

A Story by Silvanus Silvertung

My astrology


I was born on October 28th 1993 in Seattle, WA at 5:51am

At that time the Sun was in Scorpio in the first house conjunct Jupiter, The moon was in Aries and directly opposed my ascendant which was in Libra and conjunct Venus at the time. Everything in my chart vies for power. Mars, Pluto, and a retrograde Mercury are all conjunct in Scorpio trine my midheaven - An Aquarian Saturn sits solidly in the fifth house - and as is befitting my generation Uranus and Neptune are conjunct - mine in Capricorn squaring my ascendant and moon, opposing my midheaven. It's a dynamic chart, everything counterbalanced, yet nothing ever stagnant - it keeps me on my toes at times - while at others I'm able to sink into the balance of it all.

When you meet me you'll probably first be hit by the Libra ascendant - as it should be. My mask is a solid one - Venus rules Libra, and in my chart it sits astride it. I ride my beauty, cool, collected, always graceful, ever polite, a tad distant. Maybe even cold. Then I smile.

In my smile you will see my Sun conjunct Jupiter. My golden hair frames my face and I smile. A rich full laugh comes easily to my lips and it leaks out of me - Jupiter's goodwill spilling from my ears and mouth like sunlight. I can never keep it in for very long. I'll joke, and tease, and put those around me at ease that is my Sun's birthright. That magnetic power.

But beneath it all - and you will never see this till you've known me, and we've spoken close is something altogether different - maybe even opposed. Perhaps at this first meeting if we come to talk you'll be struck by my bluntness. I am direct in my questions, but easy to laugh it off if your face shows any signs of fright. You'll find me open in a way not many are, brutally honest, the scorpion speaks. I cannot tell a lie.

Actually I'm very good at lying. It's the Libra again, the mask of grace. It's the Scorpio too. My lies never sound like lies because I know not to lie. I weave truth and falsehood together so close you'll never tell the difference - but I do not like to lie. It is anathema to Scorpio, it is anathema to the Jupiter Sun - it is Anathema to the Aries moon as well.

The Aries moon, the driving, powerful charge of a ram that is my emotions are quieter than you'd expect, well masked by Libra that opposes it. Yet those who are close know my will, and know the scope of it. If I want I am unrelenting. My emotions boil fast  until released. If they are not let go Scorpio takes charge and they simmer deep and dark within my heart, some alchemists brew that when the scorpion strikes, acts as poison to burn at the wound.

I prefer to release my emotions. Libra tries, it truly does, yet in the company of those who require my mask anger, lust, sadness, disgust do not come openly - look at my lips and you'll see them twitching there. The ram is battering at the inside to get out.

But the ram is beautiful besides all that. My soul is sharp as a single unwavering flame. So long as I act a Paladin it burns pure and bright - and if I waver it burns within. Scorpio's scalpel rips and Aries burns till I am clean again.

I have so much Scorpio - mostly in the second house, but my Sun is in the first. The alliance Pluto, Mars and Mercury have formed is a Scorpio one. They meet in my second house for glory - and then spear up and out with a single mighty tri-headed trine to my midheaven - turning the ambition and glory the second house seeks into the ambition and glory of the 10th. It's a good alliance.

Saturn is square them. Scorpio is so vastly introspective, so brutally honest with its self that the balance is hardly needed - yet nonetheless it exists. If the alliance should ever make a goal too large Saturn is there with a reality check. Stupidity, despite the Aries moon, is difficult for me.

Like afterthoughts beside all that power Uranus and Neptune sit - and Saturn also. Both speak of side plots - though important ones to the story.

Uranus and Neptune are in the 4th house. They are my home in truth. They are my deepest darkest core. a new vision for the future - Uranus speaks of a new way of looking at it - Neptune gives a mystical vision.

They are in Capricorn. They are opposed to my midheaven.

Capricorn is the sign of performance without applause. The midheaven is our social identity, the place where we perform, the place where Capricorn shines. My Capricorn and its planets are opposed. There will be no mysticism for glory’s sake.

Saturn speaks of my means of play. One might think a Saturn sitting there would keep me from it, but it has not. Instead play becomes my work. I am dedicated and disciplined in my play. I play only for practical gain - and through fantasy I break through the fantasies we enthrall ourselves in. Saturn’s dark discipline hammers and I answer, digging ever deeper with a scorpion’s sting.

That is who I am. To understand me you must see it both. You must see the sunshine that is my birthright. Sunshine born of idyllic childhood with two of the wisest parents any child has ever known, and a dozen mentors to take up any slack. Sunshine carried in my laugh and smile.

To understand me you must see must see it both. The brutal truth I carry always. The brutal eyes that strip the lies aside. The knowledge that each person has darkness inside, and acceptance of it - but little of dark actions that betray the effort each takes to keep their inner demons at bay.

To understand me you must understand the polite mask I wear to hide a hot heart and hot mind. You must understand the drive for power. Which takes its shape in inner understanding. You must understand the discipline born of a grand square and two oppositions - but also the Aries moon which cares little for discipline and much for freedom of action, throwing care to the wind.

That is who I am.

© 2021 Silvanus Silvertung

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Added on August 10, 2021
Last Updated on August 11, 2021


Silvanus Silvertung
Silvanus Silvertung

Port Townsend, WA

I write predominantly about myself. It's what I know best. It's what I can best evoke. So if you want to know who I am read my writing. I grew up off the grid in a tower my father built, on five ac.. more..
