combat armed with assault rifles patrol the area. Green Hornet Ninja roam the sidewalks clearing unruly homeless people away.
A red Human woman with long dark hair strolls the walkway wearing a v-neck yellow top with sung yellow mini shirt clicking in black pumps. A black SUV slows down beside her. She bends over into the rolled down window granting small talk. She gets into the SUV driving away.
Shakirat grips her book of Shine. She stands peering out the doorway of The Strì an Aghaidh Travel Port into a world she never knew.
Kolya places his hand on Shakirat's shoulder.
" Home sweet, Home," Kolya smirks with tissue in his nose.
Shakirat's naive eyes are fixated on the activities.
" I couldn't imagine growing up here. " Shakirat says.
" Neither can I, Priestess." Kolya smiles.
A White Mini Van pulls up driven by a Raccoon Daemon flipping through his clipboard.
" Are you the party of, Dragneal?" The Raccoon Drviers asks.
Kolya and Shakirat both shout. " Yes, just a second."
Dragneal climbs into the back of the van last next to Nadine wearing blue legging with a white t-shirt. A long start cluster cloak unzipped. A blue wizard hat over her gray braids. She scoots over crossing legs looking out the window. Dragneal reaches over the middle getting between Kolya and Shakirat. Shakirat huffs as Dragneal hands the Raccoon Driver the information card with the address to Larry's Coffee shop.
" That's a 3-hour drive from here. 300 coin flat rate." The Driver says.
The Van is silent.
Nobody is making eye contact with Dragneal but the Racoon Driver. Dragneal pulls out a small sack of gold handing it to the Raccoon.
2:25 PM Larry's Coffe shop
The white minivan pulls up outside of the small cottage with a makeshift wooden door. Kolya wakes up Shakirat sleeping against her window. Dragneal moves from under Nadine's stretched out legs as she snores. Kolya runs to the edge of the forest examing his surrounding. Dragneal walks over to the driver. " Hey, we'll be back." He says.
The driver pulls out his P-hone turning it to the side starting a movie.
Gray clouds thunder quietly.
Shakirat gets an odd sensation burning in her stomach, she can see dark shadow beings everywhere peering behind trees and bushes. She closes her eyes. She opens them. They're gone.
She gets out the van taking a long deep breath hugging her book of shine.
She walks over to Kolya examing a tall bush of p***y willows. " Reminiscing, Kolya?" She asks.
" Kinda, I think my old village might be near here." He says.
" How can you tell?" She asks.
" My Village and the area around it are the only known place in Cathair Nam Mèirleach that grows wild willows." Kolya smiles.
" Hey come on!" Dragneal shouts knocking on the cottage door.
Shelly opens the door with tape around the frame of her glasses. She screams slamming the door in Dragneal's face.
" Hey, I'm here for the quest you gave," Dragneal says behind the door.
Shelly opens the door.
" Oh, Please come inside.' Shelly says reluctantly.
Dragneal enters the empty Coffee shop with boxes and trash bags full of wooden parts. Charlie sits on the stool behind the counter sanding a table leg. Kolya and Shakirat enter the cottage observing.
Charlie squits at Dragneal. " I'll be damned. Well, I guess, evil eats itself. " Charlie says
" What happened here?" Shakirat asks.
" Thieves Guild Gang members ransacked us late at night," Shelly explains. Thunder rumbles in the clouds. " Does that have to do with the crystal? If so then that's robbery, not a missing item case. That would make this a B or A ranked Quest. Due to the fact they could be armed criminals. I'm just basically saying we need a bigger gold reward." Koyal explains.
Shelly is speechless. Shakirat elbows Kolya in the ribs making him grimace turning purple.
" Well, yeah it was a robbery. We didn't have 5000 coins to give a B or A Ranked quest. You still get 10 times coin more than what he paid." Shelly explains.
" Did you think it would be wise to send low Ranked Adventures on a quest that has more potential danger." Kolya groans.
" You can have my share Kolya," Dragneal says.
Kolya lights up.
" I'm sorry, this is a personal matter, I just feel so disrespected by this incident, " Shelly conveys.
" She spends our last savings for what, a crystal?" Charlie grumbles.
