

A Chapter by SwagMaster

We get back to Finneaus, where he's searching for help.

Estïqiã sat on the couch, nervously tapping her foot and messing with her hair. This wasn't right. Where were they? Tiran should've headed back as soon as he saw the clouds.
"Stupid Omal." Estïqiã muttered to herself.
"Whose Omal?" Ven asked her curiously.
"Nobody." she replied crossly. "I'm going to check on Pandorå." As she walked to her room, she partially regretted her harsh words, but lately, pretty much everything the princess did annoyed her to no end.
When she opened the rough wooden door to the dragon cave, she was greeted by a blast of hot air. It was almost always hot in the stuffy cave, but Pandorå seemed to like it that way, and was usually content to sit in the back to sleep, as long as she got a few flying breaks a day to go hunting and explore.
Today, however, the dragon was pacing restlessly, even though she couldn't pace very far. Estïqiã hoped that she didn't get very much bigger, or she'd have to expand the cave.
Where is Ava? Pandorå's voice immediately filtered into Estïqiã's mind.
"She's not back yet." Estïqiã said shortly, and the dragon pushed her snout against Estïqiã gently.
She's in trouble. Someone's hurt. Pandorå told her, and Estïqiã bit her lip.
"I know. There's a storm outside, and I don't know where they are." she stroked Pandorå's scaly smooth snout. For a moment, the two sat in silence, Estïqiã enjoying the warmth that emanated from the dragon's purple scales.
Suddenly, Pandorå's ears pricked, and she stared at the door to Estïqiã's room.
Someone's here. Pandorå spoke. Ava.
Estïqiã immediately got up and started for the exit, and spared one last glance back at Pandorå. She knew that the dragon hated to be kept out of the loop so often.
"I'll bring Ava straight here." Estïqiã promised, and slipped through the doorway.
"Estïqiã! Hurry!" Ven's voice sounded upset and urgent, and for once, Estïqiã only obeyed her words. When she reached the main room, a frightful but relieving sight greeted her. Ava, Saol, and Tiran were all back, but Ava looked soaked and exhausted, with bloody hands, and Tiran was completely still, stretched out on the couch. Saol looked wet, but didn't appear harmed or tired in any way.
Ven was trying to start a fire, and Estïqiã appreciated the help, although she didn't say so. She went straight to Tiran, and looked at his head, which was stained with blood.
"Somebody, get me some healing salve." she ordered, gently trying to locate the injury through his curls, and failing. Grimacing, she snatched up a nearby pair of scissors and a blanket.
"Oh, he is not going to like this."


