There are certain times where I just wanna give up
This is one of those times
I'm just tired of walking on eggshells for people
I give up
Everything I do causes problems
And its no like I literally would do it
So since no one wants to care anymore
I guess they won't care whether they live or die
I'm done with the agony
I'm done crying
I'm just done with everything
I hate the fact that nothing I do will ever be good enough
So I'm done with trying to be perfect
I'm done with trying to impress everyone
No one wants to care
So I'm not gonna be around for anyone to attempt to care about me
F**k all of you
You did nothing good in my life
Except make me hate myself even more than I already did
Granted there were the select few that did appreciate me for me
"Select few"
But I'm sorry you guys
I just can't do it anymore
I've been fighting for so long
I'm tired.