" Does this crystal happen to be called Ordiamond?" Dragneal asks.
Charlie stares into Dragneal's gray eyes seeing something lost in him.
"No, it's an engraved crystal from a dear family friend that passed away. The engravement says Càirdeas. That's Orchish for Friendship." Shelly smiles.
Pounding thunder loud in the clouds.
Dragneal storms out of the cottage. Shakirat apologizes to shelly chasing after him.
" So, can you tell me what these thugs look like," Kolya asks.
" Yes, there were three bald slim Orc-men dressed in Thieves Guild Cloaks yielding ninja swords. They were lead by an Elf woman in the same Cloak. She has short straight black hair with bangs over her sharp blue eyes." Shelly explains.
" That woman yields a katana. I shot at her, she effortlessly cut the bullet in half." Charlies says walking over to Kolya.
" So, Larry any leads on their last were about?" Kolya asks.
Charlie and Shelly look at each other laughing.
" Larry is my Dad, My names is a Charlie." He giggles.
" I date a bounty hunter. He did some snooping for me. He says they hang around the alleys of the Contest Of Champions pawnin stuff off southwest of here." Shelly explains.
Outside Dragneal pays the driver. Nadine wakes up.
" Take them where ever they need to go.' Dragneal says.
The Racoon diver nods starting the van.
Dragneal walks into the forest as it downpours heavy rain.
" Hey, f*****g wait!" Shakirat chases down Dragneal.
"Where are you going, you're just leaving us?" Shakirat shouts.
Dragneal stops looking at his wrists.
" Sorry, it's not what I'm looking for. Sorry, I wasted your time." Dragneal dashes away into the thick Redwood forest.
Shakirat stomps her feet.
Kolya rushes behind her. " Come on, let's get out of the rain."
They rush into the minivan driving down the dirt road.
A Dark Cloaked figure watches hidden in the trees wearing a teddy bear face mask dripped with rain...
3:05 PM The Rocks Motel is a place for those low on coin. They sign on the door reads. Kolya is at the front desk where a red tired-eyed brown human man in a dingy gray button-up with a sideways name tag that reads, Sebastian.
" Ok, I have your room right next to the girls." Sebastian yawn.
" In room 802. " Handing the key to Kolya.
The lobby has stained titles. A couch where a Possum Daemon sleeps in crusty white briefs. the Coffee station is low on cups and the spilled expresso mixed with puke on the floor.
" I wish we could have at least stayed in a Panora Hotel. I don't want to get Melples from just touching the doorknob. " Shakirat Complains.
" There are worst STD's." bumps Nadine as they all get into the elevator with the cover of the buttons missing.
" So we'll meet up tomorrow at about 9AM. I picked this Rock motel because it's close to the Contest of Champions." Kolya says.
"Well let's do this and ditch that a*****e. "Nadine sasses.
" He made us come all this way, freaking jerk. yeah, let's ditch him. ' Shakira cheers.
" Let's stay focused, forget that guy," Kolya says as the elevator doors jerk open.
" Let's meet at 9AM, guys" Kolya smiles.
Nadine bumps her hip into Kolya's groin making him hunch over.
" Who, made you quest-master?" Nadine sasses walking down the hallway Shakirat following her giggling.
Electric Moon Kali 4 Era 6
9: 30 AM
Rocks Hotel Lobby. Kolya stares impatiently at the time on his flip phone waiting for the girls to make it down to the lobby. He rushes to the stairs dashing up steps to the eighth floor.
Washed in sweat he knocks on door 804. Shakirat opens the door dress in her priestess uniform without her tan coif. Kolya walks into the double bedroom the 30-inch flat screen playing light Pop music. Nadine is naked wrapped under the damp white blanket snoring with small empty various bottles of liquor scattered on her bed.
Kolya quickly glances at Nadine.
" Did you guys just wake up?" Kolya asks.
"No, I've been up since eight. Nadine raided the mini fridge. She got very weird." Shakirat says walking into the bathroom.
" How weird?" Kolya asks eyeing Nadine as she tosses over exposing big tan natural soft cleavage tucked in her white blanket. Kolya drools.
