*Evil grin* Whoops I think you slipped onto my really big chef's knife
Wow that's a lot of blood
I think you need to go lie down
Okay I'll get you a pillow
Come on relax...put your feet up...you need some water
Call the ambulance...but why? We're hanging out aren't we?
I mean that's why I called you over here
Yes I'm sure
Well its your own fault my dear....you made me mad
You know full well what happens to people who make me mad
Wanna see my hearts collection?
Its really cool I promise
Wait no you stay..I'll go get it. Its in a box
*sits beside you...knife in hand*
*opens box*
Look.... aren't they adorable?
This one's *name deleted* she was really mean to me
And this is *name deleted* he made me cry once
Damn that's all of em? I need to add more
*looks at you* hey you wanna help me out?
*stab stab stab stab....continues stabbing...blood squirting on my face*
You see?! This is what happens when you decide not to listen to me...
You're still alive?!
Not for long...
*to myself* okay so I should make the incision here....
Ah there we go.....*thank the goddess i read those medical books*
I see blood and guts and organs jut dying to be removed ^_^
So gloves on....mask on and away we go
So I'm removing your small intestine
Then I make the incision larger up to your chest cavity
I sees the heart
*reaches in n removes pulsing organ*
OOH its beautiful....as for the rest of your body parts my darling... you will make a great organ donor
Thank you dear enemy of mine
You have fulfilled my wishes of seeing your blood guts and organs strewn out on my living room floor
as for dismemberment *Necro's ''Dead Body Disposal'' playing in my head*
Okay so this is how it goes
Take you to my bathtub, slit your throat and drain the blood
Wait..still some left
"Work his arms like pumps''
*fastforward to where i dispose of you*
Goodbye dear enemy of mine.
*Classic movie/beauty queen wave*
Bon voyage darling
*Blows kiss*