Would you like to lick the blood
from my wounds Judas?
The sores you inflicted with devotion
and tore open with a kiss.
Your soft fluttering whispers
lulled me into complacency
and while I was enmeshed in peace,
for 30 pieces of silver
you sold me to indifference.
Doomed to wander the boundaries of uncertainty.
I am weeping from the sting of a kiss
that lingered too long
and a tongue that salivated betrayal.
My father lives in the loyalty of you,
which is two sided and streaked with deception
just like his was, no wonder my mother was mad.
And fled to the streets in fits of drunken dismay.
Hallelujah, I am finally working through my childhood
with the man who was never what he seemed.
Your laugh rises from the belly of morning and
filters through seeming contentment.
It resonants off the walls of our days
and fills the rooms with your self satisfaction.
Would you like to take a moment out of your comfort
to acknowledge my discomfort
and to lick the blood from my wounds,
the ones you inflicted with a deceptive smile,
and tore open with wayward lips?