![]() Awkward Carriage RidesA Chapter by SwagMaster![]() Don't you just hate those?![]()
The royal orchestra plays a regal and light tune, as Pasquel walks down the aisle, grinning widely and dressed in white. The dress's trail is held up by four little girls, and another little girl walking ahead, scattering flower petals. Pasquel is moving painfully slow, and she looks at the long aisle with a little dismay. Shrugging slightly, she kicks off her high heels, gathers up her train, and jogs to the altar.
Dantaus struggles to hold his merriment at the funny sight, while Mother just glares. I feel happy for Dantaus and Pasquel, I really do, but I struggle to keep a cheerful face. The old priest chants the vows, and near to the end, Pasquel begins bouncing a little on her feet. The second the priest utters, "You may kiss the bride," she launches herself into Dantaus's arms and plants her lips on his. Both smile and laugh during the kiss, and the crowd cheers loudly. When they separate, Mother moves towards me. "Let's go." she hisses into my ear, and exits the room. Before following, I hug my brother. "You're married." I tell him, and he grins happily. "So I am." he laughs. "I'm going to Zancastle now." I say. "You better be back soon." he jokes, but my I smile sadly. "I'm not coming back." I tell him quietly, and his expression changes quickly into one of panic. "What? You're giving up? No, wait! You can't go!" "Good-bye, Dante." I whisper, and kiss his cheek. I walk quickly out of the room, hiding my tears as Dantaus yells my name and begins to run after. The crowd swarms him, congratulating his marriage, slowing him down as I hurry to the courtyard and climb into the awaiting carriage. Finneaus, as promised, has convinced Mother that he should come along, and is sitting in there with Mother. The whip cracks, and the horses begin to trot out of the courtyard. I peek out the back window to see Dantaus come sprinting out, and see his anguished expression when he sees he's too late. That's the last thing I see before the carriage rumbles out of the courtyard and onto the road to Zancastle. The ride is long and mostly silent, occasionally broken up by Finneaus's attempts at awkward conversations with Mother. She doesn't really contribute a lot to small talk. I glanced over at her every once and a while, just see if she was acting even remotely different, but she was the same as she always is; cold, impassive, and uncaring. Seven agonizingly long hours later, the coachman flicked the reins, calling, "Whoa, whoa, settle down," to the horses. The coach rattled to a stop. "Who goes there? Friend or foe?" an unfamiliar voice asked roughly, and our driver answered readily. "I come bringing the Queen and Princess of Islan, here to attend the marriage of the great King Leopold and our Princess Avaline." there was a rustle of papers, most likely the coachman handing our identification papers to the guard. A pause followed. "All right, you may pass." came the voice again, and the coach began to move again. Ahead of us, I could hear the creaking as the drawbridge was lowered. When the horses' hoof beats began to sound differently, I guessed we were passing over the wooden drawbridge. I sneak a glance at Mother to see if she's even the least bit sad about sending me away to be killed, but her face is cold and impassive, as always. "Sit up straighter." she barks at me. "I cannot have the King figuring out that you are unworthy of him before the wedding." Wow, thanks, Mom. The carriage slows to a stop, presumably in the courtyard, and the door opens to let in the blinding sunlight. The footman opened the door and helped Mother out, and then held out his hand for mine. I recognized his face as the footman, called Terriman, who would always sneak me sweets when he escorted me somewhere, back when I was little. He smiled sadly at me as I took his hand and carefully stepped onto the ground. When I pulled my hand away, I found a peppermint hidden in the palm. I turned and offered a small smile, and he simply nodded as he helped Finneaus get down. A squad of guards were waiting to escort us to the throne room. Mother took the lead, while Finneaus and I followed, walking side by side. Finneaus was able to offer an anxious smile, nothing more, as he was just as nervous as I was. We walked, flanked by guards, until we reached a huge oaken door, guarded by two men in armor. Upon a nod, the two gripped the handles and pulled the door open. Our escort began to move again, and I hurried to keep up. The throne room was huge and spacious, with stained glass windows on each side and a red carpet down the middle, leading to a set of stairs, which then led to a throne. Sitting on the throne was a very fat and ugly man, wearing a tall golden crown and dressed in a red cloak lined with animal fur. A long, thick snake had most of itself in a tall pile next to the throne, but another part was wound halfway around the chair, with its massive head resting on Leopold's lap. I shuddered. King Leopold. Finneaus suddenly elbowed my side, and subtly nodded to the left of his throne. Hidden in the shadows, I could just make out the shape of a person, who simply stood there, motionless. "King Leopold." Mother curtsied deeply, and I quickly followed suit. "My Queen Victoria!" the fat man struggled to