Finneaus groaned.
"You know my name, Zandria." he complained, exasperated. Zandria peered over her glasses, and her lion tail flicked in annoyance.
"Name?" she persisted, and Finneaus sighed.
"Mackson. Finneaus Mackson." he finally replied.
"Okay. Spell that for me." Zandria's pen hovered over her clipboard.
"Are you kidding me?" Finneaus threw up his arms, but the sphinx's gaze assured him that she was not. "This is ridiculous. F-i-n-n-e-a-u-s, and M as in magic, a-c-k-s-o-n."
"Thank you." Zandria scribbled his name down. "Purpose of visit?"
"To see Mistress Risa."
"I see. And is this a pleasure or importance trip?"
"Important. Very important."
"And how long do you plan to stay?"
"Gods, I don't know, Zandria! My friends are in trouble! Please-" his voice cracked, and swallowing his massive pride, Finneaus slowly got down on his knees and assumed a pleading expression. "Please, just let me talk to Risa."
Zandria stared down at his pathetic state, and the smallest trace of a smile flitted across her face.
"I suppose I could let you slide, just this once." she relented, and Finneaus released a relieved breath, knowing exactly how long the screening processes could last.
"Thank you." he said sincerely, and started for the door, but Zandria quickly moved in front of him.
"Oh, no, you don't Mackson. Things have changed since you got here." she muttered a quick spell, and Finneaus felt a protective shield encase him. Her massive paw snagged a nearby string, fashioned like a necklace, with a transmitter pendant.
"Please stay close to your guide at all times, and in case of an emergency, if you are separated from your guide, please use the transmitter given to you. Travel safely." Zandria recited, and pressed a button with her claw. The door opened, and Finneaus let out a strangled gasp.
Sphinx City was in ruins. The grand and majestic libraries were reduced to rubble, and the beautiful artwork and architecture that used to be everywhere you looked was basically gone. Sphinxes flew around, rebuilding structures and cleaning up their sorry town, and a few sifted through the rubble with broken expressions, looking numbly at the wreckage as they searched for lost possessions.
"What.......what happened?" he choked.
"We were attacked." Zandria replied shortly, and started towards the Academy. The tall spire of the city's pride and joy was still standing tall, and Finneaus swallowed when he thought of how fiercely protective the sphinxes were of the Academy. They would do anything to keep it safe.
Yes, it's still standing. Finneaus said to himself. But at what cost?
Carefully making their way through the demolished city, Zandria and Finneaus reached the giant oaken doors. Four sphinxes in full body armor flanked the sides of the entrance, and upon a command from Zandria, they opened the heavy doors.
The scent of blood assaulted Finneaus's nose, and he nearly retched. The floors of the Academy were covered in the bodies of the injured or sick, attended to by a pathetic handful of exhausted looking sphinxes. One in particular caught Finneaus's eye.
"Risa!" Finneaus called out, over the soft moans and hushed whispers that echoed in the depressing room. Estria looked up, and saw Finnaeus across the room. The floor was too tightly packed to get by, so she opened her wings and flew over to Finneaus with a dull sense of apathy. Her grey hair was straggly and sort of gathered into what might've once been a bun, and there were deep circles underneath her cerulean eyes.
"Finneaus." Risa said tiredly, her voice hollow and empty. "Zandria. Thank you. You are dismissed." Zandria bowed stiffly, then left the building.
"Risa.......what happened?" Finneaus stared with horror at the once grand halls of the Academy, now stuffed full of suffering and pain.
"We were attacked." Risa sighed.
"Yes, but by whom? Who would attack us? We're scholars, not warriors."
"I don't know. It all happened so fast." Risa's eyes glazed over slightly as she remembered. "A single man came, human, among other visitors seeking knowledge from our city. He was dressed peculiarly, but we didn't think much of it, and let him in. Once inside the city, near the fountains, he somehow opened a portal, or some sort of entryway, and these soldiers just swarmed our poor city.
"They looked like humans, but fought like high functioning, perfectly timed killing machines. Their style was unbelievably skilled. We never stood a chance. Everyone grouped around the Academy, and we all fought so hard to keep it from falling victim to their terrorism.
"They were so close to destroying the Academy, when they all just retreated, vanished, as if called by a silent whistle. The Academy still stands, but we lost so much, we lost so many......." Risa felt quiet, then helped a nearby patient with a broken wing reach his water glass.Watching her help her injured comrade, Finneaus swallowed. He had come to ask for help, and realized that he couldn't possibly request assistance from creatures who needed more than he did.
"So, what's brings you here?" Risa turned her attention back to Finneaus.
"It was......um......just to visit....you know, catch up." he lied. Risa narrowed her eyes, but didn't press it.
"Well, I think you have a pretty good idea of what's been going on here. What about with you?" Risa asked.
"Oh, you know......" Finneaus smiled. "Been tutoring in Islan, with the princess, mostly." Risa frowned.
"Really? But she was married to King Leopold, correct? News here is sketchy lately, at best."
"Right, she was.....now I'm just......you know, looking for other positions."
"Ah." Risa nodded, and awkward silence followed.
"Risa! I need your help!" A nearby sphinx yelled out, and Risa turned to see him. One of the injured were flailing about, screaming strange nonsense, and Risa cursed.
"I have to go help." she told Finneaus, and blew a dirty whistle hanging around her neck. Finneaus didn't hear anything, but a few seconds later, Zandria appeared.
"Mistress." Zandria bowed low.
"Take Finneaus back to the transport room." Risa ordered, and Zandria bowed again. "Finneaus." Risa's massive lion paw grabbed Finneaus's shoulder, and he staggered slightly. Her other front paw held out a small scrap of fabric.
"We were able to kill two of the attackers, and while one burned in a fire, the other we retrieved from the rubble of a collapsed building. They all wore matching clothes, with this symbol on their arms and flags. Take it." her eyes were wide and frightened, and Finneaus tried not to wince as her sharp claws unconsciously dug into his shoulder. He took the small piece of cloth, and Risa removed her clawed paw, then quickly went to the aid of the other sphinx.
"Come." Zandria ordered Finneaus, and he all to willingly followed, moving quickly through the razed city.
Once back in the transport room, Finneaus examined the weird sign on the small scrap, before shoving it in his pocket. He silently handed the tracker necklace back to Zandria, then stood on the transport pad. The magical instrument read his heat signature, and recognized him as being a resident of the Sphinx City. A silky swirl of blue mist enveloped Finneaus, and then he was gone.