" She got naked and started acting like a cat," Shakirat shouts.
" I'm gonna see if I can wake her up," Kolya says anxiously.
" I've been trying all morning. I even poured a bucket of water over her. I locked myself in the bathroom all night until she passed out!" Shakirat yells.
Kolya places a chilled sweaty hand on one of Nadine's lush breast. His blue eyes glossy. he moves his hand gently trying to wake her up.
" Nadine, time to wake up, " he says softly.
Nadine just jiggles snoring. A dark brown areola peeks at Kolya from the tuck of the blanket. Kolya smiles. Nadine's gray tail tickles his nose.
A Book of shine smacks Kolya in the nose spraying red into the air. Kolya falls to the ground with tears of joy.
"Pervert!" Shakirat yells wearing her coif.
Her arm still in the throwing motion.
Nadine snores gargling drool.
10: 15 AM
Contest Of Champions A Grand Outdoor Arena made of redwood sits nestled in the center of a town of merchants. The parking lot is full of people in armor swinging swords. An Archer Daemon Chipmonk counts his bows. An Orc family runs a blacksmith market. Heating and pounding metal. A white human woman with blonde and green eyes levitates under a tree dressed in a green wizard's hat and cloak.
Shakirat and Kolya walk towards the entrance of the redwood market town.
" Rember we are looking for three slim bald Orc-men in Blue TG cloaks. They will have ninjatō swords sheathed." Koyla explains.
" Why do this quest, this wasn't our idea?" Shakirat complains.
" I need the coin, and we are here now," Kolya says.
" Ok, what does a ninjatō sword look like?" She asks.
"It's a short straight blade sword with a square guard. Mostly used ninja sword." Kolya explains as they walk through the village hearing loud cheers from the Arena.
11:09 AM Shakirat and Kolya spot three bald Orc Men dressed in blue Thieves Guild Cloaks with sheathed ninjatō swords manning a Market stand. The engraved crystal is mixed in the display of items.
" There's the Crystal with the engraving." Shakirat whispers.
They cut into an alley.
" Ok, We don't want to engage in combat with them," Kolya says.
"Can we negotiate with them?" Shakirat suggests.
" No, they will place an outrageous price," Kolya explains.
" So what do we do?" She asks.
Kolya hands Her a clear power ball.
" You bind them, while I blind them." He says holding up three black powder ball.
" Use that bomb I gave after I dash away with the crystal. It will make you invisible and immune to any attacks for only 5 minutes. Let's meet back at the Rocks Motel." Kolya explains.
Shakirat walks up to the There Orc Thieves stopping a few feet away from them.
" Hey look sister, we don't want to join your church, so if you're not interested in buying. Move along, Bro." One of the Orc-men says.
The other guys start chuckling.
Shakirat takes a step closer putting her palms together in prayer.
The Orc-men click their swords hands tight on their handles.
" Look B***h, You have 2 seconds to leave or you're about to be shredded to pieces. " One of the orc men Yells.
" לִקְשׁוֹר!" (Shine Bind) Shakirat chants. A bright golden Angelic circle formes under the Orc-Men. Many Gold cords attach around their bodies restraining their movement. They desperately try to draw their swords straining to move. Three black powder balls drop from above creating a thick dark smog.
" Sneaky.... b*****d." One of Orc-men struggles to say as Kolya dashes into the smog swiping the Crystal. He swiftly dashes out of the smog onto the roof of the building just above the stand.
" What can I say, I'm good at what I do." Kolya boasts holding the engraved crystal.
" Wasn't... Talking about... You... I was talking about...Her...Julia!" The Orc man strains to say.
Kolya looks down as his eyes tremble. Julia stands behind Shakira with her katana at her neck. Shakirat eyes flow tears as sees dark energy growing with-in Kolya.
" You have 20 seconds to drop that crystal, kid. Or I chop your girlfriend's head off!" Julia shouts.
© 2019 QuestmasterAuthor's Note
Added on February 27, 2018 Last Updated on March 29, 2019 Tags: Lord of Rings, Bright, Anime, Fantasy, Magic, Orcs, Elves, Dragons, other world Author