What do you believe in? What do you have faith in? Who love you
more than you yourself? Is there such a thing as true love? Is there
something or someone out there to love whole heartedly? Can you believe
in something so much that it hurts? What does the future really hold?
Do we think that outward belief and addiction and adoration in matters
of the heart to the point of unconditional pain is worth it? Is it
because we can't function without feeling this addiction simply because
we are inadequate without this incredible feeling...or is it that we
choose to feel this way because its in our nature? Is love really
there? Are we sure that what we're feeling is love? Real love?? How
many of us have claimed to be in love only to have our hearts torn into
pieces. When will it ever be enough to be happy without spending our
lives searching for love? Does it mean that we'll forever be miserable
because we put 100% into loving and giving undying devotion to this
lover only to find out that it wasn't worth it? What is worth more to
you? Being happy on your own or trying to find THE ONE knowing that the
probability of being in true love is slim to none?
Hahaha . . . If I was to love somebody, I would love them whole-heartedly. True Love, in my opinion, is unconditional love. Therefore I would simly give them everything I had to give; my heart, my body, my soul, my all. Whether or not they loved me back is of no consequence; My heart is my heart, and I choose to give it to whom I will, even if they would destroy it in return.
Therefore is it fruitless to find true love? I think not. After all, regardless of the outcome, is not the heart made to love? And in loving somebody, comletely and truely, wouldn't your heart know true love?
It's not about what you get but what you give. Love is not an object to be found undr a rock: it is an action, one you must be dedicated to for the rest of your life. It is devotion, dedication, passion sensation and emotion all at once. And yet, eternal when done properly.
Sorry to 'rant' on about love but this is what love is to me. And after all; you asked ;)
What is there really to say about me? I don't believe in confirmation to society's norms. You are who you choose to be. Me? I'm the passionately passionate object of your passion. I am who you think y.. more..