Tiran's head hurt.
He moaned and reflexively reached up to his head, where the injury was, but somebody slapped his hand away.
"Oh, no you don't. I spent a lot of time on that bandage." scolded a voice, and Tiran's brain recognized it as Estïqiã's.
"Tiran?" Ven's gentle voice reached Tiran's ears, sounding way too loud. "Can you sit up?"
"Yeah, and open your eyes. You're not fooling anyone, faker." Estïqiã butted in again, and Tiran smiled to himself, despite the pain, and slowly opened his eyes.
"Oh! You're okay!" Ava cheered, her big green eyes relieved.
"Oh my. He is alive. It is a miracle." Estïqiã said in a monotonous and sarcastic tone. Tiran ignored her, and struggled to his elbows, before sitting up all the way. Leaning against the couch's back, he rubbed his eyes.
"What happened?" his voice was scratchy and rough, and Ava offered him a glass of water, which he gratefully took.
"When we were coming up the cliff, some rocks fell." Saol told him, and Tiran jumped slightly. He hadn't even noticed Saol before. The guy was standing off to the side, near the corner, his arms folded and his face impassive.
"You fell." Ava said anxiously. "You almost died."
"We almost died." Saol interposed. "We would've died, if Ava hadn't grabbed the edge." Ava quietly looked down at her hands, which were wrapped in bulky bandages.
"I'm going to get you some tea." Ven told Tiran.
"Gods, the way you people are fawning over him, you think he'd had a serious injury or something." Estïqiã complained, but Tiran saw fear in her eyes. Her hands slowly touched the bandage on his head.
"I'm glad you're okay." she said softly, so only he heard, then she stood up. "Come on, Ava, Pandorå wants to see you. And you," she shook her finger at Tiran. "don't you dare touch that bandage. It has to stay on there for another few hours."
"But I have to go home." Tiran whined.
"Not tonight, you're not. You are staying." Estïqiã ordered him, and vanished into her room with Ava. Tiran sat in silence, focusing on not touching his head, with Ven pouring water into a kettle behind him.
"Who caused the storm?" came a sudden voice, and Tiran jumped again.
"Gods, Saol, don't do that. It's unnatural." he sighed with relief as Saol stepped closer, out of the shadows.
"It's like you aren't even there. Like you disappeared or something."
"Sorry." Saol's grin said that he wasn't really sorry. "Who caused the storm?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. That storm was too sudden, like someone or something caused it. I guessing that it was someone, so who caused it?" Saol went straight to the point, and Tiran sighed.
"Well, weather is a fickle thing." he started, and avoided most details. Details would only worry Saol, and possibly make him want to come, especially if he told him that they were going to see an unpredictable and childish storm giant, prone to temper tantrums.
"Most weather is influenced by these creature things, and there's one nearby. His name is Omal, and he controls all the Forgotten Forest's weather and a great deal besides. We'll have to pay him a visit tomorrow, a visit that we really don't have time for, but will have to manage. It's a day long trip, but while Estïqiã and I make the journey, you can help Ava with her sword skills." Saol burst out laughing, which irked Tiran, but also made him grateful that he wasn't being pressed for particulars.
"You think Ava would stay here?" he asked incredulously. "You must be out of your mind."
"I can convince her." Tiran insisted.
"Two gold pieces say you can't." Saol wagered.
"You don't even have gold pieces."
"If I lose, which I won't, I borrow some from Ven. She brought twenty gold pieces with her." Saol grinned. "I'd ask Ava, but she certainly doesn't have any, and Estïqiã either doesn't believe in money, or just doesn't care to get some."
"How did you know that?" Tiran asked, furrowing his brow.
