What We Once Were Episode 1 Scene 6

What We Once Were Episode 1 Scene 6

A Screenplay by Panda

The epic struggle begins when Kai and his friends, Josh, Kelly, Amy, Tori, Kate and Leon set out camping at the end of the school year. But this is the beginnin of something new. Something unnatural.


Chapter 1 Part 6


Kai Dumpty
Kelly Chiner

Amy Heart
Leon O’neil

Kate Creer
Josh Racthorn
Tori Jean

Man (Tharnal)


Scene 4.2 , 5, 6, " The Elliery

The Elliery is truly breathtaking , The Elliery is two mountains which sit next to and lean over one another making constant shade within the water hole. The Elliery is a massive water hole between and under the two mountains, a waterfall falls from another pool above the mountains where the two mountains meet, in the very middle of the pond is a large rock, large enough for one or two people to fit in, on the far side is a tree which over hangs the water, its leaves drift gently down and land in the water, just to show The Elliery Majesty and beauty. Trees surround the oasis, many are really old and overgrown with vines grown up the sides of the trees themselves, when the group sets camp they set it near the water, but in a small clearing closer to the mountain on the left hand side, the campsite they set up is two tents, a trailer with the eskies on top and a toilet to the right side mountain. The mountains aren’t very high. In a small in cove in the wall of the Elliery is the words say stuff like “The Elliery beware the” and then it is scribbled or worn away, with other stuff the saying “The Curse” stuff to get the view guessing and think. The group take no notice, other than The Elliery. 

(Kai, Kelly and Tori climb the point that Josh, Kai and Kelly climbed only the day before. Tori Leans over the edge laying on her stomach waving at the group and cheering out. Kelly stands behind her while Kai is distracted by a lone tree. The only tree on the hill)


Tori: Hey! (she waves at the people below)


Kelly: Tori be careful! It doesnt look stable!

Tori: (Standing up brushing herself off) OH Kelly! Its ok! (She walks over and hugs her) See nothing happened. (Tori takes a step away towards Kai but hears a crack under her foot. She looks down to see a part of the cliff has begun to brake off. Kelly has begun to fall backwards unable to support herself from the random shift in the surface)


Kelly: S**t!(Just before she falls off Kai catches her wrists. He lays on the ground holding onto her has more than half her body dangles down)


(Kai holds onto her but he is slowly being pulled forward)


Kai: Kelly!

Kelly: Kai! Help!


Kai: Hold on Kelly! Hold on tight! Tori! Help!


(Tori is stunned and can’t move and think, she mumbles something but does not move. She is in a state of shock)


Kelly: Kai! Just let me- (Interrupted)


Kai: Never


(a tear rolls down her face, Screams from below eco, Kai turns his head to Tori and shakes his head ‘no its to late’ slowly)


Kelly: (softly) Kai


Voice Of Kai

Kai: To let one go is hard, to see one go is harder but to decide to follow is hardest, how can I save someone who is beyond  the point of no return, a miracle, faith


(Kai starts to fall forward, Tori has finally come to some sense and grabs him keeping him on the edge but he is to far forward and he starts to lean more over the edge, he is going to fall unless they get more help)


Kelly: Kai! (Looking down)

Kai: Hold on Kelly, TORI HELP, Get Kelly, I will be fine


Kelly: (Looking into his eyes) Kai don’t lie! Kai, let me go (A beat)


Kai: NO! (a tear rolls down his face)


Kelly: Kai its deep beneath me, let go


Kai: No its not! Don't lie!


Kelly: Kai it's not worth us both


Voice of Kai

Kai: I cant lose you!


Kai: No!


(Kelly lets go of Kai, he holds her, but loses grip she falls, she lands in the water and goes under, the others swim to her straight away, Tori pulls kai over the edge Kai fights it trying to look over the edge)


Kai: (Fighting Tori's grip) I have to see her! Its my fault! (giving up on fighting Tori he pushes his head into her shoulder)


Tori: (holding him) Hush, its not your fault


Kai: (quietly and upset) It is my fault. I couldnt hold on. I failed her. its my fault.


Voice of kai

Kai: Its my fault, its my fault, its my fault


(kai stands there lost in thought, Tori starts to run off)


Tori: (stopping and turning to face kai, shouting) Kai! Come on! We need to check on her!