remove himself from his throne, and finally clapped his hands. Two frightened looking servants came running, and, after casting fearful glances at Morgana, grasped each of his arms. They then pulled with all of their might, until King Leopold popped out of his throne. Stumbling slightly, the king adjusted his crown and waddled down the steps to where we were standing, and shook Mother's hand enthusiastically. Mother seemed rather shocked at his flippant greeting, but she kept her cool. "King Leopold, may I present my daughter, Princess-" Mother began. "Avaline, yes, yes." Leopold waved his hand at her and approached me, then slowly began circling me, like an incredibly obese vulture. "Pretty face......" he murmured, and suddenly pinched my butt. "And great figure." he grinned perversely as I jumped with shock and disgust. "As for the...extracurricular skills...." he got up close to whisper in my ear. "We shall see." I shuddered. I never had experienced love for someone. Not like a love for family, or friends, but the special love, the true love, you share with that one someone. I hadn't ever kissed anyone, even. In that way. I think it would be something very special, and unique, and that you would share a certain connection with that person for the rest of your life, even if you didn't marry them. They would still be your first kiss. I could only have nightmares about having something like that with someone like Leopold. Through my haze of disgust, I heard Mother's voice. "I trust that the marriage shall proceed as planned?" Mother asked, as Leopold lumbered back up to his throne and sat down heavily. Morgana rubbed her face against his cheek before setting it back down on his lap. The fat king stroked her scaly head fondly. "Yes, of course." he assured her. "The wedding will be held tomorrow. Don't be late!" he smiled his oily smile again. "Afjake! Show them to their rooms!" Another servant scurried out of nowhere, and began to lead us away. "Wait." another voice, whispery and haunting, sent chills down my spine. "Oh, what is it, Ekzema?" Leopold asks, irritated, and I shiver. Even the name is evil and foreboding. The creature says nothing, but begins down the stairs. He walks like no one I've ever seen. It's more like he glided, or oozed down the steps, and kept going until he reached me. His face was hidden by the cowl of his cloak, but I could feel that he was looking at me, sensing my presence. His arm began to reach towards me. "Stop!" Leopold yelled, but still the arm drew closer. The wide sleeve hid the hand from view, but the rim of the sleeve touched my arm, and milliseconds later, something else touched my arm. Instantly, my body turned to ice, and I shivered violently, then sank to the ground. I was vaguely aware of Finneaus rushing to my side, and King Leopold yelling at Ekzema. I couldn't make out words, but once Ekzema began talking, his voice sliced through my haze and pierced my ears. "Your Majesty, the princess must leave immediately." he hissed, holding his hand he had touched me with. "I will not send her away." King Leopold protested. "She is my wife, and I refuse to get rid of her." Ekzema was silent. "As you wish, Your Majesty." he finally groaned, and slithered away, past our group. A chill in the air followed him, making everyone he passed shudder with fear. Finneaus silently helped me to my feet, and draped my arm around his shoulder. Afjake began moving again, and I had no choice but to follow, leaning heavily on Finneaus. After a while, we finally reached a room, where the door was opened and Afjake said my name. Finneaus said something about a doctor, but he protested, saying no doctor would treat one touched by evil. A long argument ensued, until Finneaus finally turned to Mother. "Victoria, please. Your daughter needs medical help!" he begged. "Since you seem to know what she needs, why don't you treat her, tutor?" Mother replied coldly. "Afjake, my room. Oh, and tutor, I am your Queen. Address me as such." There is a silence. "Yes, Queen." he finally snarls, and waits, until Mother and Afjake leave. "Queen of the cold-a*s ice kingdom, that's what you are." he mutters, and drags me into the room, then dumps me on a bed. I still feel cold all over, but when Finneaus places a wet washcloth on my forehead, there's a hissing sound, like rising steam. He curses under his breath, then replaces the cloth. My body is racked with another bout of shivers, before I slip into nothingness. When I finally break through my haze of lethargy, I see Finneaus asleep on a chair, snoring softly. I still feel cold, but now I'm strong enough to sit up. A washcloth slides off my forehead as I shift to a semi-upright position. Blood rushes from my head, and I moan softly. Finneaus starts, and sees me sitting up. "Thank the gods you're okay!" he sighs. "Wha-" my throat is dry. "What happened?" "After that thing touched you, you became unbearably hot and feverish. You were delirious and mumbling all last night." "But I felt so cold...." I murmured, rubbing my arms, and he nodded. "Ekzema....whatever he is, it's not human. He barely touched you, and even that sent you to Death's threshold." I lean back wearily at his words. "What time is it?" "Almost ten." "We need to move." I decided, and swung my legs out from under the covers. Taking a deep