"I can tell exactly what I person has from their clothes and behavior." Saol shrugged bending down to poke at the fire. "You brought twenty silver pieces and one copper, in your left pocket, because you spent four copper on some sort of pastry on the way here. I'm guessing a clabberberry filled puff. Perhaps flugleberry."
"Flugleberry." Tiran said automatically, then stared at Saol in awe. "How did you do that?" Saol shrugged again, straightened, and stretched.
"I'm going out for a moment." he announced, and Ven walked over to Tiran with a steaming cup of tea. The opening and closing of the door signified Saol's leave, and Tiran gratefully drank in some of the hot liquid.
"How much longer do I have to keep this bandage on? My head feels funny." he complained, and Ven quickly looked down, hiding something that looked an awful lot like a smile.
"I don't know." she replied after a moment, moving her head back up. "Ask Estïqiã."
"Ask me what?" Estïqiã came in, followed by Ava.
"When can I take this off?" Tiran repeated.
"After dinner." Estïqiã told him, and looked knowingly at Ava. "I'm sure your head will enjoy being free from any covering." Ava made a strangled choking noise, and quickly went to the kitchen.
"That's a strange way of putting it, but yes, I would like this bandage off." Tiran said, irritated, then added, in an undertone, "And anyway, you and I need to make a visit to you-know-who tomorrow. This little tantrum of his is unacceptable."
"I know, but are you really surprised?" Estïqiã whispered back. "That fog he made a few months ago was so thick, you couldn't see an arm's length away. All because he was too lazy to fix his wobbly seat." Ven got the message and didn't poke her nose into their hushed conference, but Ava couldn't help herself.
"Who are you talking about? Who had a wobbly seat?" she asked, moving closer. Estïqiã and Tiran glanced at each other.
"Nothing." Estïqiã said offhandedly, and attempted to change the subject. "So, we should get some food ready. Where did Saol go?"
"I don't know. Who is it?" Ava insisted, undeterred.
"Ava, you can't come!" Tiran quit trying to hide it.
"Who is it? And why not?" Ava demanded.
"His name is Omal. He's a storm giant........" Estïqiã hesitated. "And a bit unpredictable."
"So?" Ava shrugged. "I can handle him." Estïqiã and Tiran were silent.
Ava seemed a little bit upset.
"Well, don't you think I am?" she repeated fiercely.
"I, ah....." Tiran trailed off, uncertain of how to proceed without hurting Ava's feelings or confidence. But Estïqiã, as usual, was blunt.
"No." Estïqiã told her. "You're young and inexperienced, and you shouldn't go blazing off to deal with a temperamental storm giant that thinks it's funny to change humans into storm clouds. Honestly, I don't see how you would help. You might have some magic skill, but you haven't even picked up your cursed sword once." Ava's eyes widened, and her mouth opened and closed once. Tiran held his breath, sensing an argument coming on, and not that keen on seeing Ava's stubbornness pitted against Estïqiã's. A tense silence followed.
"Fine." Ava said curtly, and flopped down on the couch. "But you've got to stop excluding me all the time. I'm not a child."
"Yes, you are, and-" Estïqiã stopped, seeing Tiran's pleading gaze. "We'll try not to leave you out."
"Thank you." Ava sighed, and Tiran silently raised his eyes to the sky and thanked whatever gods were watching.

© 2012 SwagMaster

Author's Note

What do you think of Sphinx city? I didn't put any guys........I don't know how sphinxes are born......:l

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Added on November 3, 2012
Last Updated on December 7, 2012



Roosevelt, UT

I use swag ironically so much that it's not ironic anymore. more..

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A Chapter by SwagMaster

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A Chapter by SwagMaster

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A Chapter by SwagMaster