(kai wakes up and runs off after her, behind him standing where he once stood is the Man in a trench coat his white teeth shine from under his large hat which conceals his face in shadows)


(Back at the camp the others are carrying Kelly to the trailer, she isn’t moving, a small trail of blood drips consistently from her feet as it trickles down her leg, the trail comes up from the water hole)


Kate: Guys


Kai: Oh my god she is dead!


Kate: No, she must have hit her head, she’s concussed


Amy: The water is out of her lungs and she is stable


Kai: Ok. (Collecting himself) We need to get her help. Is it just a concussion? Where is the blood coming from?

(Josh enters from the pond area)


Amy: No, I worked out the bone broke and pieced the skin. I located the open wound and had to push the bone back in, (to Leon and Tori) we need to get a brace, you can make one from two sticks. (back to kai) But if I don’t get something to stop an infection she could die.

Voice of Kai

Kai: Thank god Amy is learning to become a medic

Kai: I packed a Aid Kit, that should some stuff to help. I think it has some medication in it.

Amy: (looking at josh) We didn’t bring it


Kai: Why the f**k not!


Amy: Language!


Josh: We needed more space!


Kai: (voice getting angrier and higher) For what! Grog!? She could die now! Kelly could DIE!


Josh: (yelling back) You wanted me to bring it!


Kai: (Getting louder) That doesn’t mean get rid of a MEDICAL KIT!


Amy: Guys stop it! (She holds up her hands)


Josh: (ignoring her) So what if we had one its ok to DROP HER!


Kate: (yelling) JOSH!


Kai: (quietly and more to himself) Its my fault, its my fault


Kate: (Touching Kai's arm) Kai?


Josh: (still angry) See if only you put 100% in! Maybe then she’d be fine! You never do, your to f*****g pathetic!


(Kai punches him in the face, and walks over to Kelly, Josh stubbles around for a second and starts to track off after him but Amy stands in front of him stopping him)


Amy: Calm the FUDGE down!


(Josh realises how he was acting and walks away, Kate follows, Amy sits next to kai and they both look at the extent of Kellys wounds)


Kai: (turning his head to Amy, he has a tear running down his face) I couldnt hold on. She let go. I couldnt hold on.


Amy: (hugging him) I know (a long pause) and she will be fine, trust me?


Kai: (still hugging) Always


(they both look at Kelly, after a short while Leon and Tori return with sticks, all different sizes and shapes)


Tori: We didn’t know what size you where after, (to Kai) You ok?


(Leon and Amy go through the sticks)


Voice Of Kai

Kai: No




Kai: Yeah


Tori: Bull s**t (she tries to smile)


Kai: I punched josh


Tori: Holy crap! No way! (she puts her hand up to high five)


Kai: (he responds with a slow, tilt of the head) You were there weren’t you? Please tell me there was nothing I could do (he looks down)


Tori: There wasn’t, you did everything you could, I know you would always would


(Amy finds two suitable sticks and turns to kai holding them up and looking at Kai like she is sizing a shirt to his body)


Amy: Your shirt


Kai: (he looks at her) Uh What?


Amy: Its the thickest here, I need it


(Kai shrugs and takes off his shirt and hands it to her)


Amy: Thanks


(Amy grabs a knife and cuts it into long ribbons)

Amy: Hold these stick on either side of her leg

Leon: Sure (he holds them to her legs and looks at Amy) Like that


Amy: Excellent (she raps the ribbons of the shirt around the leg to bond it, kai gets up and get a shirt from his bag and sits back down, by the time he gets back Amy is doing her finally wrap) Its already begun to get infected. Wouldn't surprise me. Water like that isn't always the cleanest.


Tori: how long till the infection gets deadly?


Amy: I don’t know without medication it could be a day or two before the infection gets really bad?


Kai: what do you need?


Amy: Just disinfectant would do it, I need to clean the wound that's all. Once clean I will need antibiotics and I will need to seal it. Stiches? They should work.


(Josh and Kate walk back into the campsite)

Josh: So whats the plan (he gets up and walks to josh) Im sorry mate, Its just stressful and (He looks at Kate) Im not use to these kind of things. I know you would have done all you could to save her, you would do it for anyone.


Kai: (Pats him on the back) Thanks, but I cant sleep till she is ok.


Josh: (to everyone) So what should we do?


Kate: We have the quad, someone could take her back on it


Leon: It will be to bumpy, she will fall off

Amy: I don’t think she could take another hit and even if you strap her in she will be bumped around. The bone could dislodge and piece more of her leg.

Tori: True, What if we call the rescue company people


Josh: There is none here. Haven doesn’t use them


Amy: And we left our phones in the car


Josh: Wow? Really? Good work


Amy: ok maybe a few people should take the Bike and go get Help from the town?


Josh: The bike only fits one


Amy: It does not


Josh: Look I would love to take you, but the quad is much faster with just one person on. I will be better of on my own


Kate: No its a long drive what if you crash, I will go


Josh: No, im going on my own!


(he climbs onto the bike and starts it up, Kai Grabs the handle bars before He speeds off)


Kai: we are going to start walking, pick us up with help oh and Dude you have to be careful, (pointing to Kelly) She needs you.

Josh: Will do, Happy Hunting


(He scoots off, the others look at him leave, when the sound of the bike dims Kai turns to the group)


Kai: Lets get some bags of food and water together, leave the rest here we will have to walk, Amy keep an eye on her. Leon can you put a tarp over the trailer? Thanks mate, (he hugs kate) He will be fine

Kate: I know, its us im worried about, do you really think its a good idea to leave?


Kai: I know the idea sounds bad, but we have to make sure Kelly gets somewhere safe no matter what, this is just in case


Kate: ok. I trust your judgement


Amy: How long till we leave?


Kai: Half an Hour I think. We need time to get ready. I will make a stretcher


Amy: Ok (looking at Kellys leg) The brace is done


(a noise rattles just outside the camp site, everyone looks around and at each other)


Kate: Josh?


(Kate takes a step forward, as she slowly tilts her head forward Kelly breaths in and grabs Kai's Arm)


Kelly: (in his ear) We must leave! (she collapses)


(Amy runs to her, examining her, Kate runs over to her as well, Kai looks at where the noise came from)


Leon: What the f**k!


(Kai leans down and using some material from the tent cover and two large thick sticks that Leon bought back with him he begins to make a stretcher)


Amy: Language! (touching her head) She is conscious now!


Tori: We can see that!


Amy: But she has just passed out, she is exhausted, we will have to help her walk


Tori: Ok lets give her an hour then we wake her up to leave


Kai: She said we have to leave now!?


Tori: Yes but she is delusional and confused


Kai: Tori, I have a bad feeling about this


Tori: So what we going to leave because of a feeling


Kai: Yes


Tori: No, we cant its to soon


Kai: (Trying to stay calm) Tori, we are leaving now!


Kate: Its getting dark, we best leave now


(Kai is finished on the stretcher)


Tori: Fine, whatever


Amy: Leon can you help her into the stretcher


Leon: (going over to help lift Kelly to her feet)


(Suddenly a rustling in the bush happens again its closer this time)

Voice Of Kai: It feels, the same? as before. Same eyes?

Kelly: (Into Kai's ear) Quick


Leon: what the hell!


(leon and Amy run over to her pick up the stretcher that she is in)


Kate: I think its josh!


(Kate runs into the bushes, silence falls, Kelly turns around)




(Silence the group waits shortly Kelly gets angry)

Kelly: Move! She is fine!


Kai: What! Where is she


Kelly: She will meet up with us! Just MOVE!


Kai: We can’t leave her, Come on Kate


Kelly: (Grabbing his arm) she is gone, we will meet up with her


Leon: Your not making any sense


Kelly: Move, or you will never see the light of day again!


Kai: Fine, we are moving. But tell us what you are on about, (To the group) Kate will catch up


Leon: How do you know!


Kai: I don’t!


Kelly: Trust me


(they all leave Kai stays and thinks for a moment)


Voice Of Kai

Kai: What the hell is going on, those (a beat) eyes (He turns around but Tori interrupts him)


Tori: KAI! Come on!


(they all start walking quickly off)

© 2012 Panda

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Added on September 4, 2012
Last Updated on September 4, 2012



Western Australia, Australia

Hello :D Call me Panda ;) I am 18 year old and have become a massive fan of writing! Ever since little I had the dream to get my name know, so I will share my writing with you. Please feel free to ad.. more..