breath, I stood up, expecting to fall over, but after some initial dizziness, I was able to walk normally. I shuffled to the end of the bed, where my suitcase was sitting. "Is everything ready?" I asked, rummaging through my things. "Yes. Farrell readied two horses, as promised, and loaded one up with your things and food. He said to be in the stables at noon, when Leopold is eating lunch. I'll tell him you were feeling ill, and couldn't come. He probably won't like it, but Farrell says he never misses a meal for anything." "I'll bet." I muttered, and carried a bundle of clothes to the bathroom to change. When I closed the door, I noticed the washtub was full of hot water. I gratefully washed my hair, painfully aware that this might be my last hot bath for a long, long time. I brush my long brown hair carefully, sighing softly with pleasure. To have my hair fall naturally was a blessing to my sore hair roots, and once my hair was dry, it had a natural wave that I decided that I liked a lot. I then pulled on a comfortable tunic and leggings, the only outfit I had packed that I had planned on using. Finneaus had smuggled only my most precious belongings with his things, as my suitcase was searched. In my suitcase, I packed all the dresses that I loathed, but knew they would make it look like it was my real wardrobe. Finally ready, I walk out of the bathroom, feeling clean and fresh. I then started to stuff one of my dresses with straw to create a dummy to leave in the bed in my place, just in case a servant stopped by, when I felt Finneaus's eyes on me. "What?" I turned around, and he shook his head. "You look so much like your grandmother." he told me, and I frowned. Paintings of my mother's mother depicted a sour-faced, pale, redheaded, and fat old lady. Finneaus saw my expression, and laughed. "No, not your maternal grandmother. Your father's mother. Your father was the heir to Islan, and at the time, it was a very happy place. Your grandfather, instead of marrying a princess, married the one he loved, who just happened to be a gypsy. Your dark skin, dark hair, and light eyes are all trademark of the notoriously beautiful gypsies. Unfortunately, when your mother married your father, she overpowered basically everything he said, when they became rulers, and she criminalized everything she disliked, including gypsies. When he died, it simply became easier for her to run the kingdom. Once I return to Islan, I plan to help Dantaus in restoring the kingdom into its former glory." I sat for a moment, thinking. "She murdered Father, didn't she?" I blurted out suddenly. "Mother, I mean. She poisoned him." "I don't know." Finneaus shook his head sadly. "I was there when you're father died, being his most trusted friend....your father didn't think it was poison, but I do. To your mother, it wasn't personal. It was just business." Sounds like Mother, I thought. There was a pause before he continued. "Just before your father died, he told me to take care of his little princess. I assume he meant you." "It was either me or Peliam." I said, straight-faced. "Right." Finneaus smiled, then sobered. "I haven't done a very good job of it, have I? I've never had children myself, so you got to be my experiment. I was too hard on you at times, I suppose. When I heard of your marriage, I pretended to act happy for your sake, but I guess that didn't help you at all." I smiled encouragingly. "You did great for your first time." I told him. We lapsed back into silence. "Finneaus, did you know my grandmother?" I asked. "Yes." "But....Finneaus, how old are you?" "Magic holders live exceptionally long generally, and even longer if they either use spells or their mythical being happens to be a race of long life spans. The sphinxes live for a very long time, and that has influences my life span. At this point, I think I am one hundred twelve." he mused, and my mouth dropped open. "One hundred twelve?! Finneaus, you look the same age as my mother!" I cried, and he shrugged. "Looks can be deceiving." he said indifferently, then changed topics. "Well, are you ready? It's eleven thirty. We must leave." I quickly finished tucking the straw mannequin under the covers, then followed Finneaus out the door. He stuck to the sides of the halls, to prevent us from being seen, and managed to make it to the stables without anyone spotting us. "I have to go to lunch now, to cover you. You wait here and wait for Farrell." he ordered me, and I quickly threw my arms around him, realizing this would be the last time I would see him for a long, long time. Finneaus stood there for a second, surprised, before returning the hug. Finally, I released him, and took a step back, grinning. "Goodbye, Finneaus." I smiled bravely. "I hope we can find each other soon." Finneaus smiled, too, his eyes glistening. He rubbed both of them. "Damn this straw. It's making my allergies act up." he lied, wiping away his tears. "I should, ah, go now.....goodbye, Princess." he quickly turned and left, still rubbing his eyes. I slid down the wall to sit down in the corner, wiping my own eyes, and settling down to wait for Farrell.
© 2013 SwagMasterAuthor's Note
Added on June 30, 2012 Last Updated on February 19, 2013 Author![]() SwagMasterRoosevelt, UTAboutI use swag ironically so much that it's not ironic anymore. more..Writing