Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by SwagMaster

Narixia makes her escape.

Narixia was back in her room, waiting for Jane. When Jane came, she would attack her, and take her form. She would then trick the guard into thinking SHE was the real Jane, and walk out the door.
The door swung open, and Jane walked in, her normal self.
As usual, Jane took her seat, right across from Narixia's.
"How are you today?" Jane's irritating voice drilled into Narixia's head. Suppressing a shudder, Narixia stayed silent. Jane sighed. "I am Jane." Again with the rapping on the skull and over-enunciated words. But today was different.
Instead of ignorant silence, Narixia slowly turned her head and looked Jane right in the eye. For some reason, this made Jane very excited. "I am Jane. You are-?" Jane repeated. Narixia stared at the unbelievably vexatious woman.
Then she launched into action.
She reverted to her natural form and directed the essence towards her terrified mentor, slamming into her, knocking her to the floor, and pinning her to the floor, spread over her like a blanket.
Moving quickly, she used her essence to move Jane's now unconscious body on top of her, then transforming herself to look like Jane, while also moving her essence through Jane's clothes, effectively disrobing the woman and dressing Narixia in the clothes.
All in the blink of an eye.
Narixia shoved the now undressed Jane off of her and used her best acting skills.
"Help me! Somebody help me!" Narixia screamed in a panicked voice, her hair is disarray and her chest heaving, giving the impression of somebody hyperventilating. Immediately, the door burst open, and burly guards filled every corner of the room, brandishing their guns and shouting orders at one another.
Narixia fell to the floor, pretending to faint.
She made her eyelids appear normal, when really she could see right through them. She watched as a man with a buzzed haircut and dressed in military uniform stomp in.
"What happened here?" he demanded, his scarred and chiseled face contorted in fury.
"We're not sure, General Davis." one scientist timidly answered.
"Who are you?" General Davis asked forcefully. The scientist shrank away a little.
"I'm Mortimer Banks, sir. I'm one of the ethologists here."
"You'd better be able to explain this to me, and fast, Banks." the man turned to the guards. "Escort this thing to Cell 1A-86547-B. Maximum security." He barked. "And someone wake up Ms. Harrison here." he added in disgust, looking at Narixia. A needle was inserted in Narixia's arm. Praying that it was a stimulant of some kind, Narixia slowly 'woke up'.
"What happened?" Narixia mumbled.
"Welcome back. Do you remember anything?" a medic, who was kneeling next to Narixia, smiled down at Narixia.
"Not really." Narixia slowly sat up, then clutched her head. "Oh, my head!" she moaned. The medic looked up at General Davis, worry etched in her pretty face.
"She must've knocked her head pretty badly, sir." she said, brushing some stray brown hairs back into their ponytail. "How many fingers am I holding up?" she held up three fingers in front of Narixia's face.
"Three." Narixia said finally.
"Okay." The medic pulled out a flashlight and flashed it in Narixia's eyes. Narixia made her eyes constrict, then have no response. "My name is Dr. Palowski. What's yours?"
"Jane." Narixia paused, as if trying to remember something. "Jane....Harrison."
"Very good, Jane! Do you remember what happened?"
"Not really." Narixia replied. Dr. Palowski turned back to the general.
"Just a mild concussion. I prefer she goes home today. She'll be fine tomorrow." she told him.
"Understood. Escort or no?" General Davis bowed under Dr. Palowski's orders, which was quite interesting to Narixia. She would have to study it more later.
"An escort would be better. Send Lieutenant Smith with her. Tell him to make sure he calls Mr. Harrison home to keep an eye on her."
"Do it." General Davis nodded to a nearby guard, who hurried off to find Smith.
"Come along, Jane." Dr. Palowski helped Narixia up, and led her to the door, where they found a man in his twenties, also in a military uniform and buzzed haircut. He pulled a tight salute to the doctor and Narixia. "You better get her home safe, lieutenant." Dr. Palowski ordered.
"Yes, ma'am." the man replied, taking Narixia's arm and leading her away. 
After walking for some while, they reached a heavily guarded door, but all the guards parted before the two. Supporting Narixia on the other arm, Lt. Smith had to scan his hand, finger, eye, card, and say his name into different machines before the door opened.
Outside, guards were stationed everywhere. They gave Smith and Narixia a quick glance, then resumed their watch of the perimeter. As soon as they turned away, Narixia acted fast. She placed her fingers on two critical pressure points at the base of Smith's neck, and squeezed. Smith fell to the ground without even releasing a sound.
Narixia emptied her pockets and took off the card, leaving them in a pile by the door. Noiselessly, she morphed into a small wren, and took flight, chirping loudly. The guards looked up in surprise, then relaxed when they saw it was only a bird. One, however, glanced back at where "Jane" had been, and only found a pile of her things and the unconscious Smith. He shouted out in surprise to the others, and they began to call out for Jane. None of the guards suspected a bird.
Narixia flapped her wings, moving fast, away from her prison. She had no idea where the Shaaraska was, but she could construct a tracking device. But with this world, the materials were so primitive, it might take her a whole week.
She needed a place to stay.
Luckily, years before, Narixia had read a literature file on her Mem-Pad, called Conning Your Way In Life. It was entirely devoted on different races and the most effective ways to con them how to do what you wanted them to. Narixia clearly remembered the human part. It had stated that humans were an easily corruptible race, and relatively simple to trick. But the most effective way to get lodging was through the heart. Humans were usually very sympathetic, and the best way to go was to impersonate abandoned innocence.
In other words, an orphaned child.
The best option would be to wait until an awful storm struck, preferably at night. So, she decided to go to the closest rainy place that had a human population: Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. Flapping her wings as hard as she could, the tiny wren shot towards her destination.

© 2012 SwagMaster

Author's Note

Jane will become a major character later on.

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Jane? Really? ;D I wanna see how that goes ^_^. I have to say, Narixia really is smart and nimble- I like it! I might do a fanpic if I get a little insight on how she looks and what form you want her to be in, but otherwise this chapter was great, and she finally escaped! Congrats to Narixia! >_

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Jane? Really? ;D I wanna see how that goes ^_^. I have to say, Narixia really is smart and nimble- I like it! I might do a fanpic if I get a little insight on how she looks and what form you want her to be in, but otherwise this chapter was great, and she finally escaped! Congrats to Narixia! >_

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow! I like this story. I'm new and I just stumbled across it, but now I'm hooked. Write more, please! ;)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 6, 2011
Last Updated on June 2, 2012
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Roosevelt, UT

I use swag ironically so much that it's not ironic anymore